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12级《英语 》科目第段考试卷


一、词汇判断(每小题 1分,共20分)

1功率;权力 A. boughtB.powerC.particularlyD.remember

2.防止;避免 A.preventB.feelingC. skirtD.elephant 3.运用;申请 A. Apply B.explain C.carpetD.dancer 4.计量;量度A.pretendB. cautionC.disapper D.measure 5.举起;提升 A.stealB. LiftC.fatherD.fatal 6.书报;报刊 A. warmth B.blessC.issue D.totally 7.爆发;蔓延 A.reactionB.outbreakC.year D. birthday 8.改造;变革 A.reshapeB. decorateC.extendD.except 9.空的;空着的 A. playground B.uniteC.relationship D. Vacant 10.残忍的;残酷的 A.waveB.cruelC.lostD.lose 11.气候 A. large B.climate C.collegeD.correct 12.忍耐;忍受A.endure B.moodC.interpersonalD.human 13.烧;燃烧A.tradeB.trafficC.train D.burn 14.阻止;抵制A.apparentB.resist C.over D.point 15.农业 A. dead B.agriculture C.seriously D.dancing 16.良好的;有力的 A.frequent B.groceryC.favorableD. stand 17.积累;聚积A.heritage B.step into C.funnyD.accumulate 18.劳累;劳苦A. fatigue B.boss C.normal D.originate 19.糖果 A.candyB.happenC.costume D.delight 20.授予;捐赠A. late B.represent C.endow

D. Move

二、单项选择(每小题 2分,共20分)

()21.My father will ____ Guangzhou on Friday.

A.leave to B.goC.come

D.leave for

()22.He likes playing _____ piano, but she doesn’t like playing _____ football.

《》试卷 A.the; /B./; /C.the; theD./; the

()23.______ of China, it is very cold in winter.

A.On the north B.In northC.In the north D.The north ()24.E-mail has become _____ popular in the world.

A.more and betterB.much and much C.better and better D.more and more ()25.Watching TV too much is not _____ your health.

A.goodB.good toC.better

D.good for ()26.We all like Mary _____ she is a hardworking student. A.thatB.why C.because


()27.____ People’s Republic of China has opened its door to ____ rest of ____ world. A.The; the; the B.The; /; the C./; the; theD./; the; / ()28.My uncle needs ____ x-ray examination of the lung.

A.a B.anC.the


()29.____ sick and ____ wounded are taken good care of in the hospital.

A.The; the B.The; aC.A; the D.The; /

()30.____, it is not good ___ your health to eat too much fast food.

A.Fact; for B.In fact; atC.In the fact; or D.In fact; for

三、选词填空(每空 2分,共20分)

sufferfromdestroyapartmentrefuse to dointerrupt

flu relieve fevercure so-called 31.In the world there is a 32.The city government has decided to pull down all the old houses in the downtown area

Buildings in the same place for the residents.

33.Many people in Africa are now 34.Xiao Liu is lying in bed with a high 35.The highest building in the city was in a big fire in 1998. 36.If you have bad .you should drink more hot water.

37.Though it was a holiday,the workers 38.Take the medicine and it will 39.In the world there is no 40.The sports meeting was by a sudden shower.

四、完形填空(每空 2分,共10分)

第 1 页共 3 页

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