



1.France n法国 french adj./n法国的,法语

2.Possible可能adjimpossible不可能 possibly adv可能

Is it impossible for you to come to the party tomorrow?

I am not sure , it’s impossible for me to be there before eight

3.Europe n欧洲 European欧洲adjFrance lies in western Europe, it is sn European country

4.South n 南方 southern 南方的adj west西n western 西方的adj east n 东方eastern adj东方的north 北方nnorthern 北方的adj

Shen zhen is in the south of China ,

5.Lie 位于,躺v (lie-lay- lain-lying )(lie -lied-lied-lying撒谎) nliar n撒谎者

Clothes were lying all over the floor

Lucy lied to her mother that the cats messed up the room. I think it is wrong to tell a lie

6.Prefer v 更喜欢 preference偏好

I prefer drinking coffee to drinking tea, it is a matter of personal preference

7.Ski滑雪 v ski-skiing it is nice to go skiing on the mountains in winter

8.Receive v 接受 receiver n 接受者accept收到

We receive a warm welcome from our host

It is better to be a giver than a receiver

8.Greet v 问候 greeting n 问候 she greets us with a smile

my mother sends her greeting to you all

9.Cente中间r n central 中间的adjthey are many vineyards in the centre of France

10.Lift 电梯nlift 举起v we take the lift to the tenth floor / the mother put her arms around the baby and lifted the baby up

10.Safe adj 安全的 safety n安全safely adv安全i am worried about the safety of my parents,is Lucy safe in the fire?Yes ,the fireman got her out of the building safely.


Excellent=very good极好的 store= shop商店on the coast=close the sea在岸边Have a good time = enjoy oneself= have fun玩得开心

Continue doing sth= go on doing sth = keep doing sth继续做某事

Such as= like =for example例如

Be famous for/as= be well-known for/as因某事而闻名

Prefer A to B=like A better than B喜欢A多于B

Lie in = be in= be located in 位于why not do sth= why don’t you do sth?= how/what about doing sth为什么不

三 短语

Be in= lie in 位于places of interestthere are many places of interest in Beijing

Such as例如 we should eat all kinds of fruit such as apples ,bananas and oranges to keep healthy Department store百货商店 you can visit some shops of department stores in the city center Be famous for 因。。。而闻名 JaY Chou is famous for his R&B music

Be famous as 因某种身份而闻名 Jay Chou is famous as a singer

In the centre of 在什么的中间watch out ! There is a stone in the center of the road

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