

选修6 unit 4 Global Warming 周周测(60分钟100分)


1.On _____________ (平均) we spend £300 per day.

2.The climate of Beijing is _____________ (温和的).

3.Mr. Li ____________ (陈述) that he had never seen the man.

4.Generally speaking, the market has a rising _____________ (趋势).

5.He _____________ (提倡) rewarding the children for the good behavior.

6.It’s said that the plan has received ____________(普遍的) support throughout the country.

7.The new computer system should solve a whole __________(范围;种类) of problems.

8.Although close to tears,she tried to make her voice sound ____________(随便的;漫不经心的).

9.____________(温和的) weather is pleasant because it is neither extremely hot nor extremely cold.

10.If our business is to survive,we must be able to adapt to changing ____________(环境).


11. There is a growing____________(tend) for people to work at home instead of in offices.

12.The serious geological disaster has threatened the_______ (exist) of this kind of species,and it might be endangered if nothing is done.

13. She is a person __________(oppose) to going shopping with others.So she seldom stays with those _________(oppose)her ideas about shopping.

14. She studied hard,and ____________ consequence,she passed the examination.

15. The father and his son have built____________ a good business over the years.

二. 选词填空 用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。(每空2分,共20分)

1.I don’t know how it ________________ that she came late on Mondays.

2.It’s my honor to give a speech to the advanced teachers here ________________ my company.

3.There were one or two unsatisfactory moments,but ________________ our holiday was very enjoyable.

4.The noise coming from outside is reaching a point where we will no longer be able to________________ it.

5.Jacobs does not ________________ the belief that people are basically good.

6.He ________________me but he kept on talking with the others,putting me in an embarrassing situation.

7.The car crash ________________ three people being killed and one injured.

8.The price of oil has________________by over 50 percent in less than a year.

9.At first they ________________ the scheme,but we managed to argue them round.

10.I don’t care about the price,________________ the car is in good condition.

三、从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题1分,共5分)

1. It was not until near the end of the letter _____ she mentioned her own plan.

A. thatB. where C. why D. when

2. It was only after he had read the papers _____ Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.

A. whenB. that C. which D. what

3. It was with the help of the local guide _____ the mountain climber was rescued.

A. who B. thatC. whenD. how

4. —Was it by cutting down staff _____ she saved the firm?

—No, it was by improving work efficiency.

A. whenB. what C. howD. that

5. It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _____ Zheng He had sailed to East Africa.


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