


1.A. as soon asB. beforeC. until

2.Is therecoming to my birthday party?

A.something new B. new anyoneC. anyone new

3he plays the computer games.

A.beforeB. after C. when

4.I got home, he was having supper.

A.WhenB. As soon asC. While

5.--How old is you daughter?

A.Ninth, nineB. Nine,niceC. Nine, ninth

6.It is a timeclass.

A.to B. atC. for

7.I’ve been herethe end of June.

A.atB. sinceC. on

8.They were talkingthe headmaster came in.

A.as soon asB. whileC. when

9.He makes a living byodd job.

A.do B. didC. doing

A.washes B. washedC. wash

11. We didn’t go homethe party was over.

A.until B. ifC. as soon as

12. We don’t want to spendmoney.

A.too many B. too mucyC. much too


A.in, to B. on to C. on/

last term.

A.as B. whileC. since

Day is on the second Sunday of May each year.

A.Mother’s B. Mother’s C. Mother

John was wacthing TV, his wife was cooking.

A.As soon as B. WhileC. Until

until it was 12 o’clock.

A.left B. will leaveC. didn’t leave

she said.

A.before B. afterC. when

A.when B. afterC. while

A.beforeB. whileC. after

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