

8B 期中基础练习


( )1. I'm going on a field trip but I haven't decided_______.

A. what to do B. to do what C. where to go D. to go where

( )2. My sister has learnt English_______.

A. for 12 years ago

A. made up of

A. The keyboard.B. since she was 4C. 12 years agoD. at the age of4 C. a bit ofD. the opposite of ( )3. - How delicious the soup is! Who made it? - It's me. It is_______ tomatoes, meat and peas.B. an army of ( )4. You can move it with your hand to work on the computer. What is it? B. The mouse.C. The printer.D. The main unit.

B. Never mind. C. Don't mention it. D. My pleasure. ( )5. - So kind of you to give me a ride to the station. -_______. A. It doesn't matter.

()6. A: Can I _______ a book from you?

B: Certainly. But you mustn’t ______ it to others. And please remember you can only ____ it for a week.

A. borrow, lend, borrow B. lend, borrow, keepC. lend, lend, keep D. borrow, lend, keep

B: He ________ the USA.

C. went to, gone to D. has gone to, beenA: By the way, have you ever ________ abroad before? B: No, never. A. is in, been toB. has been to, gone

()8. -- _____did your uncle leave his hometown ?--He ______ for nearly twenty years.

A. When, has leftB. When, has been away C. How long, has left D. How long, has been away

()9. She’s never spent much money on her own clothes, ______ she?

A. isB. isn’tC. hasD. hasn’t

()10. Is he ______ the driving test this time?

A. enough lucky passingB. lucky enough passing C. enough lucky to passD. lucky enough to pass

()11. I know nothing about the accident _______he told me.

A. until B. whenC. since D. if

()12. When did your father _______ your mother?

A. marryB. marry toC. marry withD. get married

()13. I find this computer game _______ to play.

A. enough easy B. easy enough C. enough easilyD easily enough


A. ago, since, forA. ifB. ago ,for ,since,C. ago, before, for C. untilD ago, in, after ()15. Where have you been? It's two years_______ I saw you last time. B. when D. Since

( )16. There are usually 14 pages inunit. On Page 100 is article about_______ Asian country.

A. the; a, anB. an; an, anC. a; a, theD. a; an, an

( )17. He used _______ on the right in China, but he soon was used_______ on the left in England.

A. to drive; to driveB. to drive; driving C. to driving; to drive D. to drive; to driving

( )18. Mike's father_______ to London last month. He_______ there three times.

1 ()7. A: Where is Simon?

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