最新牛津译林版英语7A Unit7 Shopping单元检测试卷含答案


7A Unit7 Shopping单元检测卷



1. My father and my mother are both_______(店主).

2. 50,000 dollars is a lot of money, but that isn't_______(足够).

3. His cousin_______(拎)water for Grandpa Wang every day.

4.How many_______(双)of shoes are there under the bed?

5.Let's go_______(购物)this Sunday.

6. They are too_______(贵).I can't afford them

7._______(收集)stamps is one of my sister's hobbies.

8. Can you give us some good_______ (idea)?

9. This pair of glasses_______ (not fit) me. I don't want to buy them.

10. Babies need their mothers_______ (look) after them well.


()11. There_______ an English exam tomorrow. Do you know?

A. areB.will be C.has D.have

()12. The paper is too small. Can you give me_______?

A. otherB.others C.the other D.another

()13. -_______are they going to visit?

-They are going to visit China.

A WhereB.What C.What placeD.When

()14. How much do the last year's cards_______?

A.payB.spend C costD.take

()15. -How do you like sunglasses?

-I don't like the style.Could I look at that_______?

A pairB. one C. themD. ones

()16. -Would you like_______ some cola?

-No, thanks. I don't need anything now.

A. drinking; to drinkB. to drink; to drink

C. to drink; drinkingD. drinking'; drinking

()17. I hope my presents are different from_______.

A. theyB. them C. theirD. theirs

()18. -Who do you buy the CD_______?

-My Dad.

A. forB. toC. withD. about

()19. -What about_______ flowers?

-_______. I'm sure she likes them very much.

A. any; I don't think so

B. some; Good idea

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