

短文改错Unit 62

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your invite. I’m sorry I1._________________ can’t visit you on next Saturday. I’ll be very2._________________ busy that day. In the morning, I have to do 3.________________ myhomework. I have too manyhomework.4.________________ In the afternoon, I have to practice play soccer5.________________ with my classmates. In the evening, I was going to 6._______________ see a movie with my friends. It’s an new movie.7._________________ I think it’s interested and exciting. I don’t8.________________ want to miss it. Can you watch it with our next9.________________ Saturday evening? Please write me soon.10.________________ Herry

短文改错Unit 63

My name is Tom. Next week your class will have1._______________ a school trip. The one day, we will go climbing 2._______________ inthe mountains. Then we are going camp. 3._______________ In the evening, we are going to go fishing on a river 4._______________ and eat the fishes for dinner. The next day, we are going 5._______________ to visit the countryside. It is a beautifully place. We 6. _______________ can take photos and draw pictures in there. Then we 7. _______________ will go to a shop and buy lots gifts for our family 8. _______________ and friends. Finally, we are taking the school bus back9. _______________ to school. I think everyone will be happily with this trip.10. _______________ 短文改错Unit 64

Dear Jack,

I’m glad to know about your class rules. Now,

let me tell you some of our. First, we should1. ________________ get to school on time. Two, we shouldn’t 2.________________ bring food and drinks to the classroom. If we do, 3. ________________ our teachers will take it from away. Third, we should4.________________ ring our school ID cards. If we don’t do that, 5.________________ our teachers won’t let them in. Fourth, we can’t6.________________ speak loud or run in the hallways. If we do that,7._________________ our teachers won’t be happily. Fifth, we can’t speak 8.________________ China in English class.If we do, our English teacher9.________________will be angry. What do you think our class rules? 10.________________ Yours,

Li Xiang

短文改错Unit 65

Hello, my name is Olia. I am 10-year-old girl. 1. ________________ I live in Moscow, Russia. I speak Russia and English.2.________________ Russia is a very big country. In a fact, Russia is3. ________________ the big country in the world. Part of Russia 4.________________

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