

七下M11-M12复习题 2014.06



1. We Chinese often shake ________(hand) when they meet.

2. Daming, _______(put) on your coat. It’s cold outside . 3. Let _______(we) help the people in trouble.

4. It is _________(polite) to speak to the old loudly.5. How about _________(go) fishing.

6. People often wave ___________(say) goodbye.7. My mother is __________(smile) at me.

8. They are from_________(German) and they are _________(German)

9. I met some _________(visit) on my way home.10. The girl is __________(nod) her head now.

11. Lisa ________(shake) hands with the guests just now.12. They can speak _________(Russia)

13. The baby’s _______(foot) are larger. 14. I want to make ________(friend) with ________(foreign).

15. This is my __________(person) letter. You can’t read it.16. My sister is a ________(beauty) lady.

17. Eating dumlings _____(be) a ________(tradition) custom in China.

18. Don’t make any _______(noisy). Don’t be so _________(noise). The baby is sleeping.

19. Mozart is a famous _________( compose) .Liu Huan is a well-known _________(music).

20. ________(French ) is a _________(Europe) country.

21. This is my _______(old) brother and he is two years _______(old) than me.

22. The girl cried ________(sad) when she ________(hear) the bad news.

23. My glass dropped to the ground and it _______(break) into ________(piece).

24.It’s important _______(be) careful! 25.__________(not, make) any noise, your mother is sleeping.

26. We all know a Chinese soldier ________(call) Lei Feng.27. What a ________(beauty) girl she is!


1. Jo became very poor at the age of 35. (改为同义句). Jo became very poor ______ _____ _____ ____.

2. To learn to swim is difficult for me. (改为同义句). ____ _______ for me _____ learn to swim.

3. I can find nowhere to live (改为同义句)。 4.There isn’t anything in the bottle. (改为同义句) There _____ __________ in the bottle.

5. She can speak not only Chinese but also English (改同义句) She can speak ____Chinese ___English.

6. Actually I don’t like classical music. (改为同义句). ____ ______, I don’t like classical music.

7. Give me the letter. (改同义句)Give _____ ______ ______ me.

8. Our journey to Britain last summer was amazing.(改为感叹句)。

________ _______ our journey to Britain last summer was!

9. This is a perfect man (改为感叹句) _______ _______ perfect man this is!

10. Stand outside the classroom. (改为否定句)。 _____ _______ outside the classroom.

11. Please pick up that book (改为否定句) Please ______ pick up that book.

12. There is nothing in the bottle (改为反义疑问句)There is nothing in the bottle,_______ _______?

13. Your brother hardly plays football,______ _______?(改为反义疑问句)

14. He has got a violin.(用a drum改为选择疑问句)______ he __-____ a violin ______ a drum? 划线部分提问)。 ______ _______ ______ ______ _______ does Anny like?


() 1. ______ clever the boy is!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

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