


The food tastesand sells the+形容词 表示一类人(复数) be popular with 受…欢迎

What does….do?=What is…?某人是什么职业? It’s said that+从句.据说…. It’s reported that+从句. 据报道… from…to…. 从….到….

do morning/eye exercises 做早操/眼保健操 so… that… 如此…以至于…(结果状语从句)

such....that.... too....to....adj.+enough to do sth.

so that+从句=in order that+从句=in order to+动词原形为了(目的状语从句) read aloud 大声朗读

in our daily life 在我们的日常生活中 be not able to =be unable to 不能… buy/get/make/cook sth. for sb. say goodbye to sb.向某人问告别 go well with… 与…相配

How are you feeling now?=-How do you feel now?

succeed in doing sth.=be successful in=have success in某方面成功

snow heavily=snow hard 雪下的大 be awarded to sb.被授予某人 allow v.允许

1)allow doing sth.2)allow sb. to do sth. 3)be allowed to do sth.

turn up 开大 put up 张贴 set up 建立 put off 推迟put out 扑灭 put away 收拾 come up with 想出 catch up with 赶上

a couple of几个... couple n.夫妇,一对夫妻 a couple of days =a few days几天

A couple of students is coming here. 几个学生 The couple are kind. 这对夫妇是善良的。 We shouldn’t fight over such a small matter. such a/an+adj.+名词=so+adj.+a/an+名词 on the team 在队里of course 当然 hold/have a meeting 开会 play on 效力于

Thanks to... 多亏...

Thank you for... 因....而感谢你 be similar to 与....相似

rather than 而不是(instead of )

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事=be busy with sth. be separated into=be divided into 被分成;可分为 make money 赚钱

work hard 努力工作adv.

hard work 困难的工作;辛苦的工作adj. please v.使…高兴 pleased adj.高兴的 pleasant=pleasing adj.令人高兴的 pleasure n.高兴It’s a/my pleasure. do sth. with pleasure 乐意做某事 little---less—least at least 至少 more than=over超过;多于 less than不足;少于 in public 在公开场所

Take it easy. 放轻松;别紧张

hang out 闲逛(hang—hung---hung) brush one’s teeth刷牙brushes 刷子 make friends with 同某人交朋友 get dressed 穿好衣服

take a walk =take walks=have a walk =go for a walk=go out for walks去散步 be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 不定式作表语是对主语的解释说明。 My job is to teach you English.

teach +宾格+科目 teach them Chinesecut…into two halves 把…切成两半 make a speech 做演讲

fight with sb.=have a fight with sb.同某人打架

would like to do sth.=feel like doing sth. 想要做某事spoken English 英语口语


join in= take part in +活动、比赛(起作用) attend出席(会议) in all 总计

be busy doing sth.= be busy with sth. 忙于做某事 be pleased with… 对…满意

worry about=be worried about 担心.... mouse---mice 老鼠

kind of= a little= a bit=a little bit +adj.有点儿 a kind of=a type of 一种

blow out 吹灭put out 扑灭 in a word 总之

be interested in=take an interest in 对…感兴趣 stay up 熬夜Don’t stay up too late. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.

offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.给某人提供某物 very little=only a little 仅仅一点 very few=only a few 仅仅一点 follow the traffic rules 遵守交规 dare v.敢于 dare to do sth.敢做某事

daren’t do sth.=don’t dare to do sth.不敢做某事 最高级+in/of+范围 in+团体、机构的名称of+比较对象的总称

He is the tallest the class.

He is the tallestall the students. 年月用in,日用on, 钟点前at.

It’s necessary for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是必要的。 one ---once----- firsttwo----- twice----- second a few seconds 几秒钟

dead adj 死的deathn.死亡

have been dead已经死亡the death of…...的死亡 have been married 已经结婚(延续) To tell the truth 说实话 quite a few 相当多

such as 例如 for example 例如

more than+数词less than+数词as long as 只要 bring out 表现出be similar to 与…相似

always---usually---often---sometimes---seldom---hardly—never sometimes 有时sometime 某时

some times 几次some time 一段时间

in good health健康keep healthy 保持健康 catch up with赶上 come up with想出 be put off 被推迟be put out 被扑灭

because of the heavy rain=because it rains heavily 因为大雨 in the traffic accidents 在交通事故中 不定代词:

1、no onenone nothing(搭配的疑问词不一样) no one=nobody 没有人 (who)

none 没有一个(of)人或物 (How many/much) nothing 没有 物 (what)

2、both两者都 either 任何一个(两者中)

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