九 Unit5被动语态专练


九 Unit5被动语态专练 (一)

1. —Our classroom _______ every day.

—So it is. It’s our duty to keep it clean and tidy.

A. cleaned B. cleans C. is cleaningD. is cleaned 2. --I hope the spring in Chongqing can last longer

--Me, too. The weather is fine and beautiful flowers ________ everywhere. A. can seeB. will be seen C. are seenD. were seen 3. The Olympic Games _______ every four years. A. are held

B. were heldC. are holdingD. will hold

4. In China, money ________ to children for good luck in the Spring Festival. A. is givenB. are given C. givesD. give

5. Shenzhou X, China’s fifth manned spacecraft, _______ into space on June 11. 2013. A. has sent B. was sent C. will send D. is sent 6. The old man was upset because his favorite vase _______ by his grandson. A. brokeB. had brokenC. is broken D. was broken 7. -- Long time no see!

-- I’ve just returned. I ______ to Beijing for a meeting last month.

A. am sent B. was sentC. am sending D. was sending 8. -- What languages ________ in that country?-- German and English

A. are speakingB. are spoken C. speakD. is spoken 9. Another new library_______ last month in my hometown.

A. built B. is builtC. was builtD. has been built 10. --Did you go to Jane’s birthday party? --No, I ______ .

A. am not invited B. wasn’t invited C. haven’t been invited D.didn’t invite11. — Dad, may I go out with my friends?— Unless your homework A. has been finished B. has finished C. finishesD. will finish12.You may go fishing if your work ________. A. is done

B. will be done

C. done

D. does

13. The mobile phone has influenced people’s life a lot since it _______. A. invents B. inventedC. is inventedD. was invented 14. The students in this school are made _______ school uniforms on Monday. A. to wear B.wearingC. wear D. worn 15. In the past, the workers were made _______ 12 hours a day. A. workingB. worked C. to workD. to working


16. China’s hot words, like tuhao, dama and lianghui, _______ in the western media(媒体). A. use widelyB. is widely used C. uses widelyD. are widely used 17. The Second Youth Olympic Gamesin Nanjing on the sixteenth of August, 2014. A. will holdB. will be held C. was held D. is holding 18. Last March, many trees _______ along the streets to make our city more beautiful. A. were plantedB. were plantingC. had planted

D. planted

19. — Excuse me, sir, smokingin the gas station.

— Oh, I'm really sorry.

A. doesn't allowB. isn't allowedC. aren't allowed D. wasn’t allowed 20. I can’t understand what the book is about because itin French. A.writes B.will writeC.will be written D.is written 21. —Do you know where Ann was last night?

—Oh, she to my birthday party. She had a wonderful time with us. A. invites B.is invited C. was invited D. has invited\ 22. --How did you get the news about the accident of Sewol Ship? -- I _______ by Jerry on the Internet.

A. was toldB. tell C. am told D. told 23. -- Have you heard about that car accident near the school? --Yes, luckily no one _______.

A. hurtB. was hurt C. has hurt

D. were hurt

24. --Football by the British at the beginning of last century.

--That’s probably why football is one of the most popular games in England. A. was invented B. inventedC. was inventingD. invents25. — Have you finished your project?

— Not yet. I’ll finish it if I _______ ten more minutes.

A. giveB. am givenC. will giveD. will be given 26. More sheep by the farmer since two months ago.

A. was sold B. were sold C. has been soldD. have been sold 27. They were made _______ from time to time because Tom told many jokes. A. to laughB. laughing

C. laughD. laughed

28. He was last seen _______ in his office at about 7:15 p.m..

A. work

B. working

C. to work

D. worked

29. This kind of iPad ______ in our computer shop. It ______ very well.

A. is sold; sellsB. sells; is soldC. sells; sellsD. is sold; is sold

36. If my homework ________ on Saturday, I will go to Century Park to watch the flower show on Sunday. A. is finished

B. finishes

C. was finished

D. will be finished

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