





A Commitment to Life

The snow was falling and the roads had become dangerous. The schools were dismissed early, but much to my surprise, my36 wasn’t canceled. So I went, feeling especially heroic. As far as I could see, I was risking my life to keep my37 . Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my scheduled donation at the local38center.

When I got there, I discovered I wasn’t39 . Four more ―hero-types‖ were already lying back in donor chairs with lines40to their veins, and machines quietly pumping away to41their lifesaving gifts.

Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own commitments, I realized why I was there. I lay back in my donor chair, ready to make a difference in the life of someone I would never42 .

To be honest, I’d never really thought about why I donate. I just do it. But a few months ago, during one of my43donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer patient and for a newborn baby—both patients needed what I would give in order to live. I’ve viewed my visits to the blood center44ever since.

My wife Karen is a45 , too. And more importantly, she has been on the bone marrow (骨髓) list for fifteen years, ever since she signed up to provide bone marrow to a kindergartner with leukemia(白血病). That little girl died before Karen’s bone marrow could help her,46 Karen was called again recently. Her test results were still on file, and it turned out she was a potential47for someone else. The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to become a bone marrow donor. ―Yes,‖ she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing. It was a race48time.

I wish I could say that this49was won. It wasn’t. The caller later thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questions—including whether or not she’d50on the donor list. ―Of course, ―Karen answered.

Last week Karen gave blood and next week I’ll make my usual donation. I’ll51an afternoon from my schedule and make an appointment. I don’t know whose life my donation may 52 . Most likely it will be a53 , but on any day the person needing a blood product could be you or me or maybe a loved one. It is worthwhile to54our time to donate.I really do feel55every time I donate. And I like the feeling.

36. A. appointmentB. class C. meeting D. flight

37. A. secret B. balanceC. shapeD. word

38. A. service B. shoppingC. blood D. care

39. A. alone B. welcomeC. lateD. lucky

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