


完形填空 话题:历史古迹词数:192参考用时:7分钟

The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years. It runs from the east to the west in North China. It is about 6,300 kilometers It is “Ten- -thousand-Li Great Wall”. It is one of the “Seven Wonders” of the ancient world.

stones and bricks(砖)side and on the highest part. But now some sections of it are worn out.

There are tall watch-towers alone the Great Wall. Once time, the soldiers kept watching the enemies(敌人)on the towers each other when the enemies came.

Nowadays we don’t use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more. It is a famous place people come to visit it form all over the world.

1. A. wide B. tall C. long D.deep

2. A. calling B. call C. called D. to call

3. A. side by side B. one by one C. one after another D. little by little

4. A. was made of B. was made from C. was made inD. was made for

5. A. both B. all C. each D. neither

6. A. an B. a C. the D./

7. A. fire B. a kite C. a face D.fun

8. A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say

9. A. Asia B. America C. Europe D. the world

10. A. thousand B. a few thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of






1. 短语互译

(1) from the east to the west _______________(2) worn out _____________

(3) 从前 __________________(4)日日夜夜_____________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years. _______________________________________________________________________

(2) But now some sections of it are worn out.


(3) Nowadays we don’t use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more. _______________________________________________________________________

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