Abstract: The rapid development of the construction industry makes people’s quality of life enhanced, and also decorates the urban environment. However, the construction and use of all buildings are at the cost of a large consumption of energy and materials. In view of this, some ofarchitects who were with strong sense of responsibility began to explore and study the building sustainable development, and proposed a new concept of modern architecture - ecological building. In the paper, the author makes a exploration of the design methods of ecological building, for reference.
Key words: ecological architecture; design method
1.1 气候设计法一一设计结合气候、地域
气候是生态建筑设计的原点。建筑适应气候要求的特征, 在 “ 自力更生”最大限度庇护人类的同时, 也顺应和保护了人类的生存环境。
气候设计法是指在建筑设计中以气候为参照物, 选择和创造与场地气候相适应的材料、 构造、 建筑形式和自然能源的利用方式, 其设计的生态意义在于影响建筑的舒适度和能源利用方式。气候设计法重点突出气候调节被动系统的设计, 并从更高的技术起点来增强对自然能源的利用。
1.2 生物设计法一一设计结合生态
借鉴生态系统的运行规律来解决建筑与环境间的冲突, 是生物设计法的主要思想。生物设计法是将建筑看作是一个生态系统, 通过安排建筑内外的物质因素, 以循环方式令资源、 能源在系统内有序流动, 获得一种低耗、高效、 无污、
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