Uint one in book2 reading and writing


Unit one in book2 reading and writing

Sample writing:

The class had a debate and discussed whether it is right for whoever finds valuable cultural relics to keep them.

1.(the question of the debate)提出问题

Those who agreed that if you find cultural relics you can keep them had three reasons.First ,they said that time and money had been spent looking for them so the finders deserved them.Second,they said nobody would look for lost relics if they could not keep them.third ,they said that there are so many old relics that it does notmatter if one or two belong to those who find them.

2.(The ideas and reasons that support the question) 支持一方的观点和理由

Those who disagreed also had three reasons.First,they said all cultural relics are valuable for finding out about the past.Second,they said that it is dishonest to take things that do not belong to you.Third,they said that every cultural relic belongs to the country and not to any one person.

3(The ideas and reasons that disagree with the question)反对一方的观点和理由

We had a class vote.Those who disagreed with the question won.The debate changed the minds of some people who had originally supported Johann Webern’s ideas.

4.(The result of the class vote )班级投票的结果

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