Unit7 单元测试卷


Unit7 I’m more outgoing than my sister单元检测卷



1.Your bag is smaller than______.

A.hisB.his'sC.him D.their

2.Lucy is______of the two.

A.quietB.quietest C.quieter D.the quieter

3.She is talented_______ music but I am good______ sports.

A.in, at B.at,inC.at,atD.in,in

4.This watch is ______ than that one.

A.more cheaper B.much cheapC.more cheapD.much cheaper

5.Every day his parents make him ______ on the farm.

A.to workB.working C.workD.works

6.Ann enjoys ______ music on Sundays.

A.listening to B.listening C.listen toD.listen

7.Li Lei's parents ______ doctors.

A.are allB.are bothC.all are D.both are

8.Lily is ______ shorter than Lucy.

A.veryB.too C.quite D.a little

9.This year red isn't as ______ as green.

A.popular B.more popular C.less popular D.the most popular

10.Lucy and I are best friends.She would like ______ everything with me.

A.touchB.shareC.to touch D.to share

11.He is ______ Tom,because they both enjoy playing basketball.

A.same asB.similar to C.the same as D.the similar to

12.It'll take us a whole day to get there by train.Soit's______for you to take enough food. A.necessaryB.healthy C.different D.traditional

13. _________you don’t give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.

A. As long as B. As soon as C. As well asD.As often as

14.He can speak English as well as his father______.

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