



big ____________small ______ ________ new ______________ old______________

tall ____________short______ ________weak ____________ strong ______ ______fat______________

hot ____________cold ______ ________ thin ______________

nice ___________good ______ ________ high______________ low______________

bad ____________much ______ ________ good____________far ______ ________dirty_____ ______

cheap____________ easy ______ ________ ugly ______________

heavy ____________thin ______ ________ clean_______ _______ bright______________

early ___________tidy______ ________ large ____________ happy ______ _______ pretty______________

young _______ _______wet _____ _______ long______ _______

famous___ _ _______ interestingimportantdelicious


1. Fred is the _______(short) in his class .2. My book is _______ (new) than my sister’s .

3. That piece of chicken is the ___________( heavy)in the fridge .

4. Her rule is (long), and it’s the (long)of ours all .

5. Is a fish ______ (thin) than a bird ?

6. A apple tree isn’t _______( short ) than a pear tree .

7. The leopard(美洲豹) can run _______( fast), but the cheetah(非洲猎豹)can run _____( fast) than it . It can run

________( fast ) in the world .

8. Is she the ________(old ) woman in the world ?

9. Which is _______( big ), a dinosaur(恐龙) or a blue whale(鲸)? The blue whale is _________( big ) than a

dinosaur , it is the _______(big) animal in the world . And elephant is the ________(big) animal on land .

10. My father leaves home _______(early ) than me .

11. This zoo is much _______(good ) than the old one .

12. My brother is much _______(tall ) than my cousin .

13. The shoe shop is ________ (near) the park .

14. This bag is very ________( heavy), but that one is _______(heavy) than this one . It’s the ________( heavy) of all .

15. Jia Ming is _______( tall ). But Petter is _______( tall ) than him .

16. Our library has ________(many ) books than before .

17. I sing the _________( good ) in class .

18. The woman is the ________( fat ) of the three .

19. The cat is _________(fast), the horse is _______(fast) than the cat . The leopard is the _______(fast) of the three .

20. Chinese homework is ________(easy). Maths homework is _______(easy) than it . And English homework is the

______(easy)of all .

21. Which is ___________(heavy), a tiger , a lion or a bear ?

22. Who jumps ________(high ) , a kangaroo or a monkey ?


()1. The yellow shoes are________ than the blue ones.A. expensiveB.expensiverC.more expensive ()2. A cow is ________ bigger than a mouse.A. much B. more C. many

()3. Who’s the________, Jean, Joan or Jennet?A. thinner B. thinnest C. thinnest

()4. Tim is ________ than Jack.A. funny B. much funny C. funnier

()5. I’m taller than others in my class. I’m________.A. tall B. tallestC. the tallest

()6. Who can sing better ________Rose?A. thanB. thenC./

()7. I have ________books than you have.A. many B. MuchC. more


( )8. His uncle’s house is very ________.A. old B. older C .oldest

( )9. My bike is ________,but his bike is ________ .A. new, new, B. new, newer, C. new, newest ( )10. Please clean your room. It’s ________now. A .clean B .dirty C. tidy

四. 用所给单词填空

1. You look much ______than before. (thin)

2. The cartoon is ____________than the book. (interesting)

3. Summer is ________ than spring. ( hot)

4. Lily is ______________ than Lucy. ( beautiful )

5. The pizza is _______________ than the cake. ( delicious )

6. The monkey’s tail is ___________ than the rabbit’s tail. ( long )

7. My room is _________ than your room. (clean)

8. Our classroom is ____________ than yours. ( big )

9. The orange is ____________ than the apple. ( small )

10.My book is _____________ than yours. ( new )


1. His uncle is thiner than him. __________

2. My pen is the more expensive of all the pens. _______

3. This story is interesting than that one._________

4. Her English is gooder than Lily._______________

5. He is the stronger in my class. ____________

6. Beccy is the cleverer girl in my class. ___________


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