

英语常用词组4249个 (详细版)



1.a fraction of一部分

2.a matter of concern焦点

3.a series of 一系列, 一连串

4.abandon sb to sth(不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃

5.abandon sth to sb不得已而放弃




give up doing:放弃做某种行为

6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing) 有能力做某事

7.to the best of one’s ability尽其所能


ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth(注:不加of doing))

capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing))

8.be able to do sth能够


able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth)


capable:(用法:capable of doing)

9.be about to do …when… 打算

10.abound with/in富于、充满…

11.above all近义词:especially尤其是, 最重要的

12.be absent from缺席

13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded心不在焉

14.absent oneself from sth不在

15.absolve sb from 赦免某人…

16.be absorbed in近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated on

be focused on;be centered on全神贯注于…

17.abstain from避开(免)…

18.be abundant in近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with富于,富有

19.abundant in富于

20.accept sth 同意某事

21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人

22.accept that… 相信/认为…

23.access to(不可数名词) 能接近,进入



receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth)

24.by accident 偶然


accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。

incident 通常指大事件中较小的事件,小插曲或人生中所碰到的虽小但留下较深印象的平凡事件。它还用来指政治上具有一定影响的事态,如战争,叛乱

25.without accident 安全地

26.accommodate sbwith向某人提供…

27.accommodate oneself to适应…

28.of one’s own accord自愿地

29.in accord with 与…一致.


30.out of one’s accord with 同…不一致

31.with one accord 近义词:with everybody agreeing 一致地

32.in accordance with 近义词:in agreement with 依照,根据

33.account for 解释

34.on one’s own account ①为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

②(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责

③(=by oneself)依靠自己

35.on account 赊账

36.on account of 因为

37.on no account 不论什么原因也不

38.of …account有…重要性.

39.take…into account/consider 把…考虑进去

40.give sb an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

41.account for 解释,说明.

42.on account of 近义词:because of 由于,因为.

43.on no account 近义词:in no case,for no reason 绝不要,无论如何


44.accuse sb of sth. 控告


accuse :控告(用法:accuse sb of sth )

charge:控告(用法:charge sb with sth )

sue:控告(用法:sue sb for sth )

45.be accustomed to 习惯于





46.acknowledge that… 承认

47.acknowledge doing 承认做

48.acknowledge sb as/to be sth 承认某人

49.be acquainted with ①了解 ②熟悉

50.act for 代理…

51.act on 对…起作用;按照…行动

52.act out 比划着表演;履行;将…表演出来

53.act as 扮演

54.take an active part in 积极参加

55.be active in热心于



real:真的,真正的,指客观上存在,并非想象和虚拟,与“无”相对,反义词为 unreal true:真实的,强调事实的实际情况相符,与“假”相对,反义词为 false

56.adapt to 近义词:adjust oneself to 适应于

57.adapt from 改编自…(剧本)






58.add in 增加

59.add to 加上

60.add sth to sth


例如:one added to one is/makes two.把…加上…

61.add up

例如:The balloons added up the festival atmosphere.增加

62.add up to

例如:His whole school education added up to no more than one year.加起来总共

63.be addicted to 对…有瘾

64.in addition 近义词:besides 此外

65.in addition to 近义词:as well as, other than 除…之外

66.adhere to 近义词:abide by,conform to,comply with,cling to,

insist on, persist in ①粘附; ②坚持,遵循

67.adjust sth to sth 调节

68.adjust to(doing)sth 习惯于;使自己适应于…


adjust:稍作调整(用法:adjust to(doing)sth)

adapt:较大的改动来适应(用法:adapt sth for sth)

69.admire sb/sth for (doing) sth 钦佩某人所做的某事

70.admit of 近义词:be capable of, leave room for 留有…的余地

71.be admitted to (doing) 承认

72.adore doing 喜欢做某事

73.in advance 预先

74.advance on/towards sth/sb 向…前进

75.advance sb sth = advance sth to sb 向某人预付…钱

76.gain/get/have/win an advantage over 胜过,比…处于优势地位

77.have the advantage of 具有…的有利条件

78.have the advantage of sb 知道某人所不知道的事

79.take advantage of 近义词:make the best of, make use of, profit from


80.advertise for 登广告寻求、寻找…

81.advise sb of sth 把某事通知某人

82.advise with sb on sth 同某人商量某事

83.soon after…在…之后一会

84.right after 在…之后立刻….

can,could, be able to + afford (to do)负担得起



before:指过去或将来的某时刻“以前”,也可泛指以前,常和完成时连用,可以单独使用 重点词组

85.agree with

例如:I don?t agree with what you said.同意(观点)

The climate here doesn?t agree with me.(气候,食物)适合某人

86.agree on 与…(观点)达成一致

87.agree to 同意(计划)

88.be in agreement with 同意, 一致

89.ahead of 在…之前

90.ahead of time/schedule 提前

91.aim at 瞄准、针对…

92.let in air 使…通风

93.by air 乘飞机

94.in the air ①在空中;②不肯定, 不具体;③在谣传中

95.on the air (用无线电,电视)播送

96.alien to 与…相反


97.above all 尤其是

98.after all 毕竟

99.all along 一直

100.all but 近义词;almost,nearly 几乎,差点没 101.all at once近义词:suddenly 突然, 同时

102.all in all 总之

103.all of a sudden 突然

104.all over again 再一次

105.all over 遍及

106.all right 好的

107.all the same 仍然;别忘了,到底

108.all the time 一直

109.all together 总共;一道

110.above all 最重要的

111.after all 毕竟,到底

112.be all in 累极了

113.first of all 首先

114.for all 尽管,虽然

115.not at all 一点也不

116.once and for all 只此一次

117.in alliance with 与…联盟

118.allow for 近义词:take into consideration, take into account


119.allow of 容许,容得…





almost 与 nearly 的主要区别

修饰 no, none, never, any 以及 no, 和 any 的合成词时,一般用 almost

although 与though的主要区别

though 可放在句尾;although 不可放在句尾

120.have ambitious for/to do 对…有雄心、抱负

121.amount to 相当于…

122.be angry with sb at/about sth. 对某人/某事生气


announce 指正式“公布”,“宣布”,侧重预告人们关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻

declare 正式向公众宣布,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判

123.answer for 近义词:undertake responsibility for, be liable for,

take charge for 对…负责.

124.answer to 近义词:conform to 适合,符合



reply:不及物动词vi,后接 to,为书面用语

125.be anxious about 挂念…

126.be anxious to do sth 渴望做…

127.be anxious for sth渴望得到某物

128.be anxious for sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

129.anything of一点儿

130.for anything 无论如何

131.not anything like 无论如何都不


132.anything but 根本不

133.apart from 除…外(有/无) 134.take apart 拆开

135.set apart 储存

136.tell apart 区别

137.appeal to ①吸引;②申述;③请求 138.appeal to sb for sth 为某事向某人提出呼吁 139.appear +形容词/to do/that… 似乎

140.have an appetite for 喜爱

141.the apple of someone's eye 掌上明珠

142.applicable to 适用于

143.apply for 申请

144.apply to ①适用于; ②向…申请 145.apply to sb for sth 请求某人…

146.apply oneself to sth 致力于某事

147.appoint sb as 任命某人为…(职务) 148.appoint sb to 任命、委任某人为… 149.approach sb on/about sth 为某事同某人打交道 150.approach to…的方法

151.appropriate for/to合适

152.approve of 赞成

153.approximate to 接近

154.apologize to sb for sth 为某事向某人道歉 155.make an apology to sb for sth 因某人向某人道歉 156.apt at 聪明, 善于

157.apt to 易于

158.argue with/against sb about/on sth 与某人辩论某事

159.argue for 主张

160.argue sb into/out of doing sth 说服某人做或不做某事 161.arise from/out of 由…而引起



occur,happen,take place用于事故、事情、变化等发生、产生 162.be around 差不多

163.around the clock 夜以继日

164.arrange with sb for/about sth 与某人商定某事

165.arrive at 到达(小地点,如车站)166.arrive in 到达(大地点) 167.as a matter of fact 实际上

168.as a result(of) 因此,由于

169.as a rule 通常,照例

170.as far as 远至,到…程度 171.as far as …be concerned 就…而言

172.as follows 如下

173.as for 至于,关于

174.as good as 和…几乎一样 175.as if 好像


as many as +数词 +复数名词,用于人/物的具体数目前

as much as +数词 +复数名词,用于价格、重量前

176.as regards 关于


177.as to 至于,关于

178.as usual 照例

179.as well 也

180.as well as 除…外(也),即…又

181.be ashamed of 对…感到羞愧

182.aside from 除…外(还有)

183.ask for 请求…;向…要…;通过询问找…

184.assess on/upon 向…征税、罚款

185.assign … to 把…分配给…

186.assist sb with sth/in doing sth 帮助某人做某事

187.assure sb of sth 使某人确信某事

188.be astonished at/by 对…感到吃惊

189.at a loss 不知所措

190.at a time 一次,每次

191.at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

192.at all costs 不惜一切代价

193.at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

194.at all times 随时,总是

195.at any rate无论如何,至少

196.at best 充其量,至多

197.at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

198.at first 最初,起先

199.at hand 在手边,在附近

200.at heart 内心里,本质上

201.at high speed 高速地

202.at intervals 不时,每隔

203.at large 大多数,未被捕获的/逍遥法外 204.at last 终于

205.at least 至少

206.at length 终于

207.at most 至多,不超过

208.at no time 从不,决不

209.at once 立刻

210.at one time曾经;同时

211.at present 目前

212.at someone's disposal 由…处理

213.at random 随机的、任意的

214.at the age of 在…岁的时候

215.at the bottom of 在…底部

216.at the cost of 以…为代价

217.at the end of 在…的结尾

218.at the foot of 在…脚下

219.at the height of 在…顶点;在(事业等)的高峰 220.at the mercy of 由…控制

221.at the moment 此刻,目前

222.at the same time 同时

223.at this rate 照此速度

224.at times 有时

225.attach to 缚,系,结

226.make an attempt at doing sth/to do sth 试图做…

227.attend on/upon 近义词:wait upon, serve, look after 侍候,照料 6

228.attend to 近义词:give one’s attention ①专心于…;②照顾 辨析

attend 指参加会议,听报告,典礼,仪式,上学等(attend to服务)

join 指加入某团体,如参军,入团等

join in 指参加比赛的活动

take part in 指参加群众性活动、运动、劳动等(在活动中发挥作用)

229.attitude to/toward…对…的态度.看法

230.attribute … to 把…归咎于…

231.avail oneself of 利用…

232.be available to sb. 可用,可供

233.on average 平均

234.average out算出…平均数

235.be aware of近义词:be conscious of意识到

236.awara … to把…授予(判给)…

237.be away from 远离…

238.right away 立刻

239.far away 遥远



1.back and forth 来回地,反复地

2.back of 在…后面

3.back up 后备,支援

4.at the back of 近义词:behind 在…后面

5.in the back of 在…后部(里面)

6.on the back of 在…后部(外面)


7.be on one’s back 卧病不起.

8.at one’s back 支持,维护

9.have sb. at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台

10.turn one’s back on sb 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃

11.behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)

12.go from bad to worse 每况愈下





13.bang sth into sb 硬把某事灌输给某人

14.bare of 几乎没有,缺乏

15.bargain with sb about/over/for sth 与某人就某事讨价还价

16.bargain on doing sth 料想/商定做某事

17.be based on 根据

18.on the basis of 根据

19.battle with sb for sth 为某事而同某人的斗争

20.battle of sth 关于某事的斗争

21.battle against/with sb 为某事而跟某人作斗争

22.be in season 上市的/in peak season旺季

23.be of + 抽象名词:年龄(age)、大小(size)、颜色(color)、重量(weight)、高度(height)、价格(price)、意见(opinion)、方法(way)、use、value、importance

24.beg … of sb请求某人…

25.beg for 乞求…

26.believe in 信任…

27.believe it or not 信不信由你

28.belong to 属于…

29.beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢

30.beat down 杀价

31.beat off 击退

32.beat up 痛打,毒打

33.beat the crowd 避开人群






before long:不久以后

long before:很久以前

34.as before 如从前一样

35.beg sb for sth =beg sth of/from sb 向某人乞讨某物

36.beg sb to do sth 请求某人做某事

37.beg one's pardon 请原谅

38.begin with sth 以…开始

39.to begin with 近义词:first of all 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)

40.at the beginning of开始

41.to begin with 第一;开始,起初

42.on behalf of近义词:as the representative of 以…名义

43.behaved well/badly 表现得好/差

44.fall/lag behind 落后

45.behind schedule 误点


46.believe in 相信;信任; 信仰

47.believe it or not 信不信由你


below 指位置低于某物,但不一定在其正下方,反义词为 above

under 指在某物的正下方,反义词为 over

48.belong to(doing) 属于(注:不用于被动、进行语态)





except for:除了…以外 (除去整体中的小部分细节),后接短语

except that:后接从句,表示对一个人或事物先作一个总体评价,然后就其局部提出一点看法,所排除的不是同一范畴的东西。

except when:后接有关于时间的从句。

49.benefit from受益,得到好处.

50.for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)

51.be beneficial to 对…有益

52.bent on sth 下定决心做…

53.beside point离题的,不相干的

54.for the better 好转

55.get the better of 近义词:defeat sb 打败

56.had better do 最好做


between:用于两者之间或两者以上的之间(用法:between 应与 and 连用,不与 or 连用)


57.beyond one's ability 超越某人的能力

58.beyond question 毫无疑问

59.bid on/for sth 对…出价

60.bid to do 企图做…

61.bid sb sth =bid sth to sb 向某人问候…

62.at birth 在出生时

63.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统

64.give birth to 出生

65.be to blame for 应负责任

66.blame sth on sb = blame sb for sth 把…归咎于某人

67.blaze with sth ①燃烧;②闪耀着;③激发…

68.in blossom 开花(指树木)

69.be in blossom 开花(强调状态)

70.come into blossom 开花(强调动作)

71.blow away 刮走,吹走

72.blow down (风)吹倒

73.blow off ①吹掉;②将热水、蒸气等放掉

74.blow over (风)吹翻、刮翻

75.boast of/about 吹嘘

76.boil over 发怒、激动

77.book up 订完了

78.be bound to 注定

79.bound for 开往

80.borrow sth from sb 向某人借…

81.bother … about sb 为…烦扰

82.bother about doing sth /to do sth为做某事操心、烦恼



83.break away ①逃走;②断裂

84.break away from

例如:He broke away from all his old friends.断绝来往

She should break away from such habits.改掉(习惯)

85.break down

例如:With our plans broken down,The peace talks have broken down.(计划/谈判)失败

Her health broke down under the pressure of work.(身体健康)垮掉了

Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substance.分解

The telephone system has broken down.(机器或车辆)出故障

86.break in 训练;破门而入;插嘴;开始使用

87.break into ①强行进入;②突然发出或开始

88.break off sth with sb 中断;突然停止讲话

89.break out (战争、火灾等)爆发

90.break through 突破

91.break up

例如:After midnight,the party broke up.散会

She broke up the candy and give each child a small piece.分开

91.break up with 和某人分手

92.hold one's breath 屏住呼吸

93.out of breath 上气不接下气

94.breathe in 呼入

95.breathe out 呼出

96.in brief 简言之


97.bring about

例如:He brought about a quarrel between his parents.引起

She msde every effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the problems.实现

98.bring along 捎来

99.bring back ①归还;②使…想起; ③恢复;把…带回; ④(风)刮倒 100.bring sb back to 使某人恢复到…

101.bring down

例如:Electricity lines were brought down by falling trees or brabches.使…倒下

bring down prices. 降低价格

102.bring forth 生产,产生

103.bring forward

例如:Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.提出…意见

They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday.提前

104.bring in ①赚取; ②吸引

105.bring off 使成功;完成…

106.bring on ①使…长得更好;②引起(火灾或疾病);③端上(食物) 107.bring out ①解释清明; ②出版(书、唱片等)

108.bring through 救活,使…渡过难关

109.bring to 使…恢复知觉

110.bring up

例如:She was born in TaiWan but brought up in Japan.抚养

She was so ill that she brought up everything that she ate at noon. 呕吐

111.build on 依赖、依靠…;把…建立于…

112.build up ①加大;增强(体质);②建立,开发

113.in bulk 成批地,不散装的

114.burn down (火势)减弱;(被)焚毁


115.burn off 烧掉

116.burn out ①烧尽,熄灭; ②(因过热或使用过多)出故障;③耗尽体力 117.burn up ①被烧毁;发烧;②(火)烧得更旺;激怒

118.burst into ①闯入…;②突然发作

119.burst on/upon 突然来到…

120.burst out 突然…起来

121.bury in sth 专心致志于某事;隐居

122.on business出差

123.be busy with sth 忙于某事

124.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

125.but for 要不是

126.but then/again 然而,另一方面

127.last but not least 最后一点但也是最重要的一点

128.buy sb sth =buy sth for sb给某人买某物

129.by accident 偶然

130.by air 通过航空途径

131.by all means尽一切办法,务必

132.by and by 不久,迟早

133.by and large总体来说

134.by chance 偶然

135.by far 最,…得多

136.by hand 用手,用体力

137.by itself 独自地

138.by means of 依靠

139.by mistake 错误地,无意地

140.by no means 决不

141.by oneself 独自地

142.by reason of由于

143.by the way 顺便说说

144.by virtue of借助,由于

145.by way of 经由,通过…方法




1.calculate on/upon 指望,期待着…


2.call after 以…命名

3.call at拜访(某地)

例如:I formed the habit of calling in on him/calling in at his office in the afternoon.顺便来访

4.call away 叫走

5.call back ①回电话;②收回(说错的话)

6.call for

例如:The trouble calls for quick action by the government.要求

I will call for you at five o?clock.来找(某人)

We called for the packages at the post office.来取(某物)

7.call in

例如:Your father is ill.You should call in a doctor at once.找来(医生)

The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads.召集

8.call off ①取消; ②把(狗)叫开(不让它咬人); 例如:They?ve called off the game because of the thick fog.取消

9.call on 拜访(某人);号召

例如:I formed the habit of calling in on him/calling in at his office in the afternoon.顺便来访

10.call out ①下令罢工;②要求某人出动

11.call out to sb 叫喊某人

12.call up 近义词:remind of①使人回忆起;②打电话给

13.a campaign against 反对…的运动

14.a campaign for 赞成…的运动

15.be capable of doing能够

16.be capable of being + 过去分词 是能够被…的

17.be care about 关心

18.be care for 喜欢

19.in the care of sb/in one’s care 由…照顾

20.take care 小心;走好

21.take care of负责,处理;照顾

22.care nothing about 对…漠不关心;对…毫不介意

23.be careful about/with 对…小心

24.can’t be too careful 在小心也不过分

25.can but do 只能…罢了

26.can not but do 不得不

27.can not…too… 越…越好

28.can only do 只能

29.be capable of 有能力做

30.be capable for 有资格做

31.capitalize on 利用


32.care about

例如:He cared about money. 喜欢


The professor said that he was interested only in research;he didn?t care about his students.关心

33.care for 照顾

34.care of ①关心;②喜欢;③烦劳转交(某物)

35.take care 保重;当心

36.take care of照顾


37.carry away ①运走;②变得很激动;③[一般用被动态]使着迷,失去理


38.carry back ①使…回忆起;②拿回

39.carry forward ①推进; ②发扬

40.carry off 抢走

41.carry on

例如:He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation.进行

One person should carry on where the other had left off.继续进行下去

42.carry out 开展;实现;贯彻;进行到底

例如:I was chosen to carry out our experiment.进行

He didn?t carry out his promise to us.履行

43.carry through ①顺利实现; ②帮助渡难关

44.in case 近义词:for fear that 以防万一

45.in case of 近义词:in the event of 如果发生…万一

46.in the case of 就…而言,至于

47.in any case 无论如何

48.in no case 决不,在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

49.in that case假如那样的话,既然那样

50.in any case 近义词:at any rate,at any price,at any cost 无论


51.cast about for 寻觅…,想方设法

52.cast away 丢掉、抛弃…

53.cast down 使…沮丧

54.cast off 抛弃…;使…自由

55.catch attention 引起注意

56.catch at 抓住…;渴望取得…

57.catch on ①受欢迎,流行起来;②理解;③勾住,绊倒

58.catch sb out①使…突陷困境; ②抓住某人的短处

59.catch sb red—handed 当场抓住,现场捕获

60.catch up with 追上;赶上;碰上

61.catch a chance 抓住机会

62.catch a cold感冒

63.be caught in被困于…





64.have caution sb against doing sth警告某人不要做某事

65.cause sb to do 使某人做某事

66.cause sb sth给某人带来…

67.be cautious about/of 谨防

68.cease from doing sth 停止做某事

69.center one’s attention on 近义词:focus one’s attention on把注意力集中在…上

70.be certain of/about近义词:be sure of 确信

71.be certain to 必然,一定


72.for a certain reason 由于某种原因

73.for certain 确定的是

74.for certain of 近义词:for sure 肯定地

75.make certain of (doing) sth 确保做某事

76.make certain that…弄清楚,弄明白

77.centre… on/upon (把…)集中于…

78.chair a meeting 主持会议

79.challenge sb to sth… 向某人提出对某事的挑战

80.accept one’t challenge to do sth接受某人的挑战去做某事

81.chance doing冒险做

82.chance to do碰巧做

83.by chance 碰巧

84.on chance 不可能

85.take a chance 冒险

86.give sb/sth half a chance 给…一些机会

87.change…for… 用…代替…

88.change…into… 把…变成…

89.change hands换主人;转手

90.change ones mind to do 改变主意

91.for a change换换环境(花样等)

92.charge sb for sth 为某事向某人索要(费用)

93.charge sb with sth 控告某人做了某事

94.charge sth upon sb 把…归咎于某人

95.on the charge of 对某人的控告

96.in charge of由…主管

97.in the charge of 被…主管

98.take charge of 照管,掌管

99.chat with sb about sth 与某人关于某事进行聊天

100.cheat sb of sth 骗取某人的…

101.cheat in 登记,报到;托运

102.cheat out of 结账离开;查证,核实;查看

103.check out 查明;结账

104.check up 检查…

105.check up on查证,核实

106.check up with 与…相符合

107.chew over/pon 深思,细想

108.have on choice but to do 除了做…,别无选择

109.choose to do 选择做…

110.choose…from/mong/ut of 从…中挑选…

111.choose between…and… 在…中挑选…

112.claim sth from sb 要求某人…

113.clash into… 猛撞在…

114.clean out (把…)打扫干净、清除出去

115.clean up (把…)收拾整洁,打扫干净

116.clean up on击败…,胜过…


117.clear away

例如:The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment.收走

How can we clear away these doubts?清除

118.clear of 没有,不接触

119.clear off ①离开,走开;②逃离;③清除…;④摆脱烦恼 14

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