


班级________________ 姓名_______________________

A. 单词辨音 6分

1.()2.()3.()4.() 5.()6.()B. 英汉互译 12分

1. 暴雨 ____________________________4. Whole world _______________________

2. 拜访朋友_________________________5. 度假 _____________________________

3. 看病 ____________________________6. enjoy the journey ___________________

C. 单项选择 12分

1.() Bill doesn’t need _____ X-ray. I think he is fine.

A. theB. a C. an

C. won’t you

2.() You will go to Shanghai, _____?A. will you B. are youA. oneB. others 3.() I have two pencils. One is green, and _____is red.C. the other

4.()______morning she gets up at six.

A. EveryB. On everyC. In every

5.() Is the blue cup yours ______ mine?

A. andB. butC. or

6.() It's time to ______games. We all like ______ games.

A. play...playing B. Play...play C. playing...play

7.() He doesn't want to ______late for school.

A. isB. doesC. be

C. on

C. a

8.() I think we will all live _____ other planets.A. In B. atA. / A. any, any

A. an 9.() I think everyone likes playing _____ computers.B. with10.() Do you have any color pens? Sorry, I don't have_____. I think he has_____.B. some, some C. some, any B. muchC. a lot of 11.() There are _______old men over there.

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