江苏省启东中学高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order Welcome to the u


江苏省启东中学高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order Welcome to the

unit教案 新人教版选修10


1. Test some word spelling.

2. Translate some sentences in word study.


Today we’ll take up unit 4. Its title is ‘Law and order’. Answer the questions

1. What does ‘order’ refer to?(the condition in which people obey laws and rules)

2. What things do you think are usually involved in law and order? (types of crimes: theft, murder, robbery, etc.

people involved: criminals, police, detectives, witnesses, judges, lawyers, victims, etc

terms involved: trial, in prison, arrest, evidence, etc)

Sharing information Pic. 1. a. What is the man trying to do with the hook?

(He is trying to steal the bag while the other person is sleeping)b. How long ago did this happen?How do you know?

(Judging from their appearance, it might have happened hundreds of years ago)c. Do you think this often happen nowadays?Why? (this particular type of theft is less likely than in ancient times, ….) Pic. 2. a. Have you ever heard about cybercrime?What do you know about it? * Cybercrime has developed very recently * It involves the Internet, and it is hard to detect or track

* It is not easy to catch the criminals involved in cybercrime because they could be in any country and can move quickly from place to place. * It uses computer technology, and most criminals involved in it are experts

in IT.

* International cooperation is needed to fight against it.

Pic. 3. a. Do you know what the police do for society?

* help keep order

* guard our society

* catch thieves, detect traffic and protect people

b. What is your opinion about their work?

Do you think our society would be safe without them?

c. Do you want to be a policeman or policewoman? Why?

Pic. 4. a. What word can we use to mean ‘copy films and music without one’s


(Piracy)b. Have you ever seen pirate books, CDs or DVDs for sales?

c. Do you think it is OK to pirate them? Why?


Questions: Answer the questions under the pictures.


1. Do the reading on page 126-127 in workbook.

2. Do exercises on page 127-128 in KKL.


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