

6B U4 复习资料

1. 保持健康stay healthy 2. 室内活动indoor activities 3. 室外活动outdoor activities 4. 做拼图 do puzzles 5. 打网球 play tennis 6. 弹钢琴 play the piano 6B U4复习资料背诵纸

1. 保持健康词性转换

2. 室内活动1. act v. __________ n活动. __________ n. -+(pl)

3. 室外活动_______ adj.活跃的____ n.男演员_____ n.女演员4. 做拼图 2. realadj.__________ adv.

5. 打网球 3. health n 健康_________ a. 健康的 _______ a. 不健康的 6. 弹钢琴 4. funn. __________ adj. 7. 看电视8. 读书 9. 放风筝10. 看电影11. 在操场上打篮球 12. 做模型13. 去野餐14. 收集邮票15. 烧烤 16. 打电脑游戏17. 喜欢做某事18. 健康问题19. 我为什么总是有…?20. 恐怕这是因为… 21. 头痛 22. 胃痛 23. 牙痛 24. 感冒 25. 发烧 26. 喉咙痛27. 吃了太多的辛辣食物 28. 没穿足够的衣服 29. 少看点电视30. 少吃点粽子31. 吃了太多的糖32. 我应该做什么?我应该做…33. 每隔多久34. 一天一次35. 一周两次36. 一个月三次37. 练习做某事watch television read a book fly kites see a film

play basketball in the playground make a model go on a picnic collect stamps have a barbecue

play computer games like/enjoy/love doing sth. health problems

Why do I always have…? It’s because….., I’m afraid. have a headache have a stomach ache have toothache have a cold have a fever

have a sore throat

eat too much spicy food not wear enough clothes watch less television eat fewer rice dumplings eat too many sweets

what should I do?You should do sth. how often once a day twice a week

three times a month practice doing

7. 看电视8. 读书9. 放风筝10. 看电影11. 在操场上打篮球 12. 做模型13. 去野餐14. 收集邮票15. 烧烤16. 打电脑游戏17. 喜欢做某事18. 健康问题19. 我为什么总是有…?20. 恐怕这是因为… 21. 头痛22. 胃痛23. 牙痛24. 感冒25. 发烧26. 喉咙痛27. 吃了太多的辛辣食物28. 没穿足够的衣服 29. 少看点电视30. 少吃点粽子31. 吃了太多的糖 32. 我应该做什么?我应该做…33. 每隔多久34. 一天一次35. 一周两次36. 一个月三次37. 练习做某事5. collect v.__________ n.

6. many/much__________ (比较级) 7. little __________ (比较级) 8. few__________ (比较级)

6B U4本课要点


1. 我不喜欢弹钢琴。 I don’t like playing the piano. 2. 我为什么总是感冒?恐怕是因为你没穿足够的衣服。

Why do I always have a cold? It’s because you don’t wear enough clothes, I’m afraid. 3. 你每隔多久做次锻炼?我一个月锻炼一次。

How often do you exercise? I exercise once a month. 二、知识点:

1. stay 系动词+ 形容词 如: stay healthy 2. like/ enjoy/ love + doing sth 喜欢做某事

3. 太少 too few + 可数名词 too little + 不可数名词 太多 too many+可数名词 too much+不可数名词 too few 和 too little 可以用 not …enough 来改写句子

如: You eat too few vegetables. = You don’t eat enough vegetables.

4. How often 问频率 How far 问距离 How long 问一段时间 How many times提问次数 5.帮助某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth 可与帮助某人某事help sb with sth 句型转换 帮助做某事 help do sth


1. act v. activity n活动. activities n. -+(pl)

actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 active adj.活跃的 2. real adj. really adv.

3. health n 健康 healthy a. 健康的 unhealthy a. 不健康的 4. fun n. funny adj. 5. collect v. collection n.

6. many/much more(比较级) 7. little less(比较级) 8. few fewer(比较级)

6B U4补充练习

I. 词性转换

It’s ______ to jump in the river in hot summer!(fun)

2. I ______ enjoy jogging in the morning because it’s good for me. (real) 3. My favourite indoor __________ is doing puzzles at home. (act) 4. We should eat more ___________ food. (health) 5. He goes to see a film ________ a week. (one)

6. The students are happy to have __________ homework now than before. (little)

7.We shouldn’t have too much fat and sugar every day because they are _________ (health) for us. 8. He also has many dreams in his _________. (collect).

9. Hilary Swank won the Oscar Award for best __________. (act)

II. Choices

( ) 1. Have you ________________ yet today? A. practise to fish B. practised to fish C. practise fishing D. practised fishing ( ) 2. A: _____________ do you go to see your grandparents? B: Three times a week A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How ( )3. A: ________________do you go to the cinema every month? B: TwiceA. How long B. How often C. How many D. How many times ( ) 4. What about _________ a picnic tomorrow?A. go to B. going to C. go on D. going on ( )5. You’ve eaten too ___________ ice cream and too _____________ sweets.A. many…much B. many… much C. much… many D. much…much III. Rewrite the sentences as required:

1. You shouldn’t play too many computer games.(保持原意)

You shouldn’t play computer games _________ ________ _______. 2. You drink too little water. (保持原意) You _________ drink _________ water.

’m afraid.(划线提问)________ ________ I always have a headache? 4. He doesn’t have enough vegetables. (保持原意) He ________ _______ ________ vegetables.

5. The teachers often give us some ideas.(保持原意) The teachers often _______ some ideas _______ us. 6. My mother did some cleaning last night. (否定句)

My mother _________ ________any cleaning last night. (划线提问) ________ ________ will they stay here?


________ _______ _______ you know about Qu Yuan?

9. Sally often helps her mum do the housework. (保持原意)

Sally often _______ her mum _____ the housework.


______ ______do you practise_______the piano? 划线提问)

________ ________ _______ has Mr Smith been to Beijing?

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