

专题训练二 选词填空题

1. George is a very(smart)boy, he is one of the best students in his class. 2. You have to work hard if you want to _________ ( succeed) in your courses. 3. ________ (Shortly) after you left, a girl came into our office looking for you. 4. At first, the course was a bit difficult for me but I ________( manage) to

pass the final exam with a fairly good grade. 5. Mary is my best friend and I always________( share) my secretswith her. 6. The lost traveler was filled with _________( fear) when he saw a

bearrunning toward him.

7. When you’re away from your family, you have to be________(responsible)

for yourself.

8. At first, he was afraid of being off by himself. Shortly,_________(however ),

he became used to living alone.

9. Children in China ________(enter)school at the age of 6 or 7 and must

study there for at least nine years. 10. The earth is _______ (surround) by air, which makes up its atmosphere. 11. If you can’t _______ (handle) the job, I’ll get someone else to do it. 12. 12. John was so________ (comfortable ) and warm in bed that he didn’t

want to get up.

13. You can ask him for advice but the final choice________ (is up to) you. 14. Everything is developing so quickly in today’s world that I am afraid I can’t

_______ (keep up with) all the changes.


15. The brave sailorsmanaged to keep their boat _______during (under control)

the storm.

16. If _______ (at first) you don’t succeed, try, try again. 17. Today young people from different countries can easily_________ (make

friends with) one another through email. 18. 18. Mark wanted to finish his homework in two hours, but it ________ (turn

out) to be harder than he thought. 19. Tom fell and broke his leg. ________ (As a result) , he would have to be

away from school for a month or two. 20. ________ (In addition), I have something else to do this weekend. 21. I sincerely thank you for your _________(invitation) to the Industrial


22. Hurried _________( decisions ) are likely to be bad ones. 23. --- I passed the final examination! --- Congratulations. I think you

__________ ( study ) a lot before you took it. 24. The children stopped ___________ ( talking ) as the teacher came in. 25. Your manager will __________ ( assign ) you your work for today. 26. We spent two weeks ___________ (driving) in England last summer. 27. These new foreign students were welcomed __________ ( more warmly )

than they had expected.

28. That was the most __________( attractive) program they could think of. 2

29. I was _________ ( pleased) to have received your letter dated May 20th

last week.

30. She warned me that I would ___________ ( have) an accident if I didn’t take

more care.

31. As a young man, he has a strong__________( desire) for success. 32. The plan must remain_________ (secret) until next month. 33. On Memorial Day the American people _________ (honor) those soldiers

who died in wars. 34. My finger was ________ (injure) when I tried to collect the broken glass by


35. We were happy that her dream of marrying Fred finally became a

_______(reality). 36. My classmates all laughed when I ________ (imitate) our teacher. 37. The book says that modern music was first _________ (develop) in Italy. 38. The boy could earna little money by________ (deliver)newspapers. 39. Jane stayed home on Monday so that her cold would not ________ (spread)

to others in the office. 40. Your throatlooks ________ ( infected). I think you should take some

medicine. 41. Do you believe that God_________ (create) the world in six days? 42. It took us________ (nearly) two hours to get there.


43. It suddenly ________ (come to) me that I should have left a message on his


44. Please ________ (pick up) that piece of paper you’ve just dropped on the


45. I don’t think quarrels will ever _________ (lead to) any good results. 46. My friend agreed to _________ (take care of) my dog while I’m on vacation. 47. The students are planning a big party_________ (in honor of ) their

retiringteacher. 48. Human beings learned to________tools________ ( make sth. out of ) stones

thousands of years ago. 49. Don’t you think watching TV ________ (take up) too much of your time? 50. A team ________ (made up of) 15 doctors and 25 nurses was sent to the

flooded area. 51. He rushed ________ (dangerously)across the busy street to catch the bus. 52. We thought they had come to repair the phone ;but in_______(reality) they

were thieves. 53. Last night she told me that shewould_______ (go) to the United States next


54. I am sorry to learn that you have made no_________(improvement) on the

design at all.

55. Any increase in the cost of transporting goods will be passed on to the

_________ (consumer)


56. This medicine is _________(poisonous) if taken in large quantities. 57. A new hospital _________(build)in our hometown now. 58. He talked as if he _________(do) all the work himself ,but in fact Tom

and I did most of it. 59. The chairman said, The plan _________(being discussed) now must be kept

as a secret.

60. If the medicine ________(take) in time ,it will be quite effective. 61. My uncle said he would(stay) _______here for another two weeks. 62. All the windows of the dining-hall must(be painted) ________white by this


63. Now that you’re 16years old, you should have more sense of (responsibility)


64. The students made a list of their (complaints) _______about school meals. 65. Try to (judge) ________the distance from here to that car. 66. I’ll consider (see) ________the manager at the office this afternoon ,but I’m

not sure if I have the time . 67. If no one has any (objection)________,I’ll declare the meeting closed . 68. George’s father was angry when he knew the young tree (cut)

________down. 69. The machine does not seem to work properly.I think it needs



70. You can’t take away these magazines (belonging)________to our school

library .

71. The heavy snow didn't stop us from (go) . 72. The chairman emphasized his ideas by speaking more(loudly)____. 73. She told us such (funny ) stories about their holiday. 74. The more storybooks I give the children, the (happier) they are. 75. I ( believe) that Tom will pass his examination. 76. The government must raise the living standard of the people as soon as

( possible) .

77. He tried his best to make the machine (work) properly. 78. They stopped (search)____for the missing plane as the weather was very


79. What he said made his mother much (angry) . 80. I think her headaches are caused by (stress) . 81. If no one answers at the front door, why not try (knock)______ at the back


82. Please don’t forget to (get)______ this camera repaired, for there is

something wrong with it. 83. Generally (speaking) _____________, this book is not very difficult for the

junior students. 84. Movies give (delight) ________ to millions of people. 85. We are going to (bathe)________ in the river near our village.


86. The new dictionary, which was bought yesterday, (send) ____ to him as a

gift before his birthday.

87. If the sea were to rise 500 feet, India would (become) _______ an island. 88. There has been a large(growth)____of light industries during these years. 89. This country’s (wealth)________ comes from its oil. 90. The manager asked the secretary to (shorten)____the report to about


91. Living in the country is less(expensive)____than living in the city. 92. It’s my ( belief )_______ that her death was not an accident. 93. He was in great (pain) ___________after he broke his arm. 94. The children from the U.S. got used to(eat)____Chinese food quite soon. 95. Food prices(raise)____so rapidly in the past few months that some families

have been forced to change their eating habits. 96. If the medicine (take)_____in time,it will be quite effective. 97. Does he have enough (strength) __________ to lift these weights? 98. The boss has promised a wage increase for all the (employees)____. 99. In the (following)____________ weeks, the six blind men kept on

quarrelling about the elephant.

100. I advise you ( to think)_________ twice before deciding to accept the

position in this company.

101. These pills should (keep)____out of the reach of children. 102. The little girl is (nervous ) __________ about staying alone at night.


103. He told a very ( lively)____story about his life in Africa. 104. (Influenced)________ by Lei Feng’s example, the students performed a

lot of good deeds. 105. I f I hadn't driven the car so fast yesterday,I(avoid)____the accident. 106. Don’t ( blame)__________ me if it doesn’t work ― it’s not my fault. 107. The American speaks Chinese so fluently as if he (be) ___________


108. Mary had made up her mind to go and what I said to her didn't make

any(difference)_____. 109. We were all (astonished ) ___________ by the news that he had killed


110. It was a (sad) ____________ day for our team when we lost the final. 111. I need some time to (reflect)______on what has just happened. 112. He has a (reason)______to hate her because she is responsible for him

losing his job.

113. I wish you would mind your own (business) _______. 114. When I was a child, my parents always told me that hard work is the

only (path) ______to success. 115. Thank you for (remind)______me that someone is waiting for me in the


116. People like this film because it is about their (everyday)______life. 117. I (forgive)____you this time,but please don't let it happen again.


118. She (tend)_________to spend too much time playing computer games. 119. I am (grateful)_______to my parents for all that they have done for me. 120. I can't (judge)_______whether he was right or wrong, so I have to ask

someone else.

121. I was filled with (pride)_______after I achieved great success through

hard work.

122. He (greet)________me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand. 123. He didin't speak for long, but everything he said was(to the


124. With no one taking care of him, the boy had to (be on one'd

own)________after his father's death.

125. When I (look back)_______, I still remember my high-school days which

were among the happiest in my life.

126. He is welcome everywhere, for he is ready to (give a hand)________to

anyone in need.

127. The monitor is ( in charge)________when the teacher leaves the


128. Bob knew that one day he would (be caught up in) ________the war,like

all his friends.

129. Many people in the world have more than enough to eat, but many

others often (go hungry)________.


130. This was given to me as a present (on the occasion of)________my

graduation from high school. 131. Those buildings are so tall that they seem to(touch)_______the sky. 132. We need someone with (energy)_______and enthusiasm to do this job. 133. He was driving at a (speed)_______of 90 miles per hour on his way


134. Of course he is our landlord;he owns the (entire)_______building. 135. Is there anything (special)________that you 'd like to do this

afternoon,Peter? 136. China's GDP(increase)_______by 11.4 percent in 2007. 137. Believe it or not,our foreign teacher is quite (skilled)_______at

cooking Chinese dishes. 138. She seems so quiet,but (actually) _______she likes to talk. 139. This word has four (separate)________meanings. 140. You are (require)________by law to stop your car after an accident. 141. What's your (secret)_______for looking so young? 142. I go to sleep on my back but I always wake up in a

different(position)_______. 143. She was running (up and down) ______outside her house,shouting for


144. The noise from the next door (keep from) _______me ______sleeping

last night.


145. The disease is more commonly ( known as)_____mad cow disease. 146. He is having (quite a bit of ) ______trouble with his car,isn't he? 147. The little girl had to hold onto the railings to (keep one's balance) ____. 148. I prefer to live near my work (rather than) _______spend a lot of time

travelling every day. 149. I used to (think of…as) ____him _______someone who would always

help me, but I was wrong. 150. In my family my parents are like our friends, so we (feel free)______ to

ask them any questions.


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