





1. Which is the girl’s favourite festival ?




2. When does the shop open on Saturday ?

A 10:00B13:00 C8:00

3. What does the man tell the girl to wear ?




4. Where is the girl going this Saturday ?




5.How does the girl go to school on fine days ?

Aon foot Bbybus Cby bike

6. What colour is Lucy’s blouse ?

Awhite Bred Cblack

7. What does John want to do ?

Aeat some food Bdrink some waterCdo some shopping

8. What does Sandy like doing ?

AswimmingBplaying volleyballClistening to music

9. Where does Kate sit ?

Anear the door Bin front of AmyCbehind Amy

10. Why does the girl NOT lend the boy a pen ?

A because she is using the pen .

B because she doesn’t want to help the boy .

C because she only has a pencil .




11. How will Lucy go to the park tomorrow ?

A by bus B on foot C by car

12. When will they meet tomorrow morning ?

A at 8:30 B at 8:00 C at 7:30


13. A 11B 12 C 13

14. A basketball B football C tennis

15. A Maths B Chinese C English


16. How old is Mary ?

A 13 B 14 C 15

17. Where does Mary hold (举办) her birthday party ?

A at home B in the park C in the restaurant

18. What are’t Mary presents ?

A ToysB chocolateC photos

19. Who gives Mary a music CD ?

A her friends B her uncle C her parents

20. What do they do after the party ?

A They chat with each other . B They listen to music .

C They go to the park to fly kites .

二、单词辨音 (本大题共5分,每小题0.5分) 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

A. A. A. A. A. A.

w w

snack geography learn mangoes sweater football salt

x k b 1 . c o m

B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.

lazy question uncle notes really goodbye always about thin show

C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.

radio tennis different lives bread book walk around together flower

D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.

taste dress present stories ready pool also young month snow

A. A. A. A.

shout think slow


31. --- What colour is your shirt? --- It’s________ orange. It’s ________ orange shirt.

A. an; / B. an; an C. /; an D. /; /

32. Mum says we need more fruit and vegetables to be ________ because _______ is very important.

A. healthy; health B. healthy; healthy C. health; health D. health; healthy 33. --- How often does Dick exercise? --- ___________.

A. 3-6 timesB. Every week C. For a week D. two or three hours 34. ---What’s in the fridge? ---A few ___________, but little _________。

A. lemons, coffees B. lemons; coffee C. lemon; coffee D. coffee; lemons 35. --- A can of cola, please! --- Only one left (剩下). Would you like to have _________, sir?

A. it B. one C. its D. /

36. He is always ________ busy. And he has ________ free time to do sports with his friends.

A. too much ; too much B. much too; too much C. much too; no D. many too; no 37. Simon is taller than me but shorter than Kate. So he sits between ___________.

A. Kate and I B. I and Kate C. me and Kate D. Kate and me 38. --- ___________ boy is your cousin? --- The boy in red.

A. What colour B. Which the C. Which D. What 39. --- You look hungry. Would you like some rice? ---_______. I’d like some noodles.

A. No, thanks B. Yes, thank you C. Yes, please D. Yes, I’d like to 40. --- Can I have ___________ bread? --- Sorry. We don’t have ___________.

A. some; any B. some; someC. any; any D. any; some 41. Every morning, she ___________ her daughter before having breakfast.

A. dresses B. wears C. puts onD. dresses up as 42. It’s not good for us ___________ in the playground ___________ hazy (雾霾) mornings.

A. exercising ; in B. to exercise; in C. to take exercises; on D. to do exercise; on 43. She always ___________ on time. She is ___________ late for school.

A. walks to school ; neverB. walks school ; never C. takes a bus to school; sometimes D. by bus to school; sometimes 44. Can you make a lantern ___________ a pumpkin ___________ a knife?

A. from; in B. out of; in C. to; withD. out of; with 45. Today I will go on a picnic with my parents. --- ___________!

A. Yes, please B. Have a nice day C. SureD. Good idea 四、完形填空(本大题共10分,每小题1分)

Mr. White has lots of money. He delicious food. He has a cook, Mr. Black. her last month. Now she thinks she’s good at cooking and doesn’t want Mrfor them any longer(不再). Now Mrs. . But Mr. White does not like her food at all. He says he won’tany food at home if she doesn’t stop cooking. The woman says she’ll another cook. The man has to wait. This morning Mr. White breaks(损坏)eman says, “I’m sorry to tell you , Mr. White. Or I’ll fine(罚款) you ten dollars, or you’ll stay in prison(监狱). Do you want?”

“I’ll stay in prison.” Answers the millionaire(百万富翁). “

“Because my wife will find a new cook in ten days!” 46 47 48 49 50

A. A. A. A. A.

knows young teach sing farm

B. B. B. B. B.

likes strong show play class

C. C. C. C. C.

hears good study write family

D. D. D. D. D.

sees bad fly work shop

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