牛津高中英语 模块六词汇单元练习


1. It’s a a five-star hotel and offers its guests a wide v___________ of amusements. 2. This kind of medicine can s_________________your heart. 3. Please read the ______________(说明) on the bottle before you take the medicine. 4. We prefer those who have p_______________ experience in the job. 5. _____________(最初), they refused to take extra work but after the manager’s explanation, they agreed. 6. There are 200 athletes ________________(参加) in the game. 7. He had worked _______(和…一起) Frank and Mark and they had become friends. 8. He b___________ in on our conversation, which annoyed the speaker. 9. A good laugh can drive away n_______________ feelings. 10. He t________over the chair, amusing us a lot.

11. The s________ of the story is a hotel in Paris during the World War Ⅱ.

12.-- Did you go to the concert last night?

-- Yes, live p__________ was the best! I really enjoyed it.

13.-- Her grandmother p_______ away last night.-- I’m really sorry to hear that.

14.It seems a_________________ that he got his start in silent films.

15.-- I’d like to buy a notebook.

-- Whichever you buy, there is a three-year g______________.

16. -- Would you like to come to my house and take part in my birthday party next Friday?

-- I am really glad to accept your kind ___________.

17. The bus is so _________ that there is no enough standing room.

18. If your father gets to know you broke the window, he'll beat you with a________.

19. As the __________ goes, "Do in Rome as the Romans do".

20. -- I failed the test again!-- Don't give up. Be more p________.

21.The comedian was quite funny. We all _______ out laughing at the jokes he told.

22. -- Richard is too naughty. He likes to play jokes on other children.

-- I think we should tell him how to b_______ himself.

23. He was so angry that he ________ the letter in two.

24. People who come from different countries are called f_____________.

25. I felt warm and c_________ sitting by the fire.

26. She had a great a____________for the town where she grew up.

27. She was fired for not ___________ the duties.

28.Whatever the reason (is), many people prefer to come here to _________ their language skills.

29.Our manager decided to _________ _______ a new clerk.

30.Doctors have been researching what _______stand-up and other forms of comedy have on us.

31. The house was i _________ from the road because of the tall trees surrounding it

32. Water supplies won’t ________ ______ long,so we have to move to other places.

33.Billy Crystal is also famous for being the _______ of the 2004 Academy Awards.

34. He can’t tolerate being t________ in public.

35.Father didn’t shout, but just __________ at me, which made me even more nervous.

36.I spent all morning looking for a suitable present, but came home e____________. M6 U1U2单词拼写

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