

--------------------------- -.-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -:---号---考线- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- :---名---姓------ - --封 - -- - -- - -:---级---班---- - -- - -- - -密- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -:---校---学--------------------------------


八年级 英语

出题人:丁建伟 审题人:李广学


一. 听力测试(共20分)


()1. A. . I have a headache. B. It is easy .C. It is beautiful. ()2. A. You’re wrong . B. You should say you are sorry.C. Don’t fight with him .

()3. A. Sorry, I don’t knowB. Don’t be late for schoolC. My alarm didn’t go off

()4. A. I can play the piano.B. I was playing the piano. C. I’d like a piano.

()5. A. Very well.B. It’s dirty.C. Ok

第二节,听下面7段小对话,每小对话后有一个小题,选择正确答案,读一遍。 ()6.Why are they going to clean the house?

A. Because it is Sunday today.B. Because it’s interesting.

C. Because the house is in a mess. ()7.What’s the girl doing now?

A. She is doing the dishes.B. She is doing her homework. C. She is sweeping the floor.

()8. Why can’t Bill go to the concert?

A. Because he’s illB. Because he’s visiting a friend in the hospital.

C. Because he has to work. ()9. Why is the boy unhappy?

A. He has to go to after-school classes.B. He likes after-school classes.

C. He feelsa little hungry.()10. What’s Jack doing?

A、Making a phone call. B、Listening to music C、Watching TV.

()11. Where was Julia when it started to rain?

A. She was in her office B. She was at home C. She was at a post office.

()12.What made the boy wake up early?

A .His mother is getting up. B. The noise of the heavy rain.C. The alarm clock. 第三节,听下面四段对话或独白,回答第13-22小题。 听第13段材料,回答13-15小题。

()13.What was the girl doing when she saw the aliens(外星人)?

A. She was cooking in the kitchen.B. She was playing tennis in the park. C. She was shopping in the street.()14. What did the aliens look like?

A. The had small heads and no ears.B. They had long legs and big eyes.

C. They had big heads and three ears.

()15.Where did the girl meet the aliens in fact?

A. In her home. B. In her dream.C. In the park. 听第14段材料,回答16-18小题。(最后两小题每小题2分) ()16. What will Peter NOT do at the party?A . Play the piano and sing some songs.

B. Dance with the girl.C. Host(主持) the party ()17. When will the party begin?

A. At 7:00 am this Saturday.B. At 7:00pm this Saturday.

C. At 7:00 pm next Saturday.

()18.Why can’tthe girl’s brother Bill dance with her?

A. Because he can’t dance.

B. Because he doesn’t want to dance with the girl.C. Because he has already had another partner.



19. ---___________________? ---He has a headache.

A. What’s the matter B. What’s the wrong

C. What’s trouble D. What’s the matter with he 20. We shouldn’t eat ________ junk food .

A too many B too much C many tooD much too21. Jack got _______X-ray yesterday. A. aB. anC. theD. /

A. swimB. to swimC. swimmingD. swam23. He stopped when he saw an old man ________on the side of the road. A. lieB. lyingC. liedD. to lie

24. It takes me two hours A. doingB. to doC. didD. does 25. 27. I ran out of my money. Could you ______ me some? A. lendB. sell C. borrowD. buy

26. ---Should we go to the doctor?---No, you _________. A. shouldn’tB. can’tC. mustn’tD. couldn’t 27.I hope you next Sunday. A. seeB. to see C. seesD. seeing

28. Why don’t youyour friends for help when you are in trouble?A. ask B. to askC. asksD. asking 29. The _______man is still ________.

A. sick,sickedB. sick, illC. ill, sickD. ill, ill


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