




A. 常用名词

1. 介绍、引入、导入_introduction to 2. 定义__definition__ 3. 概念___concept__

4. 主题、话题__topic; theme; subject__ 5. 标题___title___ 6. 原因__cause___ of

___reason___for 7. 借口__ excuse __

8. 结果,影响,效果

have__effect/influence/impact____on 9. 过程_in the process of __

10. 程序;手续; ___procedure_____ 11. 步骤___step________

12. 结局,后果as a result/consequence_; the

outcome of

13. 进展.发展__ development _ 14. 线索____clue___________ 15. 证据;迹象____evidence_、proof__________ 16. 说明,指令,指示


17. 联系,连接___ connection ___________ 18. 结论___ conclusion ___________ 19. 判断(力) ___ judgment ____________ 20. 分析____ analysis ___________ 21. 解释,说明__ explanation _____ 22. 比较__ comparison ___

23. 例子_ example /instances___ 24. 样品__ sample __

25. 论点,要点__ point __

26. 焦点___ focus ____________

27. 议论,论据,理由___ argument ____ 28. 解决办法,答案_ solution/approach to doing

Ways/methods/means of doing Ways/how to do

29. 措施;方法; 办法__measures/steps/action_


30. 描述_ description __ 31. 事实___ fact ___ 32. 节目单,议程,计划日程_ program(me)____ 33. 议程;日常工作事项 ___agenda__

34. 日常工作;惯例;常规___routine________ 35. 进步___ progress ___

36. 提议,建议__ proposal ____

37. 建议__ suggestions/tips/advice on___ 38. 比例_ proportion __

39. 口信,短信,旨意_ message __ 40. 信息,消息__ information 41. 材料,素材___ material 42. 细节,详情 in __ detail __ 43. 目的,意图_ purpose __

44. 意图,打算 ____intention_______ 45. 目的,目标_ goal /target/aim__

46. 优势,长处,有利条件___ advantage ___ 47. 利益;好处 _____benefits__________ 48. 不利条件__ disadvantage


49. 优缺点strengths and weaknesses、

advantages and disadvantages 50. 设备__ equipment /facilities__ 51. 器材__instrument__

52. 形势,局势__ situation ___

53. 条件,状况,形势__ condition ___ 54. 观点,见解__ view ______

55. 意见;__viewpoints/ opinions/views______ 56. 态度__attitude__toward 57. 目的地___destination__ 58. 路线,航线___route____

59. 过程,经过.课程 inthe __course___ of 60. 科目,学科__subject___ 61. 方向in the __direction_ of

62. 用法,指示,说明书_directions__ 63. 数目 __number__

64. 数字,形状,图形 __figure__ 65. 组织 _organization_

66. 结构,构造 __structure_ 67. 功能 ___function__

68. 原理,原则 __principle_ 69. 团体,机构 ___institute__

70. 通知,公告 __announcement__ 71. 特征 _features__

72. 计量 __measurement_ 73. 状态,形态 __state___ 74. 形状 __shape___

75. 大小,尺寸,型号____size___

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76. 高度 ____ height ___________ 77. 重量 ____weight___________ 78. 长度 ___length____________ 79. 宽度 ___width____________ 80. 深度 ____depth________

81. 数量 _____ amount(quantity)__________ 82. 质量 ___quality____________

83. 类型,种类 __type, variety, sort, kind__ 84. 分类;等级;范畴 __category/classification_ 85. 形式 ___form

86. 风格,款式,式样 _style____

87. 民族,国籍___ nationality _______ 88. 性别 ___sex____________ 89. 男性 ___male____________ 90. 女性 ___female____________ 91. 职业,工作 ___ occupation/job/ profession_ 92. 地址 ____address___________

93. 位置,场所,方位 ____location____ 94. 位置,方位,地位,身份,职位 _position__ 95. 职员 ___staff____________ 96. 场面,现场 scene____

97. 场所,地点 on the _____spot_______ 98. 气候 ___climate___

99. 周围环境 _surroundings__ 100. 风景,景色 _scenery___

101. 风景,地貌 ___landscape___兴趣 102. 兴趣 ____interests___________ 103. 业余爱好 _hobbies______________ 104. 偏爱(物),喜好 _preference___for

105. 感觉,感受,意识____sense___________ 106. 感觉,感情 __feeling_____________ 107. 情感,爱情 __affection_____________for 108. 情绪,情感 ___emotion____________ 109. 激情,热情 __passion_____________ 110. 期待,希望 ____expectation___________ 111. 举止,行为,习惯__behavior__ 112. 自然,天性,本性,性质 ___nature_ 113. 性格 __character__

114. 个性;品格___personality___ 115. 特征 _characteristic__

116. 回忆,往事 _memories___

117. 度数,程度,等级学位 ___degree___ 118. 年级,成绩,评语 __grade___ 119. 分数,成绩___mark___ 120. 内容,目录 __content___ 121. 项目,条目 _items___ 122. 经历,经验 _experience__

123. 时代,时期 __ times(ages)____ 124. (一段)时期,时间 __ period ______ 125. 合作者,伙伴 __partner___

合作关系________ partnership 126. 亲戚,亲属 ___relative____ 127. 勇气,胆量 __courage___ 128. 压力 ___pressure__

129. 灰心,气馁 __discouragement___ 130. 发现,被发现之事 __discovery___ 131. 发明;发明物__invention____ 132. 供应(品) _____supplies__________ 133. 提供,出价___offers____________ 134. 收入 ___income____________ 135. 开支,开销,花费____expense___________ 136. 出口(商品) __ export(s)_____________ 137. 进口(商品) _ import(s)______________ 138. 税率,费率____rate___________ 139. 税_____tax__________

140. 价格 _price______________ 141. 代价,价格,成本_____ cost(s)__________ 142. 利润 make ____profit___________ 143. 亏损___loss____________

144. 产品,产量 __product_____________ 145. 农产品 __produce___

146. 生产,产品____production___________ 147. 消费 ____consumption___________ 148. 消费者___consumer____________ 149. 顾客 __customer_____________ 150. 投诉者___complainant____________ 151. 要求___ demand ____________ 152. 投诉___ complaints ____________ 153. 冲突,矛盾__ conflict _____________ 154. 解决___ settlement ____________

155. 处理,治疗____ treatment ___________ 156. 重大事件 __events_____________ 157. 意义 _significance______________ 158. 成就___achievement____________ 159. 差异 __difference_____________ 160. 相似,相同___similarity____________ 161. 一致 ___agreement____________ 162. 分歧___disagreement____________ 163. 用法 ___usage____________ 164. 使用_____use/employ__________ 165. 注意(事项) _____caution__________

166. 回答,回复_____reply、answer_________

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167. 响应;回应in _response/reaction_____ to 168. 能力______ability___________

169. 可能性___ possibility ____________ 170. 尝试_____attempt__________

171. 试验___experiment________on/with 172. (实验)结果___findings/results___ 173. (实验)人员____participants____

174. (实验)主题(对象)______subject______ 175. 结论___conclusion_________ 176. 概要____summary_________

177. 调查____research/investigation_________ 178. 研究____study/research_________

179. 问卷调查____survey/questionnaire_______ 180. 平均数on (the/an) _____average________ 181. 总计,总数in _____total__________ 182. 速度at the ___speed____________ of 183. 频率__frequency_____________ 184. 灾难_____disaster__________

185. 幸存者____survivor___________幸存者 186. 营救,救助_____rescue__________ 187. 预防(方案) ____prevention___________ 188. 损失,损害_____damages__________ 189. 死亡(事例) _____deaths__________ 190. 洪水,水灾____flood___________ 191. 旱灾_____drought__________ 192. 人口___ population ____________ 193. 流行程度;人气_____popularity_____ 194. 就业___employment_______ _____

195. 失业,失业率,失业人数_ unemployment 196. 调查___survey____________ 197. 数据,资料______data_________ 198. 策略___strategy____________ 199. 政策___policy____________

200. 申请者,应征者,志愿者___applicant____ 201. 志愿者,自愿参加者____volunteer_______ 202. 组织者____organizer___________ 203. 参与者____participant___________ 204. 传统by ___tradition____________ 205. 宗教______religion_________ 206. 阶段,舞台___stage____________ 207. 水平____level___________ 208. 缺点,毛病find______faults_________with 209. 范围,(价格,气温等变化)幅度___range___ 210. 资源____ resources ___________ 211. 源头,来源,出处_____ source __________ 212. 多样化;多样性____variety/diversity_____ 213. 一代人_______________gap B. 常用动词

214. 增加______increase________

215. 降低,下降______decrease_________ 216. 减少____reduce___

217. 除掉,移去,转移____remove___ 218. 吸收__absorb_ 219. 释放___release__

220. 称……(重) __weigh_____ 221. 分类___sort/classify____ 222. 上升____rise__________ 223. 下降______drop_________ 224. 取胜,赢_____win__________

225. 失去,输掉(比赛等) ______lose_________ 226. 吸引______attract_________ 227. 想象__imagine_____________ 228. 重建___rebuild___________ 229. 创造___create____________

230. 建立,成立____found___________ 231. 形成,养成___form____________ 232. 培养,开发____develop___________ 233. 改变__change_____________ 234. 改革____reform___________

235. 覆盖,采访,涵盖____cover___________ 236. 记录____record___________

237. 破坏,打破__break_____________ 238. 破坏,毁掉____destroy___________ 239. 损坏___damage____________

240. 毁灭__ruin_____________传播,扩散 241. 传播,扩散____ spread ___________ 242. 广播_____broadcast__________ 243. 通知___inform____________

244. 宣布,通报___announce____________ 245. 扩展,扩大___expand____________ 246. 加强___strengthen____________ 247. 解决,平息__ settle _____________ C.常用形容词/副词

248. 成功的___successful____________ 249. 满意的___satisfied____________ 250. 失望的___disappointed____________

251. 基本的,不可或缺的,重要的


252. 自然的__natural_____________ 253. 人工的,人造的__man-made/ artificial____ 254. 想象的____imaginary___________ 255. 可考虑的___considerable____________

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256. 体贴的____considerate___________ 257. 可能的__possible_____________ 258. 潜在的__potential_____________

259. 积极的,正面的_____positive__________ 260. 消极的负面的__negative_____________ 261. 窄的____narrow___________

262. 身体的,体力的_____physical__________ 263. 精神的,心理的_____mental__________ 264. 在身体方面,从身体上


265. 在精神(心理)上_____mentally__________ 266. 健康的________healthy_______ 267. 残疾的___disabled____________ 268. 可怕的____terrible___________

269. 恐怖的,可怕的________horrible_______ 270. 令人惊讶的____surprising___________ 271. 令人吃惊的___astonishing____________ 272. 感到惊讶的___amazed____________ 273. 害怕的___scared____________ 274. 紧张的(不安定)___ nervous(upset)______ 275. 舒适的____comfortable___________ 276. 放松的___relaxed____________ 277. 悲惨的______miserable_________ 278. 可爱的____lovely__ ________

279. 淘气的,顽皮的_naughty _ ___________ 280. 容易相处的,平易近人的____

accessible(easygoing)_ arbitrary__________ 281. 固执的,武断的_______________ 282. 古代__ancient_____________ 283. 现代的___modern____________ 284. 文化的__cultural_____________ 285. 历史的____historical___________ 286. 全国性的__national_____________ 287. 个人的_____personal__________

288. 私人的,私立的___private____________ 289. 公共的___public____________

290. 方便的,便捷的______convenient_____ 291. 可利用的,有空的,可得到的


292. 及其,非常______extremely_________ 293. 经常,频繁地_____frequently__________ 294. 严格地___strictly____________ 295. 剧烈地_____fiercely__________

296. 小心地,谨慎地____cautiously_______ 297. 随意地,不拘小节地


298. 国外___ abroad ____________ 299. 乐观的___optimistic____________ 300. 悲观的___pessimistic____________

301. 永久的,不变的___ permanent _________ 302. 临时的,暂时的____ temporary ________ 303. 固定的,定期的___ regular ____________ 304. 有效的;可获得的;可利用的

___available__ to

305. 区域的_____regional__________

306. 环保的_____environmental__________ 307. 可循环利用的____recycled___________ 308. 传统的______traditional_________ 309. 金融的____financial___________ 310. 经济的______economic_________




accompany→ companyachieve→ achievement acquire→ acquisition adapt→ adaptation add→ addition adjust→ adjustment admit→ admission admire→ admiration advertise→ advertisement advise→ advice affect→ affection agree→ agreement amuse→amusement analyse→analysis apologize →apologyappear →appearance apply →applicationappoint →appointment appreciate →appreciation approve →approval argue →argument arrange →arrangement arrive →arrival assess →assessment assist →assistance associate →association assume →assumptionastonish →astonishment attend →attendance attract→attraction bathe →bath bear →birth behave →behaviour believe →belief bleed →blood breathe →breath

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build →building celebrate→ celebration

collect→collection commit→commitment

compete→competition complain→complaint

conclude→conclusion confuse→confusion

connect→connection consider→consideration

consult→consultation contain→container

correct →correction count →counter

criticize →criticism decide →decision

defend →defense deliver →delivery

destroy→destruction determine →determination

devote →devotion dictate →dictation

direct →direction disappear →disappearance

discover →discovery discuss →discussion

distribute →distribution divide →division

educate →education elect →election

emphasize →emphasis employ →employment

enquire→enquiry enter→entrance

equip →equipment examine→examination

exhibit→exhibition exist→existence

expect→expectation explain→explanation

expose→exposure express→expression

fail →failure feel →feeling

free →freedom govern →government

greet →greeting grow →growth

hesitate →hesitation identify →identification

illustrate →illustration impress →impression

injure →injury inspect→inspection

insure→insurance intend→intention

introduce→introduction invent→invention

judge→judgement know→knowledge

liberate →liberation locate →location

marry →marriage mean →meaning

mix →mixture motivate →motivation

occupy →occupationopen →opening

organize/organise →organization/organization

pack →package paint →painting

please →pleasure pollute→pollution

produce →production prefer →preference

present →presentation press →pressure

protect →protection punish →punishment

receive →reception refer →reference

require →requirement reserve →reservation

satisfy →satisfaction separate →separation

settle →settlement sign →signature

solve →solution speak →speech

starve →starvation state →statement choose→ choice communicate→communication concentrate→concentration ongratulate→congratulation construct→construction contribute→contribution create →creationdecorate →decoration describe→descriptiondevelop →development differ →differencedisagree →disagreement distinguish →distinction donate →donation embarrass →embarrassment encourage→encouragement entertain →entertainment excite→excitement expand→expansion explore→exploration extend→extension fly →flight graduate →graduation guide →guidance ignore →ignorance inform →information instruct→instruction interrupt→interruption invite→invitation laugh →laughter lose →loss meet →meetingmove →movement operate →operation own →ownership permit →permission possess→possession prepare →preparation pronounce →pronunciation qualify →qualification regulate →regulation review →revision serve →servicesimplify →simplification spell →spelling strengthen →strength

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succeed →success suffer →suffering suggest →suggestion

summarize →summary survive →survival tend →tendency

threaten →threat tolerate→tolerance train→training

transform→transformation translate →translation treat →treatment

turn →turning unite →union violate →violation

warn →warning weight →weight


able →ability absent →absence academic →academy accessible →access accurate →accuracy agricultural →agriculture

anxious →anxiety athletic →athlete attractive →attraction

beautiful →beauty beneficial →benefit brave →bravery

cautious →caution central →centre challenging →challenge

cheerful →cheer chemical →chemistry cloudy →cloud

comfortable→comfort convenient→convenience dangerous→dangerdark→darkness dead →death definite →definition

delighted →delight disabled →disability dusty →dust

economic →economy electrical →electricity emotional →emotion

energetic →energy equal →equality evident →evidence

facial →face fantastic →fantasy financial →finance

foggy →fog fortunate →fortunefree →freedom

friendly →friendliness funny →fun happy →happiness

harmonious →harmony healthy →health high →height

humorous →humor hungry →hunger independent →independence

just →justice kind →kindness long →length

major →majority merciful →mercy national→nation

optional→option ainful →pain patient →patience

peaceful →peace personal →personality physical →physics

poisonous →poison political →politics poor →poverty

practical →practice proud →pride racial →race

reasonable →reason religious →religion selfish →self sensitive →sense skillful→skillsocial→society

sorry →sorrow southern →south spiritual →spirit

strong →strength systematic →system tasty →taste technical →technology terrible →terror theoretical →theory

traditional→tradition true→truth universal→universe

valuable →value various →variety violent →violence

voluntary →volunteer warm →warmthweak →weakness

wealthy →wealth weekly →week wide →width wise →wisdom woolen →wool young →youth

华罗庚中学任务型阅读专题训练三 ------任务型阅读转换训练


1. It’s the conscientious worker who helps newcomers or updates people who return after an absence, who gets to work on time and never abuses sick leaves, who always gets things done on deadline.

→Conscientious people are very __________________to others.

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2. This is what today’s leaders must consider: How to lead in new ways that focus less on themselves, but more on the betterment of a healthier whole.

→For leaders, more focus on the betterment of a healthier whole should be taken into .

3. Conservationists are looking for ways in which people can use the forests without destroying them.

→Conservationists are trying to use the forests without causing .

4. The highest levels of happiness are found with the most stable and satisfying relationships.

→The __________________happiness lies in the most stable and satisfying relationships.

5. A professor might still “teach” a class, but most of the interaction will happen online.

→When teaching a class, professors will _________________with students mostly online.

6. Is it possible for the police to find the lost boy?

→Is there any ______________________that the police will find the lost boy??

7. Tom was admitted to the university, and he was glad.

→Tom was glad about his _____________________to the university.

8. Studies have shown that the presence of natural green spaces and plants is connected with a 50 per cent reduction in the incidents of violent crime.

→The incidents of violent crime have ______________________in places where there are natural green spaces and plants.

9. After three hours of waiting for the train, our patience was finally exhausted.

→After three hours of waiting for the train, we became more and more .

10. When leaders are only looking out for themselves and lack any sense of commitment to the advancement of their employees—this shuts off employees quickly.

→Be ______________________to helping your employees grow.

11. Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the idea that there is Yeti.

→Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence that support the_____________________of Yeti.

12. The Senator argued with the President about the new tax bill.

→The issue brought about a heated .

13. Positive, negative, and neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are.

→Messages from others help you ________________________who you are.

14. Studies from the Positive Psychology Center showed that discouraged people who wrote down three good things that happened to them each day for six months reported an improved attitude.

→______________________ on the positive and your attitude would be improved when you fix your attention on good things.

15. In time of war, one should fight in defense of his country.

→Whenever war breaks out, everyone should fight to ______________________his country.

16. The viewers who watch it five times a week learn more than those who watch it occasionally.

→_____________________________ viewers learn more than occasional ones.

17. However, the travel rush usually begins up to two weeks before that, and will last 40 days beginning from Jan. 11 to Feb. 19.

→The travel rush begins from Jan. 11 and ends on Feb. 19, __________________40 days.

18. Scientists have only recently been able to gain access to the area.

→The area has been ___________________________to scientists only recently.

19. Look, a new theatre is being constructed there. Soon, we can enjoy good movies anytime.

→Look, a new theatre is under _________________________there. Soon, we can enjoy good movies anytime.

20. Too many leaders waste too much of their valuable time trying to act like other leaders in the organization—rather than attempting to establish their own identity and leadership style.

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→Don’t _________________________other leaders and stand up for what you believe in.

21. Because of the economic crisis, many people had to look for a temporary job.

→The economic crisis made it hard to find a_________________ job.

22. Many people need guidance in choosing a career (职业). Fortunately, there is much information on the Web about job opportunities. With all the information available, it’s not surprising that people can feel confused.

→There is a lot of job information online, but too much of it may sometimes be ____________________ .

23. Everything in the house was neat and tidy. But the naughty boy changed it thoroughly.

→The naughty boy left everything in the house in a _________________ .

24. Don’t lie in the strong sunlight for long time, which will do much harm to your skin.

→ _________________of the body to strong sunlight for long time can be harmful to your skin.

25. Everyone should hand in his homework by May 30th, or he will be punished.

→The_________________________ for the homework is May 30th.

26. Research shows that when people work with a positive mindset(思维模式), performance on nearly every level—productivity, creativity, involvement—improves.

→Research findings: People perform better when thinking____________ .

27. In 1969 Apollo Ⅱ took three men to the moon successfully.

→The United States______________________ in putting three men on the moon.

28. Those who’d shared the wealth felt much happier at the end of the day than those who’d spent it on themselves.

→Your spirit will be inspired by the wealth.

29. Employees desire to know what is expected of them and be given the opportunity to better themselves, rather than be told they are not qualified for new roles and responsibilities.

→Employees desire to know their leaders’ expectations of them and want to get to better themselves.

30. All you have to do is to take control of your emotions and make them positive instead of letting them control you.

→You have to control your emotions and make them positive instead of being by them.

二、 信息归纳题专练

1. Socialize and think in a positive way. Apart from giving presents to yourself, buy others some gifts. Concentrate on the present and future. Spend your spare time doing what you like.

→The things discussed above are ___________________to lifting up your mood.

2 Burt’s Bees’s then-CEO, John Wolfgang, took a different approach. Each day, he’d send out an e-mail praising a team member for work related to global marketing. He’d interrupt his own presentations to remind his managers to talk with their teams about the company’s values. He asked me to further a three-hour session with employees on happiness in the course of the expansion effort.

→John Wolfgang was _______________________ of his assistants’ feelings.

3. It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel(方向盘), his car becomes the additional part of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering wheel. They swear, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and completely selfish. All their hidden anger, disappointments and envies seem to be exposed by the act of driving.

→ __________________for so many road accidents are that a man tends to become ill-mannered and behave in an aggressive way when driving a car and that all the hidden anger, disappointments and envies are exposed by the act of driving.

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4. The program is intended to prevent accidental injuries and deaths.

→The ___________________of the program is that we prevent accidental injuries and deaths.

5. Doctor Black says the studies show that food programs need to place the greatest importance on the first two years of life. It is high time their diets were improved. Diets should include foods rich in vitamin A and other useful vitamins and minerals. The researchers say early help such as this could reduce child deaths by 25%.

→The ____________________to save children are that diets should be improved and that diets should contain food with rich vitamins and minerals.

6. ID systems are used as a means for people to prove their identity, as a means of access control, or for many other situations. ID cards can also contain a lot more information than simply the name of the holder.

→ _______________________ to ID systems.

7. IC (Integrated Circuit) Microprocessor Cards (chip cards) offer a larger memory and better security than the traditional magnetic stripe cards do. Chip cards can also hold data. These cards are used for many things. Thus, chips have been the main platform for cards that hold a secure digital identity. Some examples of these cards are: Cards that hold money. Cards that provide safe access to a network. Cards that allow setting stop boxes on televisions to remain safe from privacy.

→ The passage informs us of the ____________________of cards.

8. Additionally, more than 40 per cent of the parents didn’t know how to help their children to prepare well for sports activities. For instance, they don’t know how to have their children warm up or realize the importance of a playground-check before sports activities.

→ The passage states the _______________________ of sports activities.

9. Advertising is the business of drawing public attention to goods and services, and performed through various media.

→The statement tells us the _____________________of advertising.

10. In my opinion, cultural differences should simply be seen a way of making his life interesting.

→Right ____________________towards cultural differences is that we see cultural differences a way of making our life interesting.

11. So it can be concluded that we should try our best to learn and master two more languages.

→The _________________________ is that we should try our best to learn and master two more languages.

12. One of the most popular forms of charitable giving in use today is child sponsorship as witnessed by the fact that just one of the leading child sponsorship charities currently has over 1 million individual child sponsors worldwide.

→Current _______________________of child sponsorship..

13. Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on their own. Still others like a democratic discussion type of class.

→No one teaching method can be devised to _______________________all students at the same time.

14. Some feel that they haven’t eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat. Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggplant, and fresh fruit. Others could live on what were called fast foods: a hamburger or hot dog, French fries and a soft drink.

→People have different ________________________ in food.

15. Cathy Moulton from Diabetes UK suggests that people with diabetes do a minimum of 30 minutes of appropriate physical activity for at least five days of the week.

→Cathy Moulton’s ________________________on controlling diabetes is that for five days a week, people with diabetes should do at least 30-minute’s physical activity.

Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.


16. Travelling is not a task to be accomplished; it can be an enjoyable and memorable experience for both you and your pets as long as you have the right attitude.

→Right attitude can ___________________you an enjoyable and memorable travelling experience.

17. But other studies show that, contrary to the belief of many physicians, a great majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about serious illness, and feel cheated when they learn that they have been misled. We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness; help them tolerate pain better with less medicine, and even recover faster after surgery.

→The paragraph tells of the reasons _________________________lying to patients.

18. A code(规则,准则) which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate. Here are a few examples of some things that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through inflexible annual tests for safety.

→ ______________________ that should be taken to reduce road accidents are that the driving test should be standardized and made much more difficult and all the drivers should take a test every three years.

19. The world population is rising, so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.

→Today the problem of environment has become more and more______

20. Most scientists are now certain that global warming is taking place. Gases such as carbon dioxide produced by burning of coal, oil, wood, together with industrial pollution, are creating a warm blanket around the earth. This blanket is trapping heat in the atmosphere and so raising the temperature of the earth.

→The ______________________of global warming is that of gases from burning coal, oil, and wood with industrial pollution.


一、 1. helpful/good 2. consideration/account 3. destruction 4. greatest 5. interact/communicate 6. possibility 7. admission 8. decreased/declined 9. impatient 10. committed/devoted/dedicated 11. existence 12. argument 13. determine 14. Focus/Concentrate 15. defend 16. Regular 17. lasting 18. accessible 19. construction 20. copy/imitate

21. permanent22. confusing 23. mess 24. Exposure 25 deadline 26. positively

27. succeeded 28. sharing 29 opportunities/chances 30. controlled

二、 1. approaches 2. considerate/aware/conscious 3. Reasons

4. intention/purpose 5. ways 6.Introduction 7. advantages 8. problems 9. definition 10. attitude

11. conclusion 12. situation 13. satisfy 14. tastes 15. suggestion 16. bring 17. against 18. Measures/Actions 19. serious 20. cause

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