




A. 听对话 下面你将听到10小段对话,请根据所听到的对话,选出正确的 ) 6. What do you know about the woman’s daughter?

A. She is shy. B. She’s polite.C. She’s friendly.

选项,将其序号填入题前的括号内。每段对话读两遍。 () 1. What does the boy want to learn?

A.B.C.号次 座

() 2. What is Tom’s favorite pet?

A. B.级 班

() 3. What is Betty doing?

A.B. C. 名姓场

考() 4. Which boy is Daniel?

A. B.C.第

() 5. What do you think Peter is going to do?

A. He is going to chat with his friend. B. He is going to mend his bike.C. He is going to use his computer.

() 7. What are they doing?

A. They’re having a rest.B. They’re shopping.

C. They’re having dinner.

() 8. Which outdoor activity does the boy think is the most dangerous?A. Skiing. B. Camping. C. Diving. (

) 9. How will they go to the party?

A. On foot.B. By bike.C. By taxi. ()10. Whose dog is it?

A. It’s Andy’s father’s. B. It’s Andy’s grandfather’s.C. It’s Andy’s.B. 听下面的对话和一篇短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容。从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语,将其序号填入题前的括号内。每段对话或短文读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答11~12题。

()11. What’s wrong with David?

A. He has no time to play computer games.

B. He can’t understand his mother.

C. He has problems with his Math homework. ()12. Why does he have such a problem?

A. Because his teacher is not good at all.

B. Because he spends too much time on computer games.C. Because he doesn’t like Math at all.听下面一段对话,回答13~15题。

()13. How old is Peter?

A. 12.B. 14. C. 15. ()14. What do we know about Tom?A. He is clever.B. He is polite.

C. He always does his homework well. ()15. What does Peter do in his free time?

A. He plays tennis. B. He plays basketball.

C. He goes to the film club. 听下面一段独白,完成16~20题。

()16. Where did the speaker learn the story of Wang Ling?

A. On TV. B. In the newspaper.C. Over the radio. ()17. When did the accident happen?

A. On 2nd October. B. On 2nd September. C. On 2nd November.

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