

Lesson 1

I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。

1. ?I hate you!? she said to me (生气地).

2. Last night I went to the(剧院) with a good friend.

3. I got a (座位) on the bus to my parent?s house.

4. The play was very (有趣的).

5. There are two men who are (坐) in the classroom.

6. He didn?t pay any (注意) to the teacher.

7. The boy said very (粗鲁地) to that old man.

8. It isn?t polite to read other?s (私人的) letters.

II 按正确的语序将下列单词连成句子。

1. I, letter, wrote, yesterday, to, brother, my

2. angrily, he, looked, the, man, woman, and, at, the

3. enjoyed, very, I, the, much, play

4. a, man, woman, young, and, were, loudly, young, a, talking

5. they, a, new, hospital, my, in, built, hometown, last, year

III 单项选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。

( ) 1. The young man couldn?tthe bad treatment(待遇) any longer.

A. bear B. carry C. understand D. wait

( ) 2. Don?t talk with me about that again. It is none of your.

A. matter B. thing C. business D. affair

( ) 3. She turnedto see who was sitting behind her.

A. onB. offC. up D. around

( ) 4. Last week Ito see a very interesting play in the theater.

A. will go B. am goingC. wentD. have gone

( ) 5. I talked to her excitedly, but she didn?t pay anyto me.

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