



1. in English _____________2. 一块橡皮 _________________

3. watch TV _____________4. 我的父母 _________________

5. date of birth ____________ 6. 弹吉他 _________________

7. tennis racket ____________ 8. 洗淋浴 _________________

9. my English teacher ___________ 10. 去看电影 _________________


1. Tom is his ______ name.A. last B. first C. family D. Chinese

2. This is ______ apple. It’s ______ red apple.A. a , a B. a , an C. an , a D. an , an

3. --Is this your sister? --Yes, ______ is. Her name is Jenny.

A. she B. he C. this D. it

4. -- ______ these her hats?-- No, they _______ .

A. Is , isn’t B. Am , are C. Are , isn’t D. Are , aren’t

5. Thanks _______ the great photo of your family .

A. ofB. forC. fromD. to

6. He is my grandparents’ son , but he isn’t my father . He is my _______ .

A. father B. son C. grandfatherD. uncle

7. -- Is your pencil in the drawer ?-- _______ .

A. Yes , I am B. No , it isC. Yes , it is D. No , I am not .

8. -- _______ is your mother ?-- She is at home .

A. What B. How C. How oldD. Where

9. – Where ______ your CDs ? -- ______ on the TV .

A. is , It’sB. are , It’s C. is , They’re D. are , They’re

10. There is ______ eraser in the pencil case . ______ eraser is white .

A. a , AB. an , TheC. a , AnD. the , /

11. – Dose he _____ a tennis racket ?-- Yes , he _____ .

A. has , doseB. have , doesC. has , doD. have , do

12. I often have chicken and fruit ______ dinner .

A. for B. of C. at D. in

13. -- ______ are these pants ?-- ______ 50 dollars .

A. What , They are B. How much , They areC. How much , It’s

14. -- ______ is your birthday ? -- It’s on July 10th .

A. Where B. WhenC. HowD. What

15. My brother likes action movies , ______ he doesn’t like documentaries .

A. andB. butC. orD. so

16. He wants to join the ______ club . He can ______ chess .

A. chess’s , play the B. chess , playC. chessing , playD. chess’s , play

17. -- ______ do you go to school on school days ?

-- I often go to school ______ 7:30 a.m.

A. What time , on B. What time , at C. What , inD. When , in

18. – Why don’t you like math ?-- Because it’s ______ .

A. interestingB. funC. difficultD. exciting

19. – Do you like to play _____ football ?-- No , I like play _____ piano .

A. / , theB. / , /C. the , /D. the , the

20. – Are these your _____ ?-- Yes , they are .

A. pencilB. bookC. keysD. friend


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