waiting for goldie


waiting for goldie

Danny’s grandfather has many pigeons, one of them has a pair of golden eyes, and she is quite rare. Because of her eyes, she’s called Goldie. Goldie can race really fast, and she won loads of cups, she’s famous, too. But now, she gets lost, it didn’t happen before, however it happens now. Grandfather is now in hospital, so Danny has to look after the pigeons. He must record the time that Goldie returns from a race, but she doesn’t come back now. Danny is very nervous to see his grandfather because Goldie is lost. Luckily, Granddad trusts Goldie, and believes his lie. Danny decides to get the falcons that might have killed Goldie. But he is a good boy; he doesn’t do that finally. At that moment, he finds Goldie in a tiny crack. Goldie’s leg is broken, so Danny brings her back home as quickly as he can. After that, Danny solves the problem perfectly. Goodheartedness often meets with recompense. Danny’s nice heart makes him find Goldie and saves her life. Everyone can become animals best friend if you want. Show your heart, to your family, or your pet.

丹尼的祖父有许多鸽子,他们中的一个有一双金色的眼睛,她是相当罕见的.因为她的眼睛,她被叫做Goldie.Goldie 能飞很快,而且她赢得了冠军但现在她不见了,这之前从未有过.爷爷现在在医院.所以我必须照顾Goldie,我必须记录的她归来的时间,但现在她还没有回来了.丹尼很紧张地去看他的爷爷,因为Goldie不见了,所幸,丹尼 相信Goldie,而

且相信她而活着.丹尼决定抓住可能已经杀死了Goldie猎鹰.但他是一个好男孩,最终没有那么做.在那一刻,他发现了她在小裂缝.Goldie的腿是如此破碎,丹尼尽肯能快地带她回家.在这之后,丹尼完美地解决了所有问题.一个良好的heartedness recompense经常遇到.丹尼很好的心让她找到Goldie和拯救了她的生命.如果你想要每个人都可以成为最好的朋友.展示你的心,给你的家庭或你的宠物.

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