

Book 2 M 3过关检测




3) 单选、完型注意思考考点所在。


1. Mozart_____________ (作曲) many pieces of music in his life.

2. I recognize that _____________(曲调)but I can’t remember the name of it.

3. I like pop and rock music, not ____________ (古典音乐) music.

4. The teacher found Tom had a ___________ (天赋) for painting.

5. The teacher found the boy had a _______________(音乐的) talent.

6. What you say and do will _____________(影响) your child.

7. This is a _____________ (复杂的) problem. Nobody knows how to solve it.

8. Hurry up!There is not a moment to_______________ (失去).

9. The _______________ (听众) was enthusiastic for the opening of the play.

10.Which ______________(乐队)do you like best.

11. ____________(农民) lead a peaceful life in the country.

12. Einstein was really a ____________(天才).

13. Beethoven was one of the greatest _____________(音乐家) in the 18th century.

14. His father is a famous _______________(指挥).

15. Some of these pills shouldn’t be ________________(混合)with drinks. II. 完成句子(共6小题;每小题2分,满分12分)

16. 你知道如何将水蒸气变成水吗?

Do you have any idea how to water?

17. 他读故事书入迷了。He ___________________________a storybook.

18. 有时我们可以把工作和娱乐结合起来。

We can sometimes businesspleasure.

19. 直到上个星期天我才知道他病了。(强调句)

not until last SundayI knew he was ill.


He is a talented musician a photographer.


Would you mind_______________ placesme so I can sit next to my friend?III.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

22. He is famousus all. He is famous

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