


(Re-exploring the Difference in the Viewpoints of Translation between Yan Fu and Alexander Fraser Tytler)






Re-exploring the Difference in the Viewpoints of Translation between Yan Fu and Alexander Fraser Tytler

Ruey-shan Chen

Department of English&Institute of Interpreting and Translation National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology


Oftentimes when local scholars in the field of translation studies discuss Yan Fu’s “Three Difficulties in Translation: Xin, Da, and Ya” as criteria for judging what is a good translation, they tend to associate Yan’s remarks with the Scottish professor Alexander F. Tytler’s “Three General Laws of Translation” propounded in the latter’s Essay on Principles of Translation. Yet, that Yan is generally believed to have modeled his criteria of translation upon those of Tytler is held as a popular opinion.In other words, Tytler’s general principle had exerted a great influence on Yan in forming his idea about translation. However, this kind of opinion concerning the so-called influence, usually based on some historical coincidences, biographical inferences or some seemingly “supposed-to-be” analogies among their translating rules, is always biased and subject to doubt; therefore, it would be more objective if one could do an analytical exploration of what their individual texts mean in the nature of translation.Thus, it is worthy of a study to see whether this popular opinion is truly fair to Yan Fu, a Chinese patriot-intellectual, considering that he lived in a period of political, social, and cultural upheavals.

Aiming to shift the focus from the study of Tytler’s possible influence on Yan to the comparison between their respective viewpoints about translation, this research proposal will

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