Unit 2 Revision



Tutorial center2.某人被迫做某事sb be forced to do sth 3.某人适应新环境adapt oneself tosb be adapted to sth….

4.成就感sense of achievement 5.对。。作出评论make comments on sth;comment on sth

6.按照自己的节奏at one’s own pace

8.对。。。某人来说方便的 be convenient for sb

9.愿意做某事 be willing to do sth

10.把A称为B describe A as B


12.对。。有信心 have confidence in; be confident of

13. 合理的 14.补充的 1. We’ll go to visit a factory tomorrow, ____ means you needn’t bring your schoolbag with you.which

2. The person, ______ is standing in front of the classroom, is John’s father.who

3. I will go to the supermarket with my mother, _______ was opened last week.Which

4. The dress, _____ was bought by my father, doesn’t suit me.which5.The girl , ___who/whom____ the teacher is talkingwith,is my deskmate.whom1. 与其浪费时间打游戏不如多做运动。(It is better….than….)

2. It is better to do more exercises than to waste time (on)

video games.

3. 经过三年的学习,他最终掌握了这些技能。(command)

4. After 3 years’ study/ 3-year study/ studying for 3 years,

5. He finally had a command of these skills.


She has many years of teaching experience, so she is qualified to teach in a senior high school.


The teacher punished the student who/that cheated on/at the

exam.; cheating on the exam

6. 经过不断的练习,他成功通过了驾照考试。(as a result of) As a result of continuous/unceasing/non-stop practice, he passed the driving test successfully.


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