牛津1a Unit2 Numbers 第一课时j教案


Unit2 Numbers


主备人 钱肖云复备人时间

【教学内容】 二单元Let’s talk

Hi, May.Hello, I’m May.This is Tim.

【教学目标 】

1. Using formulaic expressions to greet people e.g. Hi, May.

2. Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself e.g. Hello, I’m May.

3. Using formulaic expressions to introduce your friends e.g. This is Tim.

【教学重点 】To learn the way to introduce yourselves and your friends.

【教学难点 】To make them able to act the talk.


为了使学生体验到生本教育 快乐课堂的无限魅力,在教学方法的总体构思上,我注重课堂的原生态化和生动性,着眼于学生的“学会、会学、乐学”这一目标,我采用了以下教学法:趣味游戏教学法、TPR教学法、 交际法、操练法、任务型教学法、情景教学法。


我所采用的教学法有助于学生掌握如下学习法:1.倾听法。2交际法3.观察法 4.小组合作学习法等


Step 1: Warming up


T: Class beginsS: Stand up, please.

T: Good morning.S: Good Morning.

T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you.

T: Sit down, please.S: Thank you.


(1)Let’s do

T: First, let’s do. I say and you do.

(Review the actions in unit 1. Add a star if they do well) T: Now, let’s listen to a song.

(Listen to the song and try to sing with it)

(2)Let’s act

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