








()1.What food does Sandy like?

A. B.C.

()2. What does Amy do every afternoon?

A. B.C.

()3. How does Andy come to school every day?


()4. Which one is Amy?


()5. What is Jane good at?

A B. C.


( )6. Where does Dan live now?

A. In Beijing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Taizhou.

( )7. What does Dan like doing after school?

A. Reading. B. Swimming C. Singing.


B.English B.swimming B.7 C.Chinese C.skating C.9 ( ) 8.A.Maths ( ) 9.A.running ( ) 10.A.5


( )11. How old is Tony?

A. 12.B. 13.C. 14.

( )12. Which class is his brother in?

A. Class 2. B. Class 4. C. Class 7.

( )13. What doesn’t Tony like doing?

A. Meeting new people.

( )14. When does Tony go running?

A . At 7:00 a.m. B. At 7:10a.m.C. At 6:50 a.m.

( )15. What can’t Tony do?

A. Swim.

二、单项选择(20分) B. Play volleyball .C. Skate. B. Shopping. C. Doing sports.

( )16.-Is your mother a doctor?

-Yes , ________.

A. she is B. he is C. it is D. she isn’t

( )17.-Mum, I want to go to bed.

-All right ._____________ .

A. Good morningB.Good afternoon C.Good evening D. Good night

( )18. -Boys , are you good at Chinese ?

-Yes , ________ .

A. I am B. we are C. they areD. you are

( )19. -I’m good at ________. What about you ?

-Me too.

A. swim B. swimming C. swimsD. to swim

( )20.-Where does the boy come from ?

-He ______ Japan.

A. is come from B. comes from C. come fromD. comes

( )21. Mary with the twins ______ good friends at school .

A. has B. have C. having D. don’t have

( )22. My favourite fruit _____ apples.

A. be B. are C. am D. is

( )23. We often talk ____ basketball and watch basketball matches _____ TV .

A. with , on B. with , in C. about , inD. about , on

( )24.-What makes him _____ happy ?

-The beautiful song .

A. feelB. feels C. to feelD. feeling

( )25.-Do you like eating fruit ?

-_________ .I often eat some after meals .

A. All rightB. Of course C. Good idea D. Thanks very much

( )26. Is _______ fun ?

A. listen to music B. play games C. plays games D. reading

( )27.-What’s the date today ?


A. MondayB. It’s rainy. C. Children’s Day D. It’s October 28

( )28. It takes me about 10 minutes ______ to school every day .

A. walkB. to walkC. on foot D. to walking

( )29.-Does Andy borrow books from the library ?

-Yes, _______ . A. she is B. she does C. borrowsD. she doesn’t

( )30.-I draw well .

-________? Show me some of your pictures .

A. ReallyB. Pardon C. How do you do D. How are you

( )31. My grandfather _______ does sports , so he isn’t strong. .

A. often B. usually C. alwaysD. seldom

( )32.-What would you like ?

-________ .

A. I like apples B. I am tall and slim C. Some tea , please D. I’m a nurse

( )33.In his free time , he often enjoys ________ cakes.

A. make B. makes C. to makeD making

( )34.I get up _____ 8:00 a.m. ______ Saturday _____ winter .

A. at, on, on B. in , in, inC. at ,in, in D. at , on , in

( )35.-_______ do your parents go shopping ?

-Twice a month .

A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How many times


I’m a middle school student . My class is like (像) a big family . I like all my them . She’s a girl Gansu. Now she lives in Beijing.

Kate studies hard . She learns (学) all her well. She thinks books are like food and help her When she is free, She helps old people and with them. “I can’t do much for them now, I can tell some interesting stories to them,” Suzy says, “ in Beijing are nice to me .They give lots of to me and teach me to love. So I want to give them love, too.”

( )36. A. brothers

( )37. A. at ( )38. A. sports( )39. A. a lot ( )40. A. library ( )41. A. tells ( )42. A. and

B. classmatesC. teacher D. parents

B. withC. to D. from D. clubs

B. teachers B. a little B. shop B. saysB. but

C. lessons

C. easily D. fast C. playground C. talksC. for

D. room D.speaks D. like

( )43. A. People( )44. A. love ( )45. A. how 四、阅读理解(15分)

B.Parents B.flowersB. when

C. Students D. Books C. books C. why

D. money D. where



( )46. Where can you see this table(表格)?

A. In a classroom B. In a park. C. In a shop D. At a cinema ( )47. How many English lessons are there in the morning every week?A. OneB. TwoC. Three D. Four ( )48.The morning exercises are _____ every morning.

A. from 8:30 to 9:15 B. from 9:25 to 10:10 C. from 10:10 to 10:40 D. from 7:30 to 8:15

( )49. How many Chinese lessons are there every week ?

A. ThreeB. Four C. Five D. Six

( )50. Students can ______ after 3:20 in the afternoon.

A. have lunch B. go to the clubs C. have English lessons D. go home

班级姓名 考试证号 题答要不内线封

…………………………………………装………………………………订………………………………………线………………………………………… B On a hot day , Jim and Tom go shopping in the street. How happy they are in the shops! After they get out of the shops , they play games in the sun for half an hour. On their way back home, Tom sees some flowers. He likes flowers very much and runs into the green field to look at them. Now Jim is walking by himself. Then he hears Tom calling out, “A snake! Help! …” “What’s wrong with you?” asks Jim. “A snake(蛇) bites(咬)me in the leg. Come here!” Jim runs over and sees a small red wound(伤口)on Tom’s leg. “The snake is in the grass. I don’t see it.” “Sit down quickly!” Jim says. Jim puts his mouth at the little red wound and begins to suck(吸)at it. In this way he saves(挽救)Tom’s life. “Oh, Jim, it’s very kind of you to help me.” “That’s all right. We are friends and we must always help each other.” ( )51. It is __________ when the two boys go out. A. coolB. coldC. warm D. hot ( )52. After shopping, they play games in the sun for__________.A. half an hourB. 2 hours C. an hour D. a short time ( )53. ________ bites Tom on their way back home. A. A dogB. A cat C. A snakeD. An elephant ( )54.Tom and Jim are __________. A. good friendsB. sisters C. brothers D. twins ( )55. Which of the following(下面的)is right? A. Tom saves Jim . B. Jim saves Tom. C. Jim doesn’t help Tom. D. The two boys don’t have a good time in the shops. C

Socks is the name of Lily’s pet cat.

Socks likes to sleep on Lily’s bed. Lily doesn’t like it. “The bed is not big enough for both of us.” Lily says.

Lily wants Socks off the bed. She gets a nice big box and puts a soft blanket (毯子) in it. She puts the box in the kitchen, next to the fridge. Every evening Lily puts Socks in the box, but every time Socks jumps out. He climbs the stairs(楼梯) and jumps into Lily’s bed. Every evening Lily has to carry Socks back to the kitchen.

Finally(最后), Socks . He stays in his box. For three months Socks doesn’t go up to the bedroom at night. Then one night he comes into the bedroom again. He jumps on the bed, and Lily wakes up(醒来).

“Not again, please” she says.

But this time Socks acts(表现) strange (奇怪). He doesn’t lie(躺) down and go to sleep. He meows (喵喵叫)loudly. “What’s wrong with you?” asks Lily. Soon Lily runs downstairs(楼下). The kitchen is on fire! Quickly Lily wakes her parents up. They put out (扑灭) the fire.

( )56. Lily has _______.

A. a lot of socks B. a pet dog C. a lot of bedsD. a pet cat

( )57. Socks likes _______.

A. sleeping on Lily’s bed

C. climbing the stairs B. playing on a soft blanket D. staying in the kitchen

( )58. The underlined words “第四段) means “_______”.

A. 放弃 B. 坚持 C. 埋怨 D.付出

( )59. Where is Sock’s “bed”?

A. Next to Lily’s bed. B. In the kitchen. C. Beside the box. D. On the stairs.

( )60. What do we learn from the story?

A. Socks is good at jumping. B. Lily likes Socks on her bed.

C. Socks finds the fire first.D. Lily’s bedroom is downstairs.

第二部分 非选择题(40分)




1.A __________ (一刻钟) is 15 minutes.

2.Sometimes I ___________ (练习) singing English songs .

3.What’s your ____________(业余爱好) ? Running and dancing .

4.What___________ (另外,其它) do you want to buy ?

5.There are many____________ (现代的) buildings in big cities.


6.My mother is busy all day , so she hopes ___________ (have) a good rest .

7.It’s good for us to do morning ____________ (exercise).

8.Mr Wu lets us ___________(chat) with each other after class.

9.The men in white shirts are our ___________(hero) .

10.Lily ___________(not be) late for school every day.


Dear Lena,

My name is Wu Dong. I’m a Chinese boy. I live in Beijing now. I am a student in Grade Seven at a middle school. I want a pen friend in England. I think England is an interesting place. I’m 14 years old. I am tall and have blue eyes and fair(金属品) hair. I like sports, especially playing football. I often play volleyball with my friends after school. I think it’s great fun. I also like playing computer games and playing the piano, but I don’t like watching TV.

My favourite festival is Spring festival. My family get together at our house on that day. We often get some presents from my parents. This month I am very happy to get a bike because I get good marks(分数)in exams(考试), but I never ride it to school. Do you like to be my pen friend? Please write to me soon.

Yours truly,

Wu Dong,

Things about the writer

Needs(需求)of his


Activities(活动) His name is WuDong. He from China. He needs a pen . Now, he is writing a to Lena from England He . his friends school. Spring Festival is his favorite He is to get the present from his .

1._________ 2.________ 3._________ 4.___________ 5.___________

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