


ò??¢μ¥??ìa£¨12 25 μàê?ìa£?12 50 ·??££?

V 1.

Whn it sm tht Rggi woul mim his opponnt, w rok up th fight.

. hurt

. kill

. isl




ritish rsrhrs liv tht thr isritil four-hour or prio of slp tht w n for norml funtioning.

. ntrl




. long



Son, womn r isonrt y mn?ˉs infrqunt us of miniml rsponss n us thm of not listning.. frightn



. isourg

. ishrtn



rllious ongrss ovrro th prsint?ˉs vto.

. st si

. took ovr

. turn wy

.turn out



In trying to offr sol to th pilot?ˉs wif, th rportr invrtntly m th sitution wors.. honor

. suffring


. omfort



Thos who r voriously, though inisrimintly, o no nssrily gin in wisom ovr thos who r mor sltiv in thir ring hois.



. xssivly

. grily

. rnomly



No on r to ht in his xm s vryon knows h is thr of xtrm vigiln.

. wthful r

. unxpt stritnss

. tmpr


shrp wisom



His vious hvior in this mttr shok m sin h h lwys n rgr s gntlmn.

. rrti

. ishonst

. rlss

. ru



Th uin ws nthrll with th xplorr?ˉs story of th xiting vnturs.

. ws involv with

. ws ptur y

. ws fvor of

. ws thrill y


10. mrin rsrh in th journl Slp, rgus tht th nfit is miniml n woul not ompnst for th xtr hours lost slp.

. mk up

. tk up

. o up


st up



Not surprisingly, th vin is tht in mix intrtion womn spk lss, inititing only out thir of ll onvrstions.

. strting



. ontriuting






Th minority prty gr not to hmpr th fforts of th lrs to sur lsting p.

. stop

. stroy

. hlp

. ostrut



Whnvr w nnot smntilly no wor us its mning is not lry stor in mmory, w must ngg in som kin of strtgy to riv mning form th txt.

. xplor


tk prt in

. pply

. tk on



If I?ˉm spning th y with frin who hv hilrn, for instn, ny nois or running roun soon gts on my nrvs.

. mks m nrvous


mks m shm

. nnoys m

. uss m


15. Th pross of ring omprhnsion is so omplx tht mny ntir ourss n myri volums r vot xlusivly to th topi?-



. mystrious

. quit fw


lrg numr of



Wthing my mum ring up so mny hilrn hs put m off omsti rugry for lif.

. for living

. for my lif?ˉs sk

. for ll my lif


for long lif




Th two ountris mrt thir orr y rivr.

. limit

. istinguish

. hng





Thy hop to l to synthsiz it to mrkt s ur for insomni.

. slpinss



. slping

. slplssnss



H hs n ooing on th tlphon for long tim. Othrs witing outsi th tlphon kiosk om imptint. . tlking

. murmuring

. rguing


kping siln



I sm to hv n only lik oy plying on th sshor, n ivrting myslf in now n thn fining smoothr pl or prttir shll thn orinry, whilst th grt on of truth ly ll unisovr for m.

. musing



. onsuming

. inspiring



Whn h ttmpt to jostl th ol ly, sh struk him with hr umrll.

. ttk

. touh

. ro

. push



Womn frquntly intrpolt rmrks, offr nthusisti ommnts, s wll s noing n mking miniml


rsponss uring nothr spkr?ˉs turn.

. put in



. isrupt

. snth


23. Propgn mks on vulnrl to th influns of othrs. So prunt prson will hoos twn ognt n spious propgn fforts.

. lvr

. utious

. ignornt





I shll summriz this vin hr, for numrting th sits of potntil misommunition. . numring



. xmplifying





Lking qut trtmnts, th littl oy ws squirming pinfully in . His prnts sprtly wth him n thy knw thr wr not muh tim lft for thir son.

. twisting

. groning

. jrking




?t?¢???áàí?a£¨12 1 μàê?ìa£?12 20 ·??££?

V 1.

Th rnt lrg xhiition of th pintings of Mr. Jms Hummr rw lot of ttntion to this rtist. t svnty, h h n pinting quitly for ovr fiftyyrs, n up till thn h h only hl smll xhiitions of his work. Ths h rought him smll mount of fm, ut sunly vryon ws tlking out him n vryoy knw his nm. Popl si h ws n 'Importnt ontmporry rtist?ˉ, Mr. Hummr, for his prt, shook his h n sk himslf why popl wouln't lv him lon. H si h h no tim for pstring journlists, ut of ours ll th nwsppr n mgzins wnt to intrviw him. H in?ˉt tk kinly


to ing fmous.

His frins, howvr, si tht unrnth h ws hrming n only outwrly sm littl strng. Thy xplin tht h somtims vry shy n rsrv, n somtims quit opposit. His tmpr ws unpritl.

In viw of this, it is not surprising tht whn young fml journlist ws snt to intrviw him in his tiny hous p in th Sussx own, sh flt xtrmly nrvous. ut th intrviw wnt wors thn xpt.

Whn sh rriv, Mr. Hummr ws sitting t smll unsty tl, n oul hrly sn for forst of pint-rushs in pots of wtr. In th mil of ths ws ottl of whisky. From tim to tim h pour som into pint-stin mug n rnk it rpily.

H smil politly n si tht of ours h in't min nswring som qustions. H rnk som whisky n put his h on on si s if to hr th qustions ttr. H look vry srious n rtisti.

Putting on wht sh hop ws suitly imprssiv voi, th girl sk him wht purpos in soity h thought h fulfill s pintr. Sh wnt to know whthr h sw his uty s pintr to thing popl or ntrtining thm. Th only rspons ws movmnt of surpris in th yrows mong th pint-rush. Thn thr ws ry lugh, n thn long pus. Th girl gn to wonr if h hn't hr hr, ut t lngth Mr. Hummr ough, n rok th siln y sking slowly wht on rth sh xpt s n nswr to suh qustion. H wnt on y sying tht h in't s why h shoul hv to justify himslf. H mrly pint piturs, h xplin, n lft othr popl to sy wht thy mnt n why h h on thm.

Now it ws th girl's turn to look stonish. This ws not th wy Importnt ontmporry rtists wr suppos to spk. Thy lwys h thir own thoris. Fling foolish, sh sk if it h rlly n s sy s tht to pint th rillint mir. Mr. Hummr only smil grimly to himslf n invit hr to hv som whisky. Thr ws nothr pus. Th only thing ws to try gin, th girl thought, so sh sk him why h h om pintr. This tim Mr. Hummr ws vry quik, ut rpli with nothr qustion. H sk hr how sh rn hr living. Pinting, h ontinu, ws lik ol-mining; it ws jo whih fill th sp twn rl n grv, n h hppn to o it quit wll. Th intrviw sm to hv gon quit wrong.

1). for th g of svnty: Mr. Hummr .


h voi noisy xhiitions


h xhiit only smll pintings


h nvr xhiit vry mny pintings


h ttrt no ttntion


2). Wht i popl sy out him?

. Thy si h is fmous mom rtist.


Thy si h ws n importnt mom pintr.


Thy si his pinting wsimportnt n ontmporry.



Thy si h is n importnt ontmporry.


3). Why i Mr. Hummr shk his h?


us h i not unrstn why popl wr othring him. .

H ws tlling th journlists h h no tim for thm. .

us h i not wnt to r nwspprs n mgzins.

. us h ws plying prt.


4). His frins si h ws iffiult to l with us .

h ws only hrming on th surf.


h ws so shy.


th opposit ws th s

. On i not know wht to xpt from him ±ê×?′e°?£o

5). Whr ws h sitting?


mong hunrs of pint-rushs.


hin hunrs of pint-rushs.


In th forst with his pint-rushs.

. On tl full of pint-rushs.


6). Wht i th girl sk him first?


Sh sk if h flt purposful in soity. .

Sh sk if h h n imprssiv voi.


Sh sk if h fulfill n ppointmnt,


Sh sk if h thought h h spil uty in soity. ±ê×?′e°?£o

7). How i Mr Hummr justify, himslf


H si his piturs justifi him.



H in't try.


H prfrr othr popl to justify him.

. H in't know how to nswr suh qustion.


8). Sh ws stonish us


sh thought h ws n importnt ontmporry rtist


rtists hv thir own thoris


h ws not tlking s sh thought pintr shoul

. h ws hving vry ly


9). Wht os "to try gin", (in th lst prgrph) mns or rfrs to?


To sk him nothr qustion.


To hv som whisky.


To pint rillint piturs.


Wht th girl thought.


10). Wht sort of jo ws pinting?


It ws irty jo.


It ws no iffrnt from othr jos,


It ws jo in sp.


It ws olourful tivity.


èy?¢íêDíì???£¨12 1 μàê?ìa£?12 30 ·??££?

V 1.

uring rnt yrs w hv hr muh out ??r?ˉ: how this r os rtin things n tht r livs rtin things n so on. Yt, th ___1___ phnomnon of r onsists of fw surf initions.

W jug r usully ___2_____ th oloring of th skin: whit r, rown r, yllow r n lk r. ut ___3_____ you wr to rmov th skin you oul not ___4____ nything out th r to whih


th iniviul long. Thr is __5___ in physil strutur. Th rin or th intrnl orgns to ____6__ iffrn.

Thr r four typs of loo. ___7____ typs r foun in vry r, n no typ is istint to ny r. Humn rins r th ____8___. No sintists oul xmin rin n tll you th r to whih th iniviul long. rins will ___9____ in siz, ut this ours within vry r. ___10___ os siz hv nything to o with intllign. Th lrgst rin ___11____ xmin long to prson of wk ___12_____. On th othr hn, som of our most istinguish popl hv h ____13___ rins.

Mntl tsts whih r rsonly __14____ show no iffrns in intllign twn rs. High n low tst rsults oth n ror y iffrnt mmrs of ny r. ___15___ qul utionl vntgs, thr will no iffrn in vrg stnings, ithr on ount of r or gogrphil lotion.


. omplt



. totl

. whol



. in

. from

. t

. on



. sin

. if

. s

. whil



. spk

. tlk

. tll





. somthing

. vrything

. nothing

. nything




. isply

. init

. monstrt





. ll

. Most

. No

. Som



. sm



. similr

. lik



. rmin

. inrs

. rs

. vry



. Only

. Or

. Nor

. So



. vr

. thn

. nvr

. on



. hlth

. oy

. min

. thought




. ig

. smll

. minor

. mjor





. xt

. rtin

. urt



. Provi

. onrning

. Givn

. Following


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