


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 A different sort of generation gap is developing in the workplace. Someone --- specifically the father-daughter team of Larry and Meagan Johnson --- has figured out that on some American job sites, five generations are working side by side.

In their new book about generations in the workplace the pair argue that while such an age difference adds a lot of texture and a variety of life experiences, it can also bring tensions and conflicts.

The Johnsons are human-resource trainers and public speakers. Dad Larry is a former health-care executive; daughter Meagan is a onetime high-level sales manager. Here are the oldest and youngest of the five generations they identify:

They call the oldest group Traditionals, born before 1945. They were heavily influenced by the lessons of the Great Depression and World War Two. They respect authority, set a high standard of workmanship, and communicate easily and confidently. But they’re also stubbornly independent. They want their opinions heard.

At the other extreme are what the Johnsons call Linksters, born after 1995 into today’s more complicated, multi-media world. They live and breathe technology and are often social activists.

You won’t find many 15-year olds in the offices of large companies, except as volunteers, of course, but quite old and quite young workers do come together in sales environments like bike shops and ice-cream stores.

The Johnsons, Larry and Meagan, represent a generation gap themselves in their work with jobsite issues. The Johnsons’ point is that as the average lifespan continues to rise and retirement dates get delayed because of the tight economy, people of different generations are working side by side, more often bringing with them very different ideas about company loyalty and work values.

The five generations are heavily influenced by quite different events, social trends, and the cultural phenomena of their times. Their experiences shape their behavior and make it difficult, sometimes, for managers to achieve a strong and efficient workplace.- 1 -

Larry and Meagan Johnson discuss all this in greater detail in a new book, “Generations, Inc.: From Boomers to Linksters --- Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work,” published by Amacom Press, which is available in all good bookstore from this Friday.

1. The type of generation gap in paragraph 1 refers to the difference in beliefs ________.

A. between managers and workers B. among family members

C. among employees D. between older and newer companies

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Traditionals?

A. They’ve learned much from war and economic disaster.

B. They’re difficult to work with as they are stubborn.

C. They respect their boss and hope to be respected.

D. They’re independent workers with great confidence.

3. According to the passage, the Linksters are usually ________.

A. found working in the offices of large companies

B. influenced by media and technology

C. enthusiastic multi-media activists

D. ice-cream sellers

4. According to the passage, modern workforces are more diverse because ________.

A. people want to increase their average lifespan

B. many young people are entering the workforce

C. employees with different values can benefit their companies

D. retirement dates are being delayed for economic reasons

5. What’s the main purpose of the passage?

A. To promote a new book by Larry and Meagan Johnson.

B. To describe the five different workplace generations.

C. To introduce the Johnsons’ research about diverse workforces.

D. To identify a major problem in modern workforces.

【参考答案】1—5、C B B D A


Below are pages adapted from, http://sochi2014.com/en/ Sochi Volunteers

46.Sochi 2014 Volunteer Training Program was launched on .

A.30 May 2013B.11 March 2013 C.16 December 2013 D.19 September 2013

47.“ White Stick" Music Festival took place in.


B.St. Petersburg D.Moscow

C.the United Kingdom 48.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The 25 ,000 volunteers were from Russia. B.Winners of Cultural Program Competition weren't known until 19 September 2013. C.From August,25 to September,8,you were able to enjoy Winter Games in Sochi. D.Few of the cultural activities were intended for creating atmosphere of Sochi Winter Games.

49.From the two boxes, you can learn that the activities were listed according to.


D.name B.place C.date



Most parents of kids under age 8 don't worry about how much time they spend watching TV or using other media, from computers to smart phones to tablets PCs, according to a new survey that found a child's use of media often reflects how much time parents spend in the similar way.

¨We generally found that media use is not a source of conflict in the home" for families with young children, Ellen Wartella, a researcher from Northwestem

University, told USA Today. She led a survey of 2,326 parents who have children 8 and younger.It found that in 80 percent of families, children's media use was not a problem, with 55 percent “not too" or“ not at all" concerned about it. It also showed parents have more positive than negative feelings about how media consumption affects a child's learning and the development of creativity.The exception is video games, which are viewed more negatively than TV, computers or mobile devices.“Parents rated video games as more likely to have a negative effect on children's school performance, attention time, creativity, social skills, behavior and sleep than any - 5 -

other medium," the researchers said in a news conference about the survey.

¨The findings exposes a generational shift (转移) in parental attitudes about technology's role in young children's lives," said Wartella.“Today's parents grew up with technology as a central pact of their lives, so they think about it differently than earlier generations of parents, instead of a battle with kids on one side and parents on the other, the use of media and technology has become a family affair. " The researchers identified three media environments created by parents:

media-centric (39 percent of families) , media-moderate (45%)and media-light (16%). Children in media-centric families spend at least three hours more each day watching TV or using computers, video games and tablet PCs don't make parenting easier.And 88 percent of parents say they are most likely to turn to toys or activities to keep their children occupied.Slightly fewer turn to books (79%) and TV(78%). The survey didn't look at how media affects children. That's a topic that the American Academy of Pediatrics has handled a number of times. The AAP says studies have found too much media use can lead to attention- problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders and being fat. In addition, the Internet and cell phones can provide platforms for illegal and risky behaviors.¨By limiting screen time and offering educational media and non-electronic formats (格式)such as books,

newspapers and board games, and watching television with their children, parents can help guide their children's media experience. Putting questionable content into context and teaching kids a700ut advertising contributes to their media literacy (素养) ," it says.

The pediatricians' group says parents should have “screen-free zones" and TV should be turned off during dinner. At most, it recommends children and teens engage with entertainment media for no more than two hours a day and that should be

high-quality content. It is important for kids to spend time on outdoor play, reading, hobbies and using their imaginations in free play.“ Kids under 2 should not use television and other entertainment media because their brains are developing quickly and they learn best from direct human interaction," the group says.

An article on screen time by t.he Mayo Clinic also notes problems linked t.o - 6 -

over screen time, including being fat, irregular sleep , behavioral problems , weak school performance , violence and less time for active and creative play.

50.Parents have more negative than positive feelings about media consumption like .

A.computers C.video games B.smart phones D.tablets PCs

51.Most parents don't worry about kid's media use because .

A.they can limit the screen time

C.they also grew up with technology


52.From the data of the survey, we learn .

A.children in media-centric families are smarter than others B.children in media-light families spend one hour watching TV C.more than half of the parents think children's media use was a problem D.media-centric children spend more than three hours each day on media use B.they want their children happy D.they can teach their children

53.To make parenting easier, most parents probably .

A.try to persuade their children to read books

B.ask their children questions while watching TV

C.allow their children watching TV or using computers

D.turn to toys or activities to keep their children occupied

54.Which of the following is a suggestion by the researchers?

A.Media use time for babies under 2 should be limited.

B.Entertainment media use should be high-quality content.

C.Schools should provide more time for active and creative play.

D.Home media use should provide platforms for illegal and risky behaviors.

【参考答案】50、C 51—54、CDDB

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 - 7 -

(When Sara came home from work, she found her mother in an anxious state.) SarA:What's wrong, Mum? You seem upset.

MuM:It's your __1__(young)sister Jill. She should have been here an hour ago. SarA:Don't worry, Mum! It's not all that late and she has probably not __2__(realize) how late it is. I think she'll be here soon.

(Just then Sara's brother Peter came into the kitchen.)

Peter:What's up? Mum's on the phone and she seems as though she's going to cry. SarA:It's Jill. She should have returned home by now and Mum's getting anxious. Peter:You __3__ feel so anxious, Mum! You know __4__ teenage girls are like. I'm sure she's all right.

MuM:I can't help but be concerned. I've just rung Lucy and she said Jill left her outside the cinema ages ago to get __5__ bus home.

Peter:Well, the bus service isn't very frequent in the evenings. Perhaps she missed one and is waiting for another. Have you tried __6__(phone) her on her mobile? MuM:Yes, __7__ there's no reply. That made me even more worried. I think __8__ must have happened to Jill. Do you think we should call the __9__?

SarA:Calm down, Mum! You'll make yourself ill. Perhaps she switched her mobile off in the cinema and forgot to switch it back on again. Or it may need to be __10__(charge).


1.younger/youngest 2.realized 3.needn't 4.what 5.the

6.phoning 7.but 8.something 9.police 10.charged


James Long:Well, after listening carefully to you two, I'm not sure which of you is right.

Qian Liwei:When I look back, I find I didn't like some of the questions the audience asked though. It was as if people __1__ not listening.

Lin Shuiqing:I think the audience was interested in __2__ you said. I liked it when - 8 -

you told that joke. I heard the audience __3__(laugh).I think they really liked you after that. When I heard what you said about the environment and the economy needing to work __4__ more, I was very impreseed.

Qian Liwei: I certainly think we need to use our raw materials in the best possible way; __5__, they will be soon used up. We also need __6__(clean)up the mess we made in the past. I like the idea of making factories that pollute pay taxes.

Lis Shuiqing:__7__, you are right about many businessment trying to protect the environment and build the economy at the same time. You made that __8__(power) statement. As a result, you impressed __9__ audience. They clapped so hard.

Qian Liwei: Many people think that economic development and __10__(environment) protection conflict with each other. That impression needs to be changed and after I talked to you today, I think we should work on some projects together.

Lin Shuiqing:Good idea.


1.were 2.what 3.laughing 4.together 5.otherwise

6.to clean 7.Also 8.powerful 9.the 10.environmental

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