

Unit 3 My day 知识汇总


e&ee/ i: /me, she, he, we, green, sleep, tree, three, meet, see, evening, Chinese, weekWho are we? Tom, Jack and me. We meet Miss Li at three.


四会单词:usually 通常,常常homework 家庭作业


1. have lunch 吃午饭 2. play football 踢足球

3. have dinner吃晚饭 4. go to bed 去睡觉

5. at night 在夜里 6. go to school 去上学

7. in the morning在上午8. in the afternoon 在下午

9. go home 回家10. watch TV 看电视

11. in the evening 在晚上12. at seven forty 在七点四十

13. my day 我的一天14. do my homework 做家庭作业

15. every day 每天16. over there 在那边

17. What a big cake!多么大的蛋糕!18. have breakfast 吃早饭


1. When do you get up? I get up at seven.你什么时候起床?我在七点起床。

2. I usually go to school at seven forty. 我通常7:40去上学。

3. I have four lessons in the morning. 上午我有四堂课。

4. When do you have lunch? I have lunch at twelve.


5. I play football at four and go home at four forty. 我四点踢足球,4:40回家。

6. I do my homework at five thirty.我5点半时做家庭作业。

7. I go to bed at nine every day. 每天我9点睡觉。

8. I usually have dinner at six fifteen. 通常我在六点十五分吃晚饭。

9. When do you have dinner every day?你每天什么时候吃晚饭?

10. What can you see over there? I can see a cake.


11. What a big cake! 多么大的一个蛋糕啊!

12. I like cakes. This cake is nice. 我喜欢蛋糕。这个蛋糕真好吃。

13. We meet Miss Li at three. 我们和李老师约好三点见面。



at通常用在某一具体时间点和一些固定词组,如at one o’clock, at night.

in 后面接的是某一段时间,如月份、年份、季节等。如:in the morning, in 2014, in spring. on用于某日或某日的时间段,如:on Sunday, on Monday afternoon, on Children’s Day.

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