

Recycle1 阶段测试卷


一、Listen and choose.听问句,选择合适的答句。

() 1. A. It’s cloudy.

() 2. A. It’s white.

() 3. A. Yes, it is.

() 4. A. No, it isn’t.

() 5. A. It’s big. B. It’s my school. B. It’s seven o’clock. B. It’s a school. B. No, he isn’t. B. It’s cool and cloudy. C. It’s on the first floor. C. Yes, it is. C. Yes, we do. C. It’s a gym. C. A big blackboard.

二、Listen and write.根据录音内容和单词提示补全对话。

A. hot and sunny B. go to school C. PE class D. lunch

E. the first F. dinner G. cold and windy

(1) A: What’s the weather like in New York?

B: It’s ________.

(2) A: Where’s your gym?

B: It’s on ________ floor.

(3) A: What time is it?

B: It’s 11 o’clock. It’s time for ________.

(4) A: Do you have a playground?

B: Yes, we do. We have our ________ on the playground.

(5) A: Hello, Mike. Let’s ________ together.

B: OK. Let’s go.


一、Look and say.看一看,读一读下面单词中画线字母组合的发音,并将画线字母组合发音相同的单词归类。 1 / 5包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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