


英语2017.01 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)




1. What is the man looking for?

A. His clothes.B. His glasses.

2. What is the man probably going to do?C. His gloves.

A. Travel overseas. B. Look for a new job. C. Adopt a child.

3. Which sweater will the man take?

A. The red one.B. The blue one.C. The yellow one.

4. What do the speakers think of the movie?

A. It‘s wonderful. B. It‘s really super.C. It‘s not satisfying.

5. How does the woman feel about the man?

A. She is proud of him.

B. She is satisfied with him.

C. She is disappointed about him.




6. Whom did people usually marry in Russia in the past?

A. Those with the same interests.

B. Those with the same profession.

C. Those with the same background.

7. What did the woman do when she met her husband?

A. A teacher.B. A scientist. C. A musician.


8. What is the probable relationship between the man and Julia?

A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister.

9. What can we learn about the hotel?

高三英语 第1页 共12页 C. Father and daughter.

A. It‘s wonderful with a view.

B. It‘s far away from the city.

C. It‘s on a noisy street.


10. What day is it today?

A. Thursday. B. Friday.

11. What do we know about the man?

A. He used to go shopping with his friends.

B. He always does his shopping on Saturdays.

C. He is not very fond of going shopping.

12. Why does the man go shopping with the woman?

A. The shop there is holding a big sale.

B. Video games are selling at half price.

C. The new shopping centre is open to the public.


13. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a hotel. B. In a shop.

14. What does the man want to do?

A. Go to his brother‘s graduation.

B. Meet someone from Canada.

C. Invite the woman over to his house.

15. What can we learn about the man‘s sister?

A. She lives in Canada.

B. She has just come back from Canada.

C. She will leave on Sunday.

16. Why can‘t the woman come over?

A. She doesn‘t know the man very well.

B. Her sister is coming to town.

C. She has to go up to a graduation.


17. Which can best describe a tension headache?

A. It occurs repeatedly.

B. It lasts over a month.

C. It causes severe pain.

18. Which is a symptom of tension headache?

A. Loss of consciousness.

B. Increased blood pressure.

C. A pain at the back of the head.

19. What is the cause of rebound headaches?

高三英语 第2页 共12页 C. Saturday. C. At an airport

A. Stressful events.

B. Tensions in the muscles.

C. Too much use of pain medicine.

20. Why is a headache diary helpful for the treatment?

A. It helps one find the cause of his headaches.

B. It reminds one to take medicine on time.

C. It helps remove constant pain.


第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)

请阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. Invest in yourself and hold on to your dreams. ________, stay with those who will encourage

you to go on forward all the way.

A. In fact B. In contrast C. In brief D. In addition

22. To promote a correct understanding of the Basic Law, we need the courage to clarify some

________ points of view and to put the system into practice.

A. artificial B. arbitrary C. ambiguous D. absolute

23. Friendship does not merely ________ a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of self on a very

personal level.

A. involve B. request C. associate D. deliver

24. ________ you recognize an idiom when it is being used, it is easy to misunderstand what

you read or hear spoken.

A. Although B. Because C. Unless D. While

25. It is almost always the case that the police conduct an investigation and look at the evidence

that may suggest who ________ the offence.

A. commits B. commit C. committed D. will commit

26. Learning must bring joy, for we never forget ________ we learn with pleasure.

A. when B. what C. how D. where

27. I think the experiment supports my theory, but I need to ________ the results a couple of

times to make sure that no mistakes were made while collecting the data.

A. get over B. take over C. hand over D. go over

28. —Can you tell me what it means by ―You can check out any time you like but you can never

leave‖ from the song Hotel California?

—It implies that drug users find themselves ________ in a prison from which they cannot escape.

A. to be trapped B. having trapped C. trapped D. trapping

29. In the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, ________ is often called the CN

Tower for short.

A. where B. which C. that D. when

30. —When a police officer or firefighter puts on their uniform, it gives them a sense of

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responsibility and authority.

—________. Just as the saying goes, clothes make the man.

A. I‘m all yours B. I‘m in C. I‘m all ears D. I‘m with you

31. One of the unanswered questions of September 11th is whether there was anything U.S.

intelligence ________ to stop the attacks.

A. must do B. could do C. must have done D. could have done

32. In Beijing opera, performers are required to paint their faces in patterns and colors to help

show the ________ and depths of the characters‘ personalities.

A. dimensions B. certificates C. occupations D. consciences

33. ________ speed and flexibility, China‘s anti-ship missile CM-302 also has a greater

destructive power than others in the market.

A. On the contrary to B. Apart from

C. On behalf of D. Little more than

34. From 650 to 323 BC the Greek civilization made advances in various fields that

_________the world ever since and will continue to do so.

A. influencedB. have influenced

C. had influenced D. are influencing

35. —We know Mrs. Jones is always the first to help anyone in trouble.

—Yes, definitely. She is ________ and respected by all of us.

A. the salt of the earth B. a wet blanket

C. a big potatoD. the apple of our eye

第二节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1 分,满分20 分)

请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Dear Strangers,

I remember you. Eighteen months ago, when my cell phone rang, you were walking into Whole Foods to do your grocery shopping, just as I had been only minutes before you. But I had already my cart full of groceries in the entryway, for my brother was on the other end of the telling me my father had his own life early that morning.

I started to cry and scream as my whole body what I had just learned. You could have kept on walking, my cries, but you didn‘t. You could have simply stopped and stared at my of pain, but you didn‘t. Instead, you surrounded me as I yelled my sobs, ―My father killed himself. He‘s dead.‖

I remember one of you asked for my phone. You needed my husband‘s name as you searched through my I remember that I could hear your as you tried to reach my husband for me, leaving an message for him to call me. I recall hearing you discuss among yourselves who would drive me home in my car and who would that person back to the store. You didn‘t even know one another, and you came around me with the common to help.

In my brought her to me. And I even recall as I sat with her, one of you a gift card for meals

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to Whole Foods. That gift card helped to my family when the idea of cooking was so far my emotional reach.

I never saw you after that. But I know this to be true: Because you out to help, you offered a ray of light in the most moment I‘ve ever experienced. I will never, ever forget you. 36. A. bound 37. A. abandoned 38. A. shop 39. A. cost 40. A. hurt 41. A. umbrella

B. willing B. recovered B. line B. given B. twisted B. control

C. prepared C. pushed C. queue C. saved C. trembled C. protection

D. determined D. filled D. lane D. taken D. fell D. weight

42. A. ignoring B. stopping C. wiping D. comforting 43. A. passion B. dilemma C. separation D. display 44. A. at B. to C. through D. on 45. A. messages B. contacts C. photos D. records 46. A. guesses B. replies C. words D. arguments 47. A. instant B. urgent C. obvious D. abundant 48. A. follow B. send C. pick D. fetch 49. A. belief B. purpose C. interest D. knowledge 50. A. snow B. frost C. wind D. fog 51. A. sent over B. took in C. submitted to D. catered to 52. A. treat B. support C. feed D. keep 53. A. within B. between C. beyond D. above 54. A. reached B. turned C. figured D. checked 55. A. threatening B. discouraging C. surprising D. demanding 第三部分:阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)

请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


An Englishman’s Tales of a Small Yorkshire Village Silas Ackroyd

Silas Ackrovd and his family lived in a small village characterized by cozy sandstone cottages, farmhouses and farm animals and grand gardens. In this collection of personal stories, he recreates a time when things were much more simple and pure. Confession

Zohour Almandil

Confession is an immersive and couching book that shows the contents of author Zohour Almandil‘s heart and how she is able to express her long-pent-up emotions, a rare and very brave moment in the female viewpoint in her society. Sizzlin’ Summer Surprise Alton J. Myers

This historical fiction novel follows a high school teacher during his summer studying at a

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Detroit university. He, and other teachers in this forceful course of academics, find more than they expect when a rebel breaks out in the city.

Sugar Shack

Joyce M. Poindexter Bush

Sugar Shack is a heart-warming story that takes the reader on a trip through the life-changing events that happen to Gwendolyn Cole, a young girl growing up in the small, country town of Warren, Arkansas. Will she stay positive throughout?

Beethoven, Then and Now

Fred Gaertner

In this explosive and fast-paced novel, Fred Gaertner imagines an Earth where it is possible for dead people to return to the world of living. This is exactly what the legendary Beethoven does but with some interesting consequences!

The Amazing Balancing Man

David Linden

The Amazing Balancing Man is the personal story of David Linden balancing pursuing his dreams and putting bread on the table. He followed his dreams and passion of becoming an acrobat and reinventing himself as a stand- up comedian.

56. Which of the following books are about the life of the authors?

A. Confession and Sizzlin’ Summer Surprise.

B. Beethoven, Then and Now and Sugar Shack.

C. The Amazing Balancing Man and An Englishman’s Tales of a Small Yorkshire Village.

D. An Englishman’s Tales of a Small Yorkshrie Village and Sizzlin’ Summer Surprise.

57. What can we learn from the above information?

A. David Linden‘s novel helps himself to realize his dream.

B. Beethoven, Then and Now is in fact a science fiction.

C. Sugar Shack is aimed at the readers in difficult times.

D. Confession describes the author‘s rebel against the male.


The spread of no-maintenance artificial lawns is threatening

wildlife and rare plants, conservationists and gardening experts

are warning. Gardens are an increasingly important shelter for

wildlife which was forced into withdrawing from the countryside

by loss of the natural homes and intensive farming. But the growth

in the popularity of artificial lawns, which look like the real thing but require no cutting, watering or fertilizing, means there‘s no shelter in an increasing number of Britain‘s back gardens.

Tim Rumball, editor of Amateur Gardening magazine, said: ―Artificial grass these days looks great and these days you can buy rolls of it whereas before it was a very specialist thing. It can take people a few minutes to realize they are on an artificial lawn rather than a real one.‖

Besides the impact on wildlife, a damaging impact has also been had on the wider environment because of replacing real grass. Mr Rumball said: ―Lawns matter a lot. Plants change carbon dioxide into oxygen and if all the lawns are taken away in Britain you will significantly affect the carbon levels in the atmosphere. When grass grows longer, it


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insects. If you have an artificial lawn then these insects will be reduced and the whole of the food chain will be affected, especially birds that rely on insects for their diet.‖

Joy Wallis of Dorset Wildlife Trust is also concerned about the trend for artificial grass. ―These days, gardens are a shelter for wildlife.‖ she said. ―Creatures can‘t survive in the countryside because it is so full of chemicals. Birds get absolutely nothing from artificial grass, and they can‘t dig for worms or anything like that. It seems a shame that people feel they haven‘t got the time or the tendency to look after a lawn.‖

Robert Redcliffe of Namgrass, which currently sells 10,000 square meters of artificial grass per week, says business is booming, adding, ―We started five years ago in the UK and it can transform the way you use the garden. There‘s the obvious advantage of no cutting or watering, but also there‘s no mud for children or pets to walk through the house.‖ He disagrees that artificial grass is harmful to the environment and added, ―There are ecological benefits. In the long run the effect of artificial grass is outweighed by not having to use a lawnmower, running water or fertilizers.‖

58. What can we learn from the growing trend for artificial lawns?

A. More people are fed up with the real lawns.

B. More people prefer the lower price of artificial grass.

C. More people believe artificial grass to look really better.

D. More people pay less attention to taking care of the environment.

59. What can be inferred from what Robert Redcliffe says?

A. Wildlife is likely to be threatened.

B. All enjoy the convenience of artificial lawns.

C. He focuses on keeping the balance of ecology.

D. Parents spend more time accompanying children.

60. The author‘s real purpose of writing the passage is to_________.

A. warn the public against damaging the real lawns

B. emphasize the necessity of limiting artificial lawns

C. provide ways of protecting the living environment

D. give the reasons for the popularity of artificial lawns


Robotic surgery is one thing, but sending a robot inside the body to carry out an operation quite another, which has long been a goal of some researchers to produce tiny robotic devices being capable of traveling through the body to deliver drugs or to make repairs without the need for a single cut, the possibility of which has just got a bit closer.

However, unlike the plot of one film—which featured a microscopic crew and submarine traveling through a scientist‘s bloodstream — this device could not be inserted into blood vessels(管)because it is too big. While other types of miniature swallowable robots have been developed in the past, their role has mostly been limited to capturing images inside the body. In a presentation this week to the International Conference, Daniela Rus and Shuhei Miyashita of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology described a robot they have developed that can be swallowed and used to collect dangerous objects accidentally taken in.

To test their latest version, Dr Rus and Dr Miyashita designed a robot as a battery hunter, which might seem to be an odd task, but more than 3,500 people in America alone, most of them

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children, swallow the tiny button cells used in small electronic devices by accident every year. To start with, the researchers created an artificial esophagus(食道)and stomach made out of silicone(硅胶). It was closely modeled on that found in a pig and filled with medical liquid; the robot itself is made from several layers of different materials, including pig intestine(肠), and contains a little magnet. This is folded up and encased in a 10mm×27mm capsule of ice. Once this reaches the stomach the ice melts and the robot unfolds which is moved and guided with the use of a magnetic field outside the body. In their tests, the robot was able to touch a button battery and draw it with its own magnet, and during dragging it along, the robot could then be directed towards the intestines where it would eventually be gotten rid of through the anus(肛门). After it, the researchers sent in another robot loaded with medication to deliver it to the site of the battery burn to speed up healing.

The artificial stomach being transparent on one side, the researchers were able to see the batteries and visually control the robots. If not, that will require help with the help from imaging system, which will be a bit more of a challenge, but Dr Rus and Dr Miyashita are determined to succeed.

61. According to the passage, the robot operation will probably be able to_________.

A. travel through a scientist‘s bloodstream

B. photograph the body to convey to the doctor

C. enter the body to deliver drugs or make repairs

D. operate on a person outside the body completely

62. We learn from Paragraph 3 that _________.

A. the researchers did the experiment on a chosen animal

B. the robot took necessary drugs besides a little magnet

C. digesting the swallowed batteries is difficult for children

D. the actual size of the robot may be larger than the capsule of ice

63. What may the experiment mean to the medical world?

A. The surgeries will cost patients much money.

B. Patients will suffer less for some surgeries.

C. Fewer children will swallow the button cells.

D. A robot will be invented travelling blood vessels.

64. Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. An Experiment on Robot

B. Tiny Robot, Significant Role

C. The Fantastic Robotic Voyage

D. The Exploration of Robot Technology


Nelle Harper Lee, better known by her pen name Harper Lee, was an American novelist widely known for To Kill a Mockingbird, published in 1960. Immediately successful, it won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and has become a classic of modern American literature. In 1991 an organization conducted a survey that made readers identify books that had ―made a difference‖ in their lives. The result? Lee‘s book The Bible. Alongside the works of Shakespeare and Twain, this novel remains one of the most widely taught books nationwide, reaching about

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70% of American public schools. What makes it such a typical read for young people?

English class is a place where young Americans come to know themselves. In the folds of dusty books, students can make contact with humanity beyond the shallow small talk of the school hallways. Disturbed by hormones and anxiety, teenagers get through school with confusion and frustration. Literature is a safety valve(安全阀)—it promises relief, a place to figure out one‘s problems and get to know oneself better.

The novel particularly distinguishes itself in this aspect. It speaks in a child‘s voice without treating its readership as children. Some critics have called it an ?impossible‘ achievement, a children‘s book penned by a well-educated adult — it‘s unlikely that a child like Scout could exist in the real world. But that‘s exactly what makes it such a charming, attractive read for young people. It indicates the consciousness of a well-educated adult facing difficult realities, but describes it through the light and playful voice of a curious little girl.

Gaby Hick, a third-year student focused on English literature at Brown University, calls it ―one of the first books that kids and young adults read that deals with serious issues — rape, race, mental issues‖. She adds, ―The story makes these adult themes accessible because of Scout.‖ The book‘s setting, a small town in Alabama affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, may appear very different from the experience of most kids reading it today. But Lee‘s words make her story feel alive and present.

In 2006, however, critic Thomas Mallon expressed his regret about the book‘s avoiding moral complexity in The New Yorker. But her novel makes a great teaching tool for teenagers precisely because its moral view is as clear as that of one of Aesop‘s fables. That absence of ambiguity in this novel doesn‘t mean the novel is free of challenging ideas, either. Will Serratelli, another literature student at Brown says, ―There aren‘t many hard moral questions being asked…but it opens up all these other questions that I hadn‘t thought about before. My English teachers always asked, ?Do you sympathize with this character? Would you want to hang out with them?‘ When you give a kid a book where those questions don‘t even need to be asked, .‖

Mallon‘s criticism is accurate in that this novel may present too limited a view of racism in America. That‘s especially problematic because it is one of the only books consistently assigned to American students that acknowledges racial discrimination at all. However, To Kill a Mockingbird may owe some of its popularity as a teaching text to the fact that the narrative voice is a white one. Naomi Varnis, an African Studies student at Brown says, ―It‘s another practice of telling stories about black people through white central characters,‖ she says.

While the novel is undoubtedly worth its place in the classroom, English teachers may do well to consider that it is a white author‘s perspective—and ought to be the only beginning of a dialogue about race and never the final word. But as a gateway to more mature ideas, and as a YA (young adult) distillation(提炼)of complex concepts young people may not have grasped before, Lee‘s novel is invaluable. 65. According the passage, the novel To Kill a Mockingbird can help us_________.

A. know more about the past U.S. economic situation

B. understand what the real personality of human is

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C. reduce much anxiety for fear of losing ourselves

D. find and deal with some other complicated questions

66. What does the underlined word ―trailed‖ most probably mean in Paragraph 1?

A. Was as good as. B. Tried hard to defeat.

C. Went along the same route as. D. Had a lower score than.

67. What can we conclude from Will Serratelli‘s statement underlined in Paragraph 5?

A. The kids are motivated to think further.

B. The kids have to face more moral questions.

C. The kids tend to sympathize with the characters.

D. The kids are unwilling to answer challenging questions.

68. Why is the novel well received by teenagers in the US?

A. Because it reveals racial discrimination in America.

B. Because it makes some serious adult issues accessible.

C. Because a white author tells the stories about black people.

D. Because it is widely used as a tool for moral judgments in society.

69. Who points out straight the shortcoming of the novel?

A. Thomas Mallon. B. Naomi Varnis. C. Will Serratelli. D. Gaby Hick.

70. What is the author‘s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To tell us about the content of the novel.

B. To introduce some different comments.

C. To explain the reasons for its popularity.

D. To approve of the creative writing style.

第四部分:任务型阅读(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

Are we more narcissistic than ever before?

Like the flower, narcissism(自恋)has continued to flourish in modern civilization, which has become such a part of culture. But narcissism in psychology is more than a single question can capture, which really has three types of narcissism. Problems arise when people discuss narcissism without identifying the form.

Grandiose(浮夸)narcissism is the outgoing, extraverted(外向)form. The narcissistic individual believes he or she is smarter, better looking and more important than others. And, of course, he or she gets special treatment for this fact. In fact, some of them can be very charming, likable and enjoy people. On the opposite side, narcissistic relationships are often not very emotionally warm or caring.

Vulnerable(脆弱)narcissism is the second flavor of narcissism. It is harder to see than grandiose narcissism. Vulnerable narcissists think they have the right to get special treatment and greatness but actually have low self-confidence and are not typically extraverted. Imagine someone living in his mum‘s small room. He spends his evenings watching X Factor believing he should be the next famous star singing act. Unfortunately, he hasn‘t the confidence to do it and instead becomes a net citizen, who posts offensive, controversial, or divisive materials on an Internet community.

The third form of narcissism occurs when narcissism is extreme and causes clinically

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serious problems in a person‘s life – marriages fall apart, friends are lost, a career is over. When this occurs narcissism can be identified as a personality disorder – narcissistic personality disorder (also known as NPD), containing a mix of both grandiose and vulnerable narcissism,

Can you change narcissism or NPD? There is no simple answer to this. For grandiose narcissism, what I often do is suggest practicing caring and compassion, doing what you are passionate about rather than what gets you attention and being responsible for your mistakes as well as successes. For vulnerable narcissism I would add to this list with practices that reduce depression and anxiety. Develop a sense of belonging or a friendship network; participate in physical exercise; or practice a form of emptying your mind of thoughts and feelings. For NPD, there is no single, scientifically affirmed treatment of choice. But pay attention to the following. First, people with NPD are often reluctant to enter treatment because in their mind they do not have a problem – everyone else does. Second, it is challenging for doctors to keep individuals with NPD in treatment.

Narcissism is increasing and while social media hasn‘t been proven to actually create narcissists, it does give them a new platform to gain attention and admiration. Still, I remain optimistic that people can change if they are motivated, have the right tools, and know what type of narcissism they are dealing with.

第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)


高三英语 第11页 共12页

When 11-year-old Trevor begins 7th grade, his social studies teacher Eugene gives the class an assignment to design and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better. Trevor thinks hard and comes up with a plan. Trevor‘s plan is a charitable program based on the networking of good deeds. Trevor does a favor for three people, asking each of them to pay the favor forward by doing favors for three other people, and so on, along a branching tree of good deeds. His first good deed is to let a homeless man named Jerry live in his garage, and Jerry pays the favor forward by doing car repairs for Trevor‘s mother. Trevor then selects Eugene as his next target and tricks Eugene and Arlene, Trevor‘s mother, divorced and single now, into a romantic dinner date. After her date with Eugene, Arlene paid Jerry‘s favor forward by forgiving her own mother, Grace, for her mistakes in raising Arlene, and Grace, who is homeless, helps a gang member and the gang member then saves a girl‘s life in a hospital, and the girl's father gives the reporter his new car…


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,同时提供理由或论据, 内容包括:




1. 写作过程中不能直接引用本试卷中原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 把答案写在答题卡上,不必写标题。



高三英语 第12页 共12页



第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20 分)

1—5 BAACC 6—10 BAACB 11—15 CBBCB 16—20 CACCA


第一节 单项填空

21—25 DCACC 26—30 BDCBD 31—35 DABBA

第二节 完形填空

36—40 CABDC 41—45 DADCB 46—50 CBABD 51—55 ACCAB


56—57 CB 58—60 DAB61—64 CDBC 65—70 CDABAC


71. complicated / complex 72. Features/ Characteristics 73. specially 74. lack

75. hidden/concealed76. deserves 77. responsibility 78. relax 79. refuse

80. changed/changeable


One possible version

That‘s a touching story about an 11-year-old boy who designed and carried out the ―Pay it Forward‖ program and tried to make a difference to change the world for the better.

Trevor‘s idea is brilliant. It‘s like an invisible bond which connects everyone together and enables kindness to widespread in every corner of the world. He not only puts his genius idea into action by doing a favor for three people, but also appeals to the recipients of favor to pay the favor forward.

In my view, to change the world for the better, first and foremost, we should change ourselves for the better. So I will make a checklist of the bad habits I need to get rid of and the things I want to learn, which can motivate me to do some small changes every day. I will also appeal to my classmates to follow me by posting our checklists online and push each other to be a better self.

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(Text 1)

M: Did you see my glasses? I put them here but they are gone.

W: Are you kidding on me? You are wearing them right on your nose!

(Text 2)

M: What do I have to do to apply for a passport?

W: You‘ll need proof of citizenship, either an old passport or a birth certificate and three

photographs. Then you must complete this form and pay a fee.

(Text 3)

W: May I help you?

M: Yes, please. Does this sweater come in yellow?

W: No, we don‘t have it in yellow, only in red and blue.

M: OK, I‘ll have the red one. (Text 4)

M: Have you ever seen the movie ―Captain America‖?

W: Yes, just a couple of days ago.

M: How did you find it?

W: Honestly, I didn‘t think much of it. It‘s all about fantasy and special effects.

M: Can‘t agree more. Superheroes, Superheroes but Superheroes don‘t exist.

(Text 5)

W: Do you know who says ―Life is like a box of chocolates that you will never know what you

gonna get‖?

M: Is it an advertisement of certain chocolate?

W: Jesus! You are really a genius! What have you been doing all these years in school?


听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7两个小题。

(Text 6)

M: I have a question. Could people in Russia marry anyone they wanted?

W: Actually, in the past, people usually married a person with the same profession. For example,

a teacher would marry another teacher; a government worker would marry another government worker. My parents are both musicians.

M: How about you and your husband?

高三英语 第14页 共12页

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  • 上一篇:安徽省安庆一中、安师大附中2017届高三1月阶段性测试理科数学试
  • 下一篇:江苏省苏北四市(徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2017届高三上学期期末