



1.We begin classes _______ about 8:00.

2. We all like working ______ China.

3. Her mother usually gets up _____ six thirty.

4. The store has shirts________ a great price.

5.Look _______ the picture.6.Please call Jim ______ 9876543. After:call…..at…,email…..at…

7. The student often showers ________ dinner. 8.The girl likes running _____class.

9._______ that, the old man begins to run.

10.He likes to play soccer ______ school.


11. The kid usually does his homework ________ going ________ bed.

He does homework before dinner.


12.Thanks ________ your letter.

13. ______ kids, the movie is too scary.

14. We have vegetables and fruit _____ lunch.

15.They sell the sweaters ____ $40 each.

16. She plays the piano ________ an hour every day.

17.The kid buys a cake _____ his uncle. About:

18.Can you tell me ________ your day?

Math is very easy for me.

Ask….for….You can ask your teacher for it.


19.Don’t you think we can learn much ____ Chinese history ____ the documentaries? At,from,to:

20.We are ________ school ________ Monday ________ Friday.


21.Fill ________the blanks ________ the words ________ the box.With: 22.Can you help me ________ my math?23.Her cousin likes to play ________ his dog best.

24.Their daughter often goes to see Beijing Opera ________ her grandpa.


25.The old woman usually watches comedies ________ TV.

26.Our school has an Art Festival ________ December 31st every year .

27.We don’t have any classes ________ weekends.

28.Do you get up early ________ Wednesday?29.Tom’s computer game’s ________ the floor.

30.Are your clothes ________ the dresser?

31.A birthday cake’s ________ the table.

32.Some socks are ________ sale. In:

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