




Sample 1

The picture shows that a man is trying to increase the shadow of a small tree by painting fake shadows on the floor, which is just concentrating on the trifles and neglecting the essentials. We may well conclude that he does not realize that quality is the essence. Painting fake shadows is the same as pursing fame without enhancing one’s inner quality.

Many examples can be found to prove the point demonstrated by the picture. And the example of Ni Ping, a female star in China, is a typical one. Unlike other popular stars who are trying to augment fame by hook or by crook, she is modest in usual time but generous when donating for the earthquake-hit areas, so she earned a great reputation without publicizing herself over the media. In our daily life, most people realize that inner qualities matter more. However, many of them are behaving in an opposite manner.

So to sum up, it is a truth beyond dispute that personal inner quality is essential. And the first step we should take is to equip ourselves with knowledge needed in our work and daily life. Then, it is necessary for us to endeavor to be


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considerate of others. Most important of all, action speaks louder than words, so we should try to fulfill our value by what we do instead of what we say.

Sample 2

The picture shows both the top students and the so-called bad students are suffering from great stress. On the one hand, the top student’s parents encourage her to work hard to keep her first place in class. On the other hand, the so-called bad student s parents are urging him to make efforts to get a higher rank. We may draw a conclusion that all the students are being stewed under the studying pressure.

There are many reasons responsible for the phenomenon. Firstly, parents’ expectations are a big source. They expect too much of their children and therefore impose too much pressure on them. Secondly, schools give their students a lot of studying practices and examinations so as to make them perform well in their entrance examinations. Thirdly, the fierce competition from the whole society has invaded into the schools, which adds to the pressure students suffer from.

Considering all these reasons, I think two methods should be employed to alleviate

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the load on students. For one thing, parents should not expect too much of their children and they should give the kids more free time and space, allowing them to get in touch with the outside society. For another, school should pay more attention to the all-round development of students instead of only to the examination performance. Only in this way, can students develop in a healthy way.

Sample 3

As is realistically indicated in the drawing above, a man is struggling hard to fight against heavy rain and forging ahead in adversity. What is conveyed in the drawing can make all of us think deeply.

The implication of the drawing can be interpreted with respect to adversity and positive reaction. To begin with, adversity is an integral part of our life. Every living person has problems.

A problem-free life is an illusion. Accept that fact. Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys. No one is up all the time, nor are they down all the time. Problems do end. They are all resolved in time. What’s more, positive reaction to the adversity creates tough

people. The tough people who survive the tough times choose to react positively to

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their predicament. Tough times never last, but tough people do. History teaches us that storms always give way to the sun.

Take Liu Xiang for example. In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he had to abandon his bid for goldmedal due to his physical ailment, which made him plunge into the nadir of his career. However, Liu bravely faced his adversity and did not give up hope. He persisted in his sports life and won a gold medal in Guangzhou Asian Games in 2010.

Sample 4

As is humorously demonstrated in the drawing above, a man is shouldering a huge axe and intends to cut down the last tree of our planet. The tree can no longer tolerate the man’s action and get ready to take its revenge on him. What is conveyed in the drawing reflects a reality andis most thought-provoking.

The main purpose of the painter can be interpreted in terms of conserving natural resources and protecting our environment. To begin with, natural resources should be conserved in order to keep sustainable development. It is well known that natural resources are limited. And some of them are not renewable. Thus, it is a

must to make wise use of natural resources. In addition, excessive exploitation of

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natural resources must be prohibited so as to protect our environment. At present, it is a pervasive phenomenon that human beings are excessively exploiting natural resources including forest, oil, coal and gas. As a result, natural disasters such as flood and drought occur more frequently. And the green-house effect is becoming more serious. If we do not stop our irrational action, we will surely lose our only habitat and suffer severe punishment from the nature. In short, sustainable development calls for human efforts to conserve natural resources and protect our environment.

Take the gradual rise of sea level for example. It is a fact that the sea level is rising every year because of destruction of forest and ozone layer. If human beings do not reflect on the irrational action, tomorrow is surely the doomsday of mankind. To save ourselves, let’s firstprotect our environment and conserve natural resources. Sample 5

Ecology Gets Priority

Because of exploitation of the environment by developed countries this century, the deterioration of the environment now threatens the existence of the human race. China remains the world's largest developing country. Millions of its people still live in poverty, and population is increasing by 13 million a year despite a stringent birth-control policy. These factors constitute enormous difficulties for economic development, protection of the environment and the utilization of natural resources.

However, pollution prevention and control will be intensified, the policy of birth

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control will be upheld and economic policy must take the environment into account. New sources of pollution must be controlled before they constitute a major problem. The waste of natural resources should be reduced to a minimum, with greater emphasis placed on scientific and technological innovation that reduce energy consumption and expand the use of clear sources. Both government controls and market mechanisms should be used in the battle against pollution and the public awareness about the environment must be lifted.

We should cross ethical, cultural, religious and ideological differences to make joint efforts today to curb pollution and protect the environment for sustained economic development, which is in the interest of all countries and of all people.

Sample 6

The problem of Human Population

It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth. But today on the same planet we have about 6, 000 million people, a figure 15 times as big as that of 1,000 years ago. We can see from some statistics that human population has been increasing almost all the time. The Industrial and Agriculture Revolution beginning in1650 caused a little to the growth of population. Then the emergence of modem medicine in 1850, which greatly lowered the death rate, contributed the population to in-crease rapidly.

The world’s population has been increasing at a fantastic speed during the past half century, and we are now faced with the so-called problem of “population explosion”. Because the land on which man can grow gains remain the same or

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even become less and less, with more and more people coming into this world, human beings are now confronted with the danger of food shortages. If not controlled, the population of the world will amount to 7,000 million in the year2002.

To solve the problem of “population explosion”, or in other words, to save mankind, it is extremely necessary to practice birth control in some areas of the world.

Sample 7

The Preservation of Wild Life

Animals in their natural state are part of the wonder of creation and the beauty of our world. However, as a result of the steady growth of the world population, there is less and less room on our planet for wild animals. Unless something is done, some species of animals will cease to exist in their wild state, which also means a disaster to human beings.

One of the effective measures to avoid the extinction of wild animals is for all countries to create nature reserves where all the native species of animals can wander freely and be protected from man. Certain rare species that are going to be extinct should be collected, fed and reproduced artificially.

From what we see happening in many parts of the world, the main danger to animalexistence comes from man’s activities. I should like to see an international law, forbidding the use and sale of meat, skins, horns and tusks from wild animals. We do great wrong if we allow any of their species to die out.

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Sample 8

Choose a Right Career

Choosing a right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. It is sensible for us to find out what our talents are and how we can make full use of them.

We can do this through aptitude test, interviews with specialists, and study books in our field of interest.

There are many careers open to each of us. If we like science, then we might prepare ourselves to be chemists, physicists, or biologists. Perhaps our interests take us into the business world or public relations. Teaching, newspaper work, medicine, engineer-these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.

Unfortunately, many people, for one reason or another, are not suited for the jobs they aredoing. For example, a person may be a salesman who really wants to be a doctor. As a result, they probably are not doing a very good job and certainly they are not happy.

Sample 9

The Value of Time

A proverb says, “Time is money.” But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Because when money is spent, we can earn it back, but when time is gone, it will never return.

Time at our disposal is unusually limited. Hence, even an hour is extremely precious.

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Weshould make full use of our time to do useful things. As students we must not relax our efforts to engage in our studies so as to serve society and our nation in the future. It's a great pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the value of time. They spend their precious time smoking, chinking and idling. They do not realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their valuable life.

We should get into the habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today untiltomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.

Sample 10


Thrift is a good habit to everyone, especially to the students who are still supported by their parents. It is by no means easy for their parents to earn money at the present day. There are many English proverbs which set forth the advantages of thrift. One of the best known is: “Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.” It is thrift that makes us rich or successful in life. We must be thrifty!

Therefore, everyone must know how to save. Following are some ways for it: first, we cut our daily expenses and devote the money saved to worthy uses. Secondly, we should secure the maximum utility of everything and avoid all kinds of waste. Last but not least, we shouldn't confuse thrift with stinginess because diligence and thrift go hand in hand.

However, there is a popular belief among people that students have formed a habit

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ofwasting. When you come into the dinning hall, you will find out they waste much grain.

Meanwhile, waste of time, vigor and money is easily found among them. In one word, waste isbecoming a big problem at the universities, so we should take steps to put it under control.

Sample 11

Key to Success

No doubt, everyone wishes to be successful in life. In discussing this, three fundamental principles, diligence, devotion and constancy, should be borne in mind all the time.

All things that we do can be done well through diligence. It removes ignorance, overcomes difficulties, and enlightens our minds. Yet, whenever we are working, we must carry out our duties efficiently. A persistent spirit is needed to help a person to obtain success. Devotion means to concentrate our effort in doing things. We must know which thing should be done first and then the others, and not to do everything at the same thing. Furthermore, constancy can also make success a certainty. If we study or work day after day, there is nothing that cannot be achieved. A strong passion can encourage am aimless person to perform a wonderful deed of valor. From doing noble deeds, the happiness involved is immeasurable. Happiness itself is success.

To conclude, hardly could any success be achieved without laboring. Success is simply thefruit of work.

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Sample 12

On Friendship

There are two kinds of friends: one is similar to you and the other is different from you. Which one do you prefer? Why? Both are beneficial, for each has their advantages.

The first kind of friends is sure to have the same ideas and interests in life and in work. If you are conservative, they may accompany you to enjoy something classical in some theater or opera; to some department store to pick up some dark Sunday suits. In your work you get on smoothly, as the research project they have chosen is to your taste; the way they adopt in solving problems and the steps they take in doing experiments are in accordance with your preference or vice versa. Whenever there is an argument, you can definitely obtain their supports.

Yet life is colorful, even the white light consists of various rays of colors. Different tastes and concepts may bring an entirely new world to your small region. With friends different from you, you may find popular songs and rock music irresistible and fashionable cowboy suit rather smart and comfortable. The advice and suggestions, opposite to yours, may help set you on the path to exploration. Diverse ways of tackling problems just demonstrate another versatile and skillful aspect of human being, thus extending your vision and expanding your mind. I prefer them both, and I need them both, for the world itself is made up of two similarity and diversity.

Sample 13

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To Be Master of One’s Own Fate

“Perseverance triumphs over fate.” But believers of fate always say that one's fate is predetermined and controlled by circumstances. Still they give examples to illustrate. For instance, some diligent people work hard and may die poor, but lazy people become millionaires overnight. Yet, I think these are only a few exceptional cases and most of tasks can be achieved by men of determination and perseverance. We should not believe in fate at all.

Everyone looks like the architect of one's own future. He designs the building with care. The better the construction materials are, the longer it will stand. With a firm foundation, a grand skyscraper may erect. Our life should be prepared in the same way, too.

We should not believe in fortune-telling. It sometimes may be true by chance only. I remember an old Chinese story. One day a farmer caught a hare while he was resting under a tree. He was ignorant enough to believe that he might do so again. He waited for a rabbit every day at the same place. He wasted his time in vain. It is quite true that "nothing is ventured, nothing is gained". Keep in mind that "where there is a will, there is a way. We should try to bethe master of our own fate.

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