

Unit5Do you want to watch a game show?


1. Different kinds of TV shows

talk showssitcomsnews game shows talent showssports shows

soap operas Beijing Operafashion shows(时尚节目)comedy shows cartoon

2. Different kinds of movies:

action movies scary movies(恐怖片)comedy romance(爱情片)science fiction(科幻片)tragedy(悲剧片)documentary(纪录片)

3.do a good job干得好 (well done) 4.something enjoyable令人愉快的东西

5.a symbol of ……的象征6. in the 1930s在二十世纪三十年代

7.a cartoon character 一个卡通人物 8. disagree/ agree with sb. (不)同意某人的观点或意见

计划: make a plan to do sth.= plan to do sth. 制定计划做…

make a plan for sth. 为…制定计划如: make a plan for your trip.

(v) 计划;打算:plan (to do) sth如: plan (to have) a trip (planning; planned) 6. 站立:stand up代表: stand for sth.Our flag stands for our country.容忍(否): can’t stand (doing) sth.如: I can’t stand telling lies.

7. --- What do you think of soap operas?--- I don’t mind them.

认为;以为:如: What do you think of sitcoms.

想起;记得:如: I can’t think ofhis name now.

考虑;关心:如:Lei Feng always thought of other people first.

想一想; 想象:如: Think of the past, you’ll feel happier.

think about: 考虑 如: He is thinking about going on vacation .

think highly/lightly of sb. /sth.:对…评价甚高/ 轻视 ; 看重/看轻

如: Mr. Black thinks highly of his students.

think out: 想出(= come up with= think up )如:think out a plan

think over … : 仔细考虑…..如: Let me think it over.

think twice :慎重考虑; 三思而后行如: You’d better think twice about going there alone

(n) 头脑;想法;心思如:Out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

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