

As is graphically pictured by the illustration, the overall production of tobacco worldwide shrankto 14.2 billion pounds in 1995 from 14.364 billion pounds in 1994. And the proportion of folks who are exposed to cigarette worldwide accounts for 20 percent, meanwhile, the losses for smoking are huge, that is, 200billion dollars had been wasted as well as 3 millioncitizens had been killed because of smoking. Apparently, the miniature above vividly lays bare that smoking acts as a destructive force to humanity, and people in all walks of life need to reject cigarette in an attempt to a healthier environment as well as a more harmonious community.

Yet, despite deficits and harm of cigarette are impossibly huge, there are always far too many folks prone to smoke.As a matter of fact, there are a disheartening share of young adults in the Ivory Tower who are exposed to cigarette even in the dormitory or classroom and


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