



Postmanpost officewaiter restaurantengineerfactorytaxi driverteacher farmer doctornurseworker good

bettercheap cheaperlong longer big biggertall

taller hothotter short shorter prettyprettiersuit

mustmissmatchsick peopleLondonParisNew York

weekendmeetfirstthenfeel favouritewaswere

stayed startedfelt had camebuiltbusytravel holidaysure circle square rectangletriangleheartstar

different shapes papersticksand


on night dutyon a farmin a schoolon sale than usual

try onhave a headachehave a coughhave a coldsee a doctor

stay in bed take some medicineway of lifefeel ill stay at home had better dohad better not dohave a good restbe good for get

well brush my teethtake exerciseplay the violin take a shower

go to schooltell…about get to school play football with… watch

TV get homehave breakfast /lunch/ dinner have an English

classget upgo to bedgo home too latein the morning/

afternoon/ eveningnext week next year good news I can’t wait. No problem. outside the school gate go shopping do some cooking

taste delicioussmell sweet sound noisylook dirty/ clean look heavy/

lightkeep …away be bornlook for more thana busy

streeta great city a wonderful place This is …speaking.Who’s

that? This is…arrive inthis afternoontake photos go to bed early have a good sleep look like


Lesson 1What does your father do?

My father is sleeping.It’s 10 o’clock in the morning.

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