刑法学 criminal law; penal law
犯罪学 criminology
犯罪心理学 criminal psychology
劳动改造法学 reform-through-labor
中国刑法史 history of chinese criminal law
刑事侦查 criminal detection
司法精神病学 forensic psychiatry
罪刑法定原则 principal of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime罪刑相适应原则 principal of suiting punishment to crime
罪责自负原则 principal of bearing responsibility solely for one’s own crime从旧原则 the doctrine of observing old laws
从新原则 the doctrine of observing new laws
从旧兼从轻原则 the doctrine of observing old laws and new ones when with lighter punishment
从新兼从轻原则 the doctrine of observing new laws and old ones when with lighter punishment
追诉时效 limitation of prosecution
刑事责任 criminal liability/responsibility
刑事责任年龄 age for criminal responsibility
刑事责任能力 criminal responsibility; capacity for criminal responsibility故意犯罪 intentional crime; willful crime
过失犯罪 negligent crime
犯罪构成 constitution of a crime
犯罪主体 subject of a crime
犯罪客体 object of a crime
犯罪的主观方面 subjective elements of a crime
犯罪的客观方面 objective elements of a crime
犯罪对象 target of a crime
犯罪故意 criminal intent; mens rea
直接故意 actual intent; direct intent
间接故意 indirect intent
犯罪过失 criminal negligence
疏忽大意的过失 careless negligence
过于自信的过失 negligence with undue assumption
不能预见 unforeseeable; unpredictable
不能避免 unavoidable
犯罪动机 criminal motive
犯罪目的 criminal intent; criminal purpose
防卫过当 unjustifiable self-defense
紧急避险 act of rescue; necessity
犯罪未遂 attempted crime
犯罪形态 criminal pattern
犯罪预备 a crime in preparation; preparation for a crime
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