




() 1. Running Man is _______ very popular TV program in China . One of ________ mostfamous actresses , Angelababy , always appears in it.

A. a;/B. the;the C. a;the D. the;/

() 2. My PE teacher often teaches us how to play ______ football .

A. aB. anC. /D. the

() 3. Tong Liya is _______ famous actress who acted as a countrywoman in _______ 1970s in the TV show Ordinary World.

A. a;/B. a;theC. the; theD. the;/

() 4. Some small shops in Britain usually close for _______ hour at ______ lunchtime .

A. An ; the B. a;/C. a;the D.an;/

() 5. If we sit by _______ windows of the train , we’ll have _______ better view.

A. / ; the B. / ; aC. the; a D.the ; the

() 6. We can live a better life if we create ________ less polluted world .

A. theB. anC. aD. /

() 7. Now it is 7 o’clock in _____ morning in Beijing and 11 o ’clock at ____ night in London .

A. /;theB. the;the C.the;/ D.the;a

() 8. —Hurry up , or we’ll be late .

—Take your time . It’s just _______ short distance from here to _______ cinema .

A. /;theB. the;aC. a;the D. /;a

() 9. That performance was _______ great success couldn’t stop clapping their hands .

A. aB. / C. an D. The

() 10. —Are there many place of interest in Nantong?

—Yes. By the way , you can go there by _______ bus.

A. The;aB. /;theC.the;/ D. A;/

() 11. —Excuse me , is there _______ book by Mo Yan ?

—Yes. It’s on ____ bookshelf over there.

A. a;/B. a;theC. /;the D. the;a

() 12. —Have you heard of Hou YIfan , _______ female world chess champion(冠军)?

—Yes, she is from _______ Taizhou . We’re proud of her.

A. a;/ B.the;the C. a;the D. The;/

() 13. —Lily , there is _______ schoolbag near the window. Is it yours ?

—Yes , it is . Thank you !

A. AB. anC. the D. /

( ) 14. In order to find ______ better job , she planned to learn _______ second foreign language.

A. The;aB. a;aC. the;theD. a;the

() 15. Helen has ____ lovely pet dog . _____ dog is clever enough to bring her newspaperevery evening.

A. a;AB. the;The C. a;TheD. The;A


( ) 1. None of them talked. They finished their meal in _______.

A. silence B. order C.place D. public

( ) 2. After reading the novel Treasure Island , Paul has more _______ than before because of the main character , brave Jim .

A. humour B. wealth C. luck D. courage

( ) 3. —I’m tired out these days .

—Well , you’d better keep a _______ between work and play .

( ) 4. The car was out of _______ and hit a tree by the road .

A. danger B. breath C. control D. practice

( ) 5. —Could you tell me the ________ of making such tasty cakes ?

—Well , I just follow the instructions in the cookbook .

A. time B. method C. cost D. menu

( ) 6. The US First Lady Michelle Obama encourage students to study abroad in her _______ when visiting Peking University on March 22,2014.

A. story B. speech C. letter D. diary

( ) 7. —Listen , they’re talking about their ________ again!

—Well , they hope it’ll prove their answer right .

A. experiment B. agreement C. development D. environment

( ) 8. Where has the time gone is a beautiful _______ . Can you sing it ?

A. picture B. song C. game D. film

( ) 9. —What a good _______ you’ve given me ! Thanks a lot .

—My pleasure .

A. information B. news C. suggestion D. advice

( ) 10. Mr.White , the principle , has made a great ________ to the growth of the school .

A. contribution B. progress C. invention D. protection

( ) 11. I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel—she has a pretty good ______ of direction.

A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense

( ) 12. —I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.

—Is that a _______ ? I’m sure I’ll get the bike.

A. chance B. promise C. trick D. treat

( ) 13. Thank you for your _______ . I know a lot about Oxfam Trailwalker now.

A. attention B. operation C. invention D. information

( ) 14.If I am wanted in the telephone , ask him to leave a ________ .

A. message B. letter C. diary D. sentence

( ) 15.—It’s a wise _______ to wear the white tie . It matches your shirt well .

—Thank you very much.

A. choice B. support C. mixture D. honour


( ) 1. —Which of the two subjects do you like , PE or Music ?

—________.They are really interesting .

A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All

( ) 2. —Wow , so many new buildings! But it used to be a poor village .

—Yes , _______ has changed in our hometown .

A. Noting B. Nobody C. Everything D. Everybody

( ) 3. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper ?

—Yes , quite a lot .

A. anything interesting B. something interesting

C. interesting anything D. interesting something

( ) 4. —Do you drink much coffee as before ?

—No , _______at all . My sleeping problem is getting worse .

A. none B. little C. nothing D. anything

( ) 5. We should tell the truth . We can’t say one thing to one person and _______ described in that book .

A. other B. another C. the other D. one more

( ) 6. My star sign is Virgo and my characteristics are similar to ______ described in that book .

A. them B. these C. ones D. those

( ) 7. —Forty students in this class ? Please tell me something about them .

—OK._______ of them are exchange students , and all these twenty are local students.

A. Most B. Many C. Few D. Half

( ) 8. I think coffee tastes good , but not _______ likes drinking it .

A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

( ) 9. —Excuse me , may I use your bicycle ? ________ is broken .

—Certainly . But remember to return it before lunch .

A. I B. Me C. Myself D. Mine

( ) 10. —I’ll do the washing-up . Jack , would you please do the floors ?

—Why ________ ? Susan is sitting there doing nothing .

A. her B. she C. I D. me

( ) 11.—Hi , guys . How was your party yesterday ?

—Wonderful ! We had a big meal and enjoyed ________.

A. themselves B. myself C. yourselves D.ourselves

( ) 12. —Your tea smells great !

—It’s from India . Would you like ______?

A. it B. this C. some D. little

( ) 13. —Have you got any books on English grammar? I want to borrow ________.

—Yes , here you are . But you must return it by Friday .

A. one B. it C. some D. that

( ) 14. I heard that kindergarten (幼儿园) is searching for a man teacher , especially ________ with creation and imagination .

A. this B. that C. one D. those

( ) 15. —Wow ! You’re got so many clothes.

—But _______ of them are in fashion now.

A. all B. both C. neither D. none


( ) 1. Tony’s mum looks young and beautiful. It’s hard to imagine she is already in her _____.

A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieths D. fiftieth

( ) 2. During the May Day holiday , we stayed in a mountain village with ______ trees around .

A. thousand of B. thousand C. thousands D. thousands of

( ) 3. About ________of the earth ________ covered with water , but we have less and less available fresh water .

A.three-fourth ; is B.three-fourths ; is

C.three-fourth ; are D.three-fourths ; are

( ) 4. Sam enjoys collecting. He has collected over three _______ stamps.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

( ) 5. Susan lives on the _______ floor and we are neighbours.

A. four B. fourth C. fourteen D. forty

( ) 6. _______of the coat _______ made of cotton . They feel comfortable .

A. Two-thirds;is B. Two-thirds;are C. Two-third;is D. Two-third;are

( ) 7. —Where is Class _______?

—It’s on the _______ floor .

A. Six;third B. Sixth;third C. Six;three D. Sixth;three

( ) 8. —What should we do now , Mr.Clark?

—Please turn to Page _______ and look at the _______ picture.

A. Twelve;fifth B. Twelfth;fifth C. Twelve;five D. Twelfth;five

( ) 9. —Excuse me , sir. Here’s a package for Lin Tao . Which room does he live in?

— ________.

A. 308 Room B. Room 308 C. The Room 308 D. The 308 Room

( ) 10.The chairperson received about three ______ applications to join the Birdwatching Club.

A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds

( ) 11. The volunteers sent _______ books to a mountain village school on Children’s Day.

A. two hundreds of B. two hundred of C. two hundreds D. two hundred

( ) 12. Our school is so famous that _______ people come and visit it every term.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

( ) 13. —How was your weekend ?

—Great ! It was my grandfather’s _______ birthday . We enjoyed ourselves .

A.seventy B.seventieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth

( ) 14. ________ people lost their homes in Japan’s earthquake .

A. Two thousands B.Thousand C. Thousands of D. Thousand of

( ) 15. ________ the people lost their lives in the traffic accident .

A.Three hundred B. Three hundred of C. Three hundreds of D. Hundred of


( ) 1. This photo reminded the old man _______ the days when he was young.

A. with B. for C. by D. of

( ) 2. —I like the weather in Kunming . It’s warm all year long.

—Yes. And the temperature stay _______ zero all the time .

A. at B. below C. around D. above

( ) 3. —David , when so you get up every day ?

—I usually get up _______half past six . I’m never late for school.

A. in B. at C. on D. during

( ) 4. Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened _______ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year .

A. on B. at C. in D. to

( ) 5. The castle stands in a quiet place _______ the main road at the far end of the river.

A. to B. for C. off D. out

( ) 6. It was really helpful ______ him to take the cat to the animal centre _______a rainy night.

A. of;on B. of;at C. for;on D. for;at

( ) 7. She always wants to do the job which she has been trained _______.

A. for B. by C. on D. of

( ) 8. —Do you know Mo Yan ?

—Of course . He won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature ________ the age of 57.

A. in B. at C. on D. to

( ) 9. Sandy is a real book lover and she often brings home many books to read ___ the library .

A. in B. for C. by D. from

( ) 10. Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature normally stays _______ zero.

A. up B. down C. above D.blew

( ) 11. —Mr.Mu , when did the earthquake in Ya’an , Sichuan happen?

— _______ 8:02 _______ the morning of April 20th , 2013.

A. On;in B. At;on C. At;in D. On;on

( ) 12. I walk ______ the square after supper every day , so I know very well every small shop there.

A. around B. into C. across D. through

( ) 13. —How long have you lived in the new flat ?

— ________ 2010.

A. In B. After C. Since D. Before

( ) 14. —How can I get more information about the donation to Ya’an?

—You can e-mail Mr.Wang _______ yaanearthquake@163.com.

A. on B. in C. at D.by

( ) 15. Li Yuchun is my favourite singer . I once met her ________ 2012 in Hunan.

A. to B. on C. at D. in


( ) 1. In North America , ________ meat eaters are bears and mountain lions.They eat smaller animals such as rabbits and mice.

A. smallest B. the smallest C. largest D. the largest

( ) 2. Audrey Hepburn , one of the greatest actresses , was ___ to take on challenges in her life .

A. enough brave B. brave enough C. stupid enough D. enough stupid

( ) 3. —The Internet service fees are too high ,and the speed is too slow.

—That’s why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators(运营商) to provide ________ Internet.

A. many cheaper and quicker B. very cheaper and quicker

C. more cheaper and quicker D. much cheaper and quicker

( ) 4. This kind of plant is _______ seen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard to find.

A. commonly B. always C. seldom D. easily

( ) 5. Gong Li has been considered as an ________ actress again because she was experienced in acting the film Coming Home.

A. energetic B. elegant C. excellent D. easy-going

( ) 6. —Compare the speeches made by the students from different schools , and you will find Frank’s is _______.

—Sure. That’s why we voted for him .

A. more boringB. the most boring

C. more interesting D. the most interesting

( ) 7. It was raining ____ when my sister and I got to the museum.

A. badly B. softly C. hardly D. heavily

( ) 8. — _______ does Nancy help the old lady with her housework?

—About twice a week.

A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How soon

( ) 9. Linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. I think he’s just not very _______.

A. patient B. talented C. papular D. powerful

( ) 10. Fishing with dad was so _______ for little Sam that he almost fell asleep.

A. excited B. exciting C. bored D. boring

( ) 11. He offered _______ valuable advice that _______ people disagreed.

A. such;a few B. such;few C. so;a few D. so;few

( ) 12. After quarreling , she said nothing and ran away in the _______ direction.

A. opposite B. right C. left D. front

( ) 13. —What did you think of our performance on the charity show?

—Wonderfuk ! I don’t think I can seen a _______one.

A. bad B. worse C. good D. better

( ) 14. Eagle Father was so _______ with his son that he kept the four-year-old son running in the snow without clothes.

A. pleased B. sorry C. careful D. strict

( ) 15. —Did you sleep well last night?

—Oh , no ._______noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad.

A. Too much B. Much too C. Too many D. So many




( ) 1. When you ________ yourself with others , you miss the wonder of who you are.

A. compare B. communicate C. contact D. connect

( ) 2. —Three-D printing technology could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours.

—It ________ amazing . It’s my first time to get to know the news.

A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. tastes

( ) 3. —What’s wrong with Simon? He isn’t at school today.

—His legs hurt . He was _______ by a motorcycle this morning.

A. treated B. hit C. operated D. cured

( ) 4. —Yesterday Tommy walked past my table and _______ my bowls and dishes.

—He should be careful next time.

A. knocked off B. took off C. showed off D. turned off

( ) 5. Your application won’t ________ until you complete the survey.

A. accept B. receive C. be accepted D. be received

( ) 6. The Yellow River _______ floor large areas , but now the waters of it are used to ________ energy.

A. was used to ; producing B. used to ; producing

C. was used to ; produce D. used to ; produce

( ) 7. Nancy ________ after supper , as she was going to host a charity show that evening.

A. gave up B. dressed up C. got up D.washed up

( ) 8. —The classroom is so bright now .You should _______ the lights.

—OK, I will .

A. turn on B. turn up C. turn down D. turn off

( ) 9. —What’s wrong with you ,Eric? You look tired.

—I ________ to prepare for the final exam last night .

A. picked up B. woke up C. stayed up D. put up

( ) 10. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents , but now we ________ just fine together.

A. get along B. get up C. get away D. get off

( ) 11. There was s fire in the hotel around mid-night last Friday. Luckily , it was soon _______.

A.turned on B. turned off C. put on D. put out

( ) 12. Many social workers went to Ya’an to help ________ clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake.

A.put out B. come out C. work out D. give out

( ) 13. —We’ve never _______ astronauts’ life though we’re interested in it .

—Really? I will offer you some books about it .

A. thought about B. chatted about C.learned about D. give out

( ) 14. If you _______ your name on the paper ,you can get a magazine.

A. cut down B. look down C. turn down D. write down

( ) 15. David Burt’s dream in China is to go into the west and _______ an early childhood school there .

A. clean up B. look up C. give up D. set up

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