




Sludge disposal and reutilization

Abstract:If mishandled sewage sludge into the environment, can cause certain harm to the environment. Sludge after reducing capacity, stable and harmless handling, can be used as a comprehensive utilization of resources. The current domestic and foreign various sewage treatment plant sludge treatment methods mainly include traditional nursing, concentration, dehydration, drying, digestion, composting, etc., these methods in engineering practice constantly exposed some shortcomings and the insufficiency, and some new methods of sludge treatment is applied to the practice, including wet oxidation process, the earthworm treatment sludge, sludge membrane bioreactor, sludge acidification, sludge artificial wetland treatment, sludge incineration technology. Sludge disposal method mainly has two kinds: sanitary landfill, sludge to the sea. On the resource utilization of sludge, the development of various technologies have been vigorously, power generation and production of building materials with sludge, sludge adsorbent, land use, extraction of heavy metals, sludge and compost, under low temperature pyrolysis animal feed, as binder in fabrication of sludge oil, sludge and other technology. To prevent the secondary pollution of the sludge, and also for the sewage treatment plant sludge treatment solution has brought considerable economic benefits and social benefits.

Keywords: Urban sludge;treatment & disposal;Resource recovery


随着我国经济的高速发展,城市化建设步伐的不断加快,环境污染日益严重。人们对环境质量的要求日益提高,环保意识不断增强,环境保护与治理已成为国家可持续发展中不可或缺的一个重要工作。城市中大量的污水处理厂建立起来,而污水处理过程中产生的大量污泥,其含水率高,还含有大量的N、P、K、Ca及有机质,且 N、P以有机态为主,可以缓慢释放,具有长效性。有机物部分充满着各种各样的细菌、病毒和寄生物,容易腐烂发臭;污泥中还浓缩了锌、铜、铅和镉等重金属化合物,有毒的有机化合物等,如不妥善处理,会形成严重的二次污染。我国目前的环保基础建设全由政府投资,建成后运行费用还要政府补贴,每年的投入预算都不小,因此必须对此予以足够的重视。进行资源化利用,使污泥中的有用成分变废为宝,这是符合可持续发展的战略方针,有利于建立循环型经济,近年来获得广泛的关注。本文旨在通过对当前污泥处理与处置技术及其发展趋势的分析,探讨我国城市污水处理厂污泥如何进一步综合利用并使其达到资源化,从而使我国城市污水处理厂污泥的达到最佳的无害化处理、资源化利用与产业化发展。

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