

An English traveler found himself in Norway with only enough money to buy the ticket for his journey back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England ,he decided that he could easily spend the time without food .So he bought a ticket and got on the ship.The man closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell.When dinnertime came ,he didn’t go to dining room ,saying that he was not feeling very well.

The next morning he still didn’t have breakfast and at lunchtime he again stayed in his room.But at dinnertime he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and ate everything the waiter put in front of him.He got ready for the quarrel.

“bring me the bill,”he said .”the bill,sir?”said the waiter in surprise.”there isn’t any bill.On our ship meals are included in the money for the ticket,”said the waiter.


1.The story happened____B___.

A.in EnglandB.on a ship from Norway to England

C.in NorwayD.on a ship from England to Norway

2.Why didn’t the traveler go to the dining room first?

A.Because he had no money

B. B.Because he didn’t feel very well.

C.Because he didn’t want to eat anything.

D.Because he didn’t hear the sound of the bell.

3.The traveler went to the dining room to eat something because_____D__.

A.his friend had given him some money

B.The waiter had asked him to change his mind

C.He learned that there was no bill on the ship

D.He was too hungry

4.How many meals did the traveler have on the ship ? A

A.Only one B.TwoC.ThreeD.None

5.After the traveler finished eating ,______D_______.

A.he had a quarrel with waiter over the bill

B.he drank a lot

C.he asked the waiter to bring him the change[零钱]

D.he came to know that travelers on the ship had free meals.

traveler ['tr?vl?] n. 旅行者;旅客;

Norway ['n?:wei]n. 挪威(北欧国家名)

journey ['d???n?] n. 旅行;行程vi. 旅行

bell [bel] 美 [b?l] n. 铃,钟;

dinnertime [d?n?ta?m] n. 晚餐开始的时间;正餐时间

dining [da?n??] n. 吃饭,进餐v. 吃饭(dine的现在分词) quarrel ['kw?r(?)l] vi. 吵架;争论n. 吵架;;怨言;

bill [b?l] n. 账单;清单

included [?n'klu?d?d] adj. 包括的;v. 包括(include的过去式和过去分词)

meal n. 餐,一顿饭;膳食vi. 进餐 come to know 知道;开始了解到

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