



一、Listen and choose. 听录音, 选择你听到的一项。(12分)

()1. A. takeB. ateC. fast

()2. A. brown B. blue C. town

()3. A. began B. can C. man

()4. A. whale B. will C. hill

()5. A. betweenB. NorwayC. play

()6. A. metre B. meetingC. centimetre

()7. A. winterB. summerC. windy

()8. A. around B. aboutC. shirt

()9. A. builderB. driver C. teacher

()10. A. sunnyB. windyC. rainy

二、Listen and number. 听录音标序号。(8分)

( )They do their best to protect the birds.

( )Love them or they will never come back.

( )Zeng Jinlian was the tallest woman in the world.

( )When he got home, he was all wet.

( )And I will get ready for the new term.

( )We will plant the trees on the hills behind our school.

( )I will teach student to read and write.

( )And in 2010 big floods hit South China.

三、Listen and choose. 听问句选答语。(10分)

( )1.A. It falls on trees. B. It is raining.

( )2.A.Yes, I do. B. Yes, I liked them very much.

( )3.A. Yes, she was.B. Yes, she is.

( )4.A. Yes,I like. B. I would like.

( )5.A. I watched TV in the evening.

B. I will watch TV in the evening.


四、 Read and choose.读单词,找出划线部分发音不同的一项。(8分)

( )1. A. weather B. wheat C. breakfast

( )( ) ( )

( )( )6.A. windy B. dryC. fly

( ) ( )8. A. farmerB. teacherC. her

五、Read and write.按要求写出下列各词的相应形式。(10分)

1. China(形容词) _________ 2. worker (动词形式)_________

3. large ( 反义词) _________ 4. drive (现在分词形式) __________

5. grow (单数第三人称形式)______ 6.I’d like ( 完全形式) ______

7. clear(副词形式)___________ 8. women(单数) _____________

9.buy ( 过去式)________________10.early(比较级)___________

六、Translate the following.翻译下列词组。(10分)

1. 洗衣服____________6.look after ____________

2. 一张中国地图____________ 7.No.3 Primary School ____________

3. 长大____________8.a small house ____________

4. 穿黄色衣服的妇女______________9. my favourite colour ____________

5. 上一节英语课 ____________10.take a trip ____________

七、Choose the best answers. 选择填空。(12分)

()1. Please write ten numbers_______15_______25 .

A. to; toB. between; and C. from; to

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  • 上一篇:人教版小学英语单词表(带音标)
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