第七单元Unit 7 Will people have robots学案


Unit 7 Will people have robots?

Section B Reading (P53-54)

(课前预习环节可以帮你更好的理解课文,同学们抓紧时间读一读吧!) 课前预习: 1. Some useful words and phrases:(有用的单词和短语)

human ['hju?m?n] 人的;n.人 servant ['s??rv?nt] 仆人 dangerous ['de?nd??r?s] 危险的already [??l'redi] 已经

factory 4['f?ktri] 工厂over and over again多次;反复地 Japan [d???p?n] 日本 believe [b?'li?v] 相信disagree [?d?s?'ɡri?] 不同意 even ['i?vn] 甚至;愈加 agree [??gri:]同意;赞成 shape [?e?p] 形状

fall [f??l] 倒塌;跌倒fall down 突然倒下,跌倒; Inside [??n?sa?d]在......里面look for 寻找;寻求

possible ['pɑ?s?bl] 可能的impossible [?m'pɑ?s?bl]不可能的 课堂任务:(本课共有六个小任务,跟着老师一起完成吧!) Task 1: Fast ReadingRead and match.将段落与大意相连

Tip :Read quickly, the key words in the questions may help you. 提示:快速阅读,问题中的关键词可以帮助你。

Para 1 A. Will robots think like humans in the future?

Para 2 B.What will robots be like in the future?

Para 3 C.What can robots do today?

Para 4 D.What are robots like in movies?

Task 2:ReadPara 1Answer the questions.回答问题

Tip: You can underline some useful words while you read.


1. What are the robots usually like in the movies?


2. What can robots do in the movies?


Task 3 Read Para 2 T/F questions. If it is false, correct it.

判断对错。正确的写T, 错误的写F. 并改正。

1. Today there are already robots working in the factories.

2.Some robots can help to build cars, and they do difficult jobs over and over again.

3. More people will do simple jobs in the future.

4.Robots will always get bored.

Task 4 Read Para3 Fill in the blank.填空

Now :

Scientists are now trying to make robots________ humans and do the ______things as we do. Some robots in Japan can ______________.

In the future:

Some scientists, for example _____________(人名).It will be ________ to make them really think like a human. Robots will never be able to ________ and ______ where they are.

Other scientists: Robots will even be able to ____like humans in _________ years.

Task 5 Read Para 4 Answer the questions.回答问题

Tip : Read carefully, the key words in the questions may help you.


1. What will the new robots in the future look like?


2. Where did scientists make robots that look like snakes?


3. What can these snake robots do?


Task 6 Design your robot设计你的机器人

If you have a company(公司) to make robots. What kind of robots will you make? Make a report to introduce your robots.


1.What will your robots look like in the future?

humans/animals, tall/short, big/small...

2.What can your robots do? help with housework, play with children, cook...

3. Can your robots think like humans?

4. Are your robots friendly/funny/interesting?


Homework 作业

1. Design a robot for your family. Write down your ideas.

2. Surf on the internet for more knowledge about robots.

www.99jianzhu.com/包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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